Piercing the Darkness

My name is Hattie L. Carlis. I worked for Eastman Kodak as a Field Engineer for 10 years. the latter portion of those years I began to take short-term mission trips to Liberia, West Africa.
I moved there in 2000 to serve as a full-time missionary until 2016. I worked and ministered in different capacities, however, from 2006-2009, 2012-2014 I had a weekly radio program.

The former was called "Defend the Faith" on the now defunct Star Radio. I was on the FM dial and shortwave giving me an international audience. After Star Radio closed down I moved on to other things in Liberia until 2012 the Liberia Women's Democracy Radio asked to collaborate and I began a program on their station. I changed the name at that time to Piercing the Darkness. I felt that the Defend the Faith title belonged to the Star Radio era and after reading the Piercing the Darkness novel, this title more appropriately described the messages.

My beginning podcasts are rebroadcast of my time in Liberia. I hope you enjoy and share, what I called bible lessons, but the Liberians said I was preaching. The messages are refreshing, exciting and biblically sound. They speak to our everyday lives enabling and informing us how God's word can assist us in every decision in life. I use a lot of practical application from narratives in scripture.

I returned to the States in 2016. I am currently a fulltime Junior student with a concentration in Software Applications with a minor in Religious Studies. I want to create animation in Christian education.

Your donations encourage me to begin again knowing that I am being effective, confirming what the Liberian feedback was and enabling me to see that I can speak into the lives of other nations and peoples.