Doc Tinker

Hello World,

I want to start by giving major props to the creators and developers of today's DAW (digital audio workstation). Before I learned how to use it, I couldn't find middle-C on a piano keyboard.
Now, using my fav, FL Studios, I can reproduce just about any musical note ever created by man. I honestly hope word of this invention does not get out to the masses. Could be dangerous in the wrong hands...

As an old-school song writer I used to lament about the good old days when music had words, and words had meaning. Now, with the maturity of Rap music, it's safe to say that old-school music has now taken its rightful place --as a sub-category.

Now, after a decades-long hiatus from anything to do with music, I'm looking to retire from the real world and start writing. Again! Call it re-write if you want, but by kick-starting that journey with the song 'Mad Man in the White House', I aim to demonstrate my versatile song-writing skills to aspiring artists who need to create or project their own unique brand. Since that's hard to do without a signature song (or two) in your back pocket, my job is to help create that path.

Anyone interested should simply to the following:

Like the song & share it with your friends
Follow me on Twitter at @Doctinkr
Send an email to (include optional text/voice number)

After a quick interview, the work begins and the rewrite of your musical career begins.

See you soon,
Doc Tinker,
aka Gary