The Revolution begins now. Welcome to the world of all solutions. We believe in dealing with reality, rather than showing people fake dreams. That is what we strive for, showing that we are One, we are United, we are Pakistan. We believe in dealing with the issues in a democratic manner rather than superimposing our authority on the minds of our youth. It is important that the youth should work for the betterment of motherland, but it is the responsibility of the elders to guide when the youth seeks one. Our leaders Qauid e Azam, Dr. Allama Mohammad Iqbal and Sir Syed Ahmad Khan believed in the talents and the capabilities of youth of Pakistan. Today, it is very unfortunate that the youth today are ready to deliver the goods, but people either don?t believe or don?t want to believe them. Today, we are faced with the biggest debacles in history. When we look around, all we see is a huge line of talented guys and girls all waiting for an opportunity or a proper platform, to show what they are really capable of, PYSF aims to work for the same. It is better to see and believe rather than having a blind faith. We also collaborated with different organizations of youth such as Youth Forum Media Group and Youth Social Awakers to share and promote the events of youth seminars and mega events. We have invited Shehla Raza, Taj Haider, N.D Khan, Shahid Masroor, Faheem Siddiqui, Mazhar Abbas, Ameen Yousuf, Nadeem Sheikh Advocate, to our events.