
Misha Mamedov

A former U.S.S.R. born American pop/rock singer and songwriter hailing from New York City, Misha Mamedov is a classically trained clarinet player. Born into a family of musicians, Misha was raised listening to his guitarist father's, and drummer uncle's Beatles, Jimmy Hendrix records, amongst many others. After attaining his B.A. in Music from upstate New York's Hartwick College, Misha decided to devote his musicianship to songwriting, a skill he perfected during his mandatory ear-training classes at a children's prep school for professional musicians in his native, now Turkmenistan. Straight after school, having moved to NYC in pursuit of a music career, Misha first played and taught woodwind instruments and piano at various New York venues and music schools. Exposed to the atmosphere of the metropolis's multitude of cultures, including music and dance scenes, Misha honed his songwriting skills and recorded his First Album, also known as "Flying" in 2005. Re-recorded in 2009, the album was influenced by the music of late 80's-early 90's, the time when Misha first started buying CD's of his then favorite artists George Michael, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Elton John, Queen. A year later Misha started working on his second album Walking On Fire. During the course of recording of the album, Misha released 4 records which were accompanied by music videos, including See You Tonight and First One. It took several more months to complete the 10-track album; Walking On Fire was released in March of 2012. The producer of the record, Misha plays the keyboards and guitars on the album.