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We are sorry for delaying Season 4 Videos. We are working on the subtitles adding to dailymotion. There's an error uploading subtitles. Dailymotion is working on it to resolve. We are also publishing a website after 6 days. All seasons & episodes will be available there.

This channel is related to Resurrection/Dirilis Ertugrul & Kurulus Osman serials all seasons.
A Turkish Series Portraying the Foundation & Formation of the "Great Ottoman Empire". Starting with the story in 12th Century with the Father of Osman (The Founder Of The Ottoman Empire), Ertugrul (from the Kayi Tribe), starring Engin Altan Düzyatan, in the namesake leading role. It shows all the struggles, they bore for the uprise of the flag of islam in the whole world.
Its a story which is related to all, it spreads the message of love & peace.