Erk the PSYchoActivIST

Simply, the annihilation of the spirits of irrefutable enemies. Utopia is a gasping, blood sputtering whore impaled by the long rusted pipe dream that is peace--resuscitation necessary...but I'm still up to the challenge. Dismembering left/ring wing agendas, challenging independents and libertarians. Spreading absolute truth, dismantling the populace's illusions, and exposing the evils of the Elite oligarchy who's squeezed the life out of humanity since the origin of civilization. Harboring malice laced hostility and inherent distrust of all politicians, making peace with my new crisis of faith in all aspects of the Federal government. Becoming closer to truth and enlightenment daily, a conscious being cluttering to absorb as much positive vibrational energies as possible and continually welcoming each celebratory heartbeat while repelling negative and contradictory vibrational frequencies.