Loic Rathscheck

When people ask me where I am from, my answer has to be larger than just one country. I was born in France, spent formative years in the United States, returned to France and now reside in Germany. My education, both intellectual and artistic, has been greatly influenced by the character and colour of these countries, as well as the many others I have visited.

How did I get into making animation videos? A couple of years ago, I had in mind to produce a dark video featuring some of my studio equipment. The film quality of my camera was poor and besides, I was a novice. That’s where I had the idea to use bulb photography, in other words, long exposure shots as single frames for my video.

After experimenting a few times with such videos, I realized that this best represented my vision of time and space or let’s say, of the world we live in. Even though hours and hours of tedious work are required for only a short amount of material, I enjoy doing this and finishing a video is extremely gratifying.

I also love music and photography, where I can best express my synesthetic perceptions. Synesthesia a cross over, or mixing of the senses. In other words I am able „to see“ sound and frequencies.

I hope you will have as much fun watching these videos as I had making them. Thanks for stopping by on my daily motion page.
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