Gospel EUR
God’s Rest on the Seventh Day | The Blessing of Creation | Genesis 2:1-5
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Day 6: God Creates Animals and Humanity | Genesis On Day 6, God created all land animals and then mankind in His image. Join us for this powerful moment in Genesis. ✨
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Fourth Day of Creation: Sun, Moon, and Stars | Gênesis On the fourth day, God created lights in the heavens to separate day and night.
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Third Day of Creation: Land and Seas On the third day, God gathered the waters and created dry land, calling it Earth. Watch and learn about the formation of land, seas, and the beginning of vegetation.
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Day 2 of Creation: The Firmament and Heaven - Waters Divided IGod created the firmament to separate the waters and called it Heaven. In this second day of creation, witness God’s wisdom in organizing the universe.
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Day 1 of Creation: Let There Be Light! Separation of Light and Darkness In this video, we explore the first day of creation, where God said, 'Let there be light' and separated light from darkness. A reflection on God’s power and the beauty of creation.
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Genesis 1 | Chapter 1 This video covers the creation of the heavens and the earth, as told in Genesis 1:1, when God made everything we know. Watch more videos on the Holy Bible and the Christian faith.
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The Beginning of Everything: Introduction to the Book of Genesis | Holy Bible
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