MascommLCWU webtv

MascommLCWU webtv

Welcome to Lahore College for Women University, a university that has been empowering generations of women through higher education and opening the doors of employability and entrepreneurship for almost a century. Being a progressive university it aims to come up to the standards of top international universities. New disciplines and new programs are being introduced, and a multi-disciplinary approach to higher education is being emphasized. In order to effectively utilize human and economic resources, vigorous training of faculty, administration and support staff is being carried out by the Directorate of Faculty Development and Internationalization. International collaborations with top ranking universities in UK, US and Australia are in progress to keep pace with modern techniques being introduced in higher education. A rigorous internal quality assurance system has been introduced for consistent and catalytic improvement in the performance of the university in accordance with LCWU Vision 2020. Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) is there to foster a link between academic research and industry, promoting innovative research and encouraging university-industry collaborations in keeping with the vision of the Government to upgrade and modernize higher education in the country.

Development of physical infrastructure of the university and facilities for students, faculty and staff are continuing at a rapid pace to enhance the standards of education and to create an environment conducive to learning. Active Citizen Program (ACP) in collaboration with the British Council, the Career Counseling and Job Placement Center (CCJP) facilitates job placement ready to work graduates. LCWU focuses on employability and entrepreneurship as the key features of Vision 2020. In order to make higher education accessible to highly-meritorious but financially constrained students, scholarships are offered by LCWU at undergraduate and graduate level.

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