ChealseaLina Tan

ChealseaLina Tan

Who's NERD here?

Topic is The Tenth Dimension look at my website url there's a flash on how they explain the Tenth Dimension.

It looks like dimensions follow a pattern of: line, split, fold with dimensions 1-3 through space, dimensions 4-6 through time, and dimensions 7-9 through initial conditions. the model is appealing. it attempts to explain not only space and time, but also probability, human perception, and causality. but at the same time, there is no evidence given supporting the model and im too lazy to read up anymore on it.

any physics nerds here? is the flash accurate? is there any proof supporting or contradicting the model of the dimensions? is there any substance to string theory or is it just speculative fodder

Guess I'm NERD in my Friends list I like this topic though I'm not of physicist so I can't judge in this matter. Enjoy while it last!!!

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