Healing Meditation Relaxing Music DJ

Healing Meditation Relaxing Music DJ

21 フォロワー
5 購読
■ Healing music

Sounds are vibrating in the air and their vibrations are heard rocking the eardrums.
It is said that a comfortable sound has the ability to heal people.

When we listen to healing music, the alpha wave is generated from the brain, the mind is relaxed and body is healed.
It is said that detox effect and metabolism increase, it can become beautiful skin.

Also as BGM, listening to increase concentration and upgrade memory, many people use isolonic tone to introduce sleep.

Many people choose sleeping BGM and working BGM, running, yoga, and listen to their favorite music.
Sound is said to have the power to recover mind and body and to improve performance.

■ Vibration frequency of sound

The number at which the sound vibrates (the number of vibrations per second) is called frequency, that unit is expressed in hertz (hz).

For example, 432 Hz.
This frequency is said to be a natural frequency connected to the universe close to the natural sound, commonly known as "Miracle Tone."
It is said that it promotes melatonin secretion and has the ultimate healing effect.

Nowadays, for happiness, life changes, money luck up, love up luck, Magic chime is popular.
There is also rumor that solfegio frequency heals disease,it is also famous.

It is said that the 528 Hz raises a miracle, it is the fundamental frequency of the Solfegio frequency.

Improve immune system and natural healing power, influence gene level.
It is said that it is even possible to repair cellular, DNA.

These two frequencies are used for music therapy, it is also used for alternative therapy as healing illness.

In addition to this, the solfegio frequency has a frequency (417 Hz) which is said to be released from stress, frequency to be connected with cosmic consciousness (956 Hz), and frequency (852 Hz) which is said to awake the soul, intuition.