Home Buyers Inventory

Home Buyers Inventory Helps Home Buyers Who Due To Credit Issues, Lack of Longevity in a Location or Self Employment – Cant Go To The Bank For A Mortgage.
I wanted to reach out and connect to ensure that I was able to help you and others who want to own their own home…

1) What we are doing here: Helping people realize there is a solution for them to own a home, even if they have bad credit, self-employed or have relocated.

2) Why do we do this? – Because there was a time in our life where we couldn’t go to the bank and get a mortgage, due to our credit. Now, it is because we are self-employed —-We’ve been there, Done That!

That’s why we help people who have bad credit; are self-employed and even those who have relocated and cant go to a bank yet and get a mortgage.

Who We Cant Help: If someone has zero, and nothing for a down payment and refuses to do what it takes for them to work towards something and want a house mortgage payment for $350 a month, then we would encourage them, to not buy a house. Monthly mortgage payments (no matter how you’re getting it) on houses are typically what it cost you to rent in the area.

Who We Can Help…: We can help people who want to Ultimately Own A Home vs Rent for the rest of their lives.
We Can Help people who want to put some skin in the game and at the same time, have that money go towards their down payment when they ultimately take ownership of the house.

Which for those wondering how much do you need —– the amount you need is silly stupid LOW.

As little as $3000 you can get into your own home. At that level, it doesn’t go towards your down payment however, you can still have your own home.

If you want it to go toward the down payment all you need is, as little as, $5000, as long as you follow through and buy the house at the end of the term. We encourage people to try and come up with that little bit of extra, for their own benefit.

For those who are able to afford the rent you would pay in the area and as