On Aura Tout Vu

On Aura Tout Vu

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Born from the combination of three iconoclastic temperament the asp company was founded in 1995, and became in 1998 on aura tout vu, smiling and referring to the French expression which means “you think you’ve seen it all “..... A maximalist style, abounding and unusual with a challenging spirit. Yassen Samouilov, Livia Stoianova and André de Sa Pessoa are the founders of the "on aura tout vu" house.
Brand spirit of on aura tout vu:
on aura tout vu loves to distort fashion and glam. everyday clothes, accessories, bags, glasses, jewels… as well as cars, cell phones , computer mouse, USB keys and other trinkets of our ultra –active and trendy lifestyle.
In a spray of sequins and preciosity, with flashes of crystal and magical stuff, the spirit of the designers of on aura tout vu “re-dresses” our daily life, showing us new facets, giving it sparkle, and offering it back to us shiny, precious and rafined..
All of the fashion-wear that they have imagined has employed the same spirit of distortion and fantasia, a desire to play with fabrics, objects, light, colors, so that true and false are always intermingling….and what if the false were true? said the queen as she delved into the looking glass, because in the wonderland only truth can harm beauty.