Magpie ♎ Charm

Magpie ♎ Charm

Hello to all ye beautiful citizens of the world & welcome to this open & inviting space of
Magpie ♎ Charm & ManKymush ֎ ProduKtions. Ye can call me Magpie or ManKymush.
Whats with the capitol K ye might asK ?, well K or Ki is an old Sumerian reference for Mother Earth. It also represents the sonic Keys i.e yes notes & the ambiguous
unlocKing of closed doors. Got it !
Ever since I have been here, I have generally being doing creative projects through music scoring, writing, performing & producing, hence the creation of
ManKymush ֎ ProduKtions.
Approximately one year ago I quit my employ of over 18 years in the corporate sector. It had served me well up to 2017, but I needed a change in my life direction. What I now Know is my true calling, i.e. to pursue a very possible career in music or passing on life sKills to the upcoming generations. Ya Know if time flies & your passion is strong with a true sense of inner conviction, sticK to it. Ye may not get rich doing it, but peace of mind
& inner peace is something you cannot buy anywhere, it needs to come from within.
Recently I have found that I love to write, yes pen to paper, thoughts, dreams, nightmares, life events that may or may not have been fully addressed. It is a Kin to
a quiet healing or venting of the spleen - literally in my case (more on this later). It is so much different than
songwriting which I honestly find quite cathartic & painful, even with a simple ditty or maybe even social commentary I struggle to bind the bridge between soundtracK & wordplay. I'm not saying that I can not do it, it just does not come easy to me.
So here I commence the next phase of myself the Magpie, so join me on this truly amazing roller coaster of life through thicK & thin, swings & roundabouts & what ever else this crazy world can throw at us ... bring it on !
Fíor do chara agus ó anam go anamacha (native gaelic)
- Truly your friend & from soul to souls
Magpie ♎ Charm