This is primarily an Entertainment Channel. It handles the best of the latest Gossip, News, Opinions and all breathtaking stories in the Entertainment Industry. The channel has WADE XP as the main man behind everything that happens on this channel: from filming, to presentation to editing, in other words, ETV is " A ONE MAN TV". WADE XP original names Wampula Denis is an experienced writer who started his writing career at the age of 13 when still in High School. At the age of 18, he started Writting for Ugandan tabloid , Redpepper. He successfully wrote for the Weekly Reporter, Weekly Message, the spy and the Flames Newspapers. WADE XP is a Graduate Teacher of English and Literature. WADE XP has published two works, a short novel "Sweet Kasamu" about high school life, and an English handbook titled, " Ground Leveled English". He has held positions as a Reporter, Funs Editor, International News Editor, Sub News Editor and as well as Chief Editor. He also writes Plays, Short stories and Poems.

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