Jim Tsai
Dancing Line - The Journey (Official)
last year
Rolling Sky - Tsunami (Official) V.S. Dancing Line - Rocking Ocean (Fanmade by Zutek 3134)
last year
Wind Line - Sunset Glow (With Chart!)(Dancing Line fanmade by Li Ga Yb)
last year
Sky Cloud Story - 1st Anniversary (Dancing Line fanmade by Pumpkin_Z)
last year
Yuan Line - Rainy Flowers Dancing Line fanmade by 尘落南丘
last year
last year
Winder Studio - Wind Line - Sunrain(Dancing Line Fanmade by CIAD)
last year
ZLine - The Nightmare(Dancing line fanmade by DL Ignite)
last year
The Third Anniversary Medley (fanmade by Games__Player_0108)
last year
Wind Line - Anniversary Party (2nd Rd.) (Dancing Line fanmade by STAR-EVE, LiGaYb, GP0108)
last year
Winder Studio - Wind Line - Autumn Light(Dancing Line Fanmade by STAR-EVE)
last year
Wind Line - Anniversary Party (1st Rd.) (Dancing Line fanmade by STAR - EVE & LiGaYb & GP0108)
last year
Wind Line - Peak (Dancing Line Fanmade by 寒鷹SHADOW)
last year
Dancing Line-The City by 24k Despiar & nullptr (fanmade)
last year
Dancing lineThe Spring Festival P2 fanmade by WindTime-DL
last year
Dancing Line 最初的夢 fanmade by XhenLuo NanQiu
last year
Dancing lineThe Twilight fanmade by SixSquares
last year
Dancing line The Summer Holiday fanmade by NateTH
last year
Dancing line The Video Game(Soundtrack)
last year
Dancing line The World fanmade by Lan
last year
Dancing line The Video Game(Official)
last year
Dancing line trip fanmade by辣鸡小汤圆qwq(要看到後半段)
last year
Dancing line Time Leaper (Fragment) (fanmade by BlueDawn)
last year
Dancing line The Shelter fanmade by BluesDawn
last year
Dancing line The Star tea fanmade by buns27
last year
Dancing line The spring festival fanmade by nullptr
last year
Dancing line the romance (super widescreen)
last year
Dancing line the Romance soundtrack
last year
Dancing line The Peaceful Stagnantion fanmade by Max冰焰
last year
Dancing line The Samurai(Soundtrack)
last year