Extraits Jvmpdt Mada

  • il y a 9 ans
Extraits du film "Je veux ma part de Terre - Madagascar" (posté le 15/08/2015)
00:00This action actually is as if that did not exist.
00:04They say nothing, they have nothing.
00:06They claim something, they are not listened to
00:09and when they demonstrate their discontent,
00:12there is a teargas bomb
00:14and Fort-Dauphin has never experienced that before
00:17but an observation is that
00:20since Rio Tinto has been there,
00:22there is no peace in Fort-Dauphin.
00:27It is supposed to bring back development. No!
00:32We only know the little wars on the left and the problems
00:39of money on the right, the problems of land, etc.
00:42Now we are a town specialising in strikes.
00:46There is no other town that goes on strike as much as Fort-Dauphin
00:50since Rio Tinto arrived.
00:54It is the state that reaps the financial benefit,
00:58not us the people from the region of Anosy.
01:01There is even a child who is always applying for work
01:06at QMM but is always unsuccessful.
01:10QMM brings in people from Tana to work here
01:14as opposed to giving their children work who are here.
01:18Yes, it has always been like that.
01:19Even I as Deputy have asked them.
01:23They believe themselves to be masters of the places,
01:26unfortunately it is the financing
01:28which comes from a democratic state
01:31but they believe themselves really...
01:34for me it amounts to arrogance.
01:37For example, the port of Fort-Dauphin,
01:38I am the Deputy,
01:41for me this port is like Montreal,
01:44but not Fort-Dauphin
01:46because I have never had the opportunity
01:48to be able to visit.
01:51I had only gone there once as Deputy,
01:54nevertheless I do not ask permission
01:57to circulate in my own district
02:02as a VIP or Deputy
02:04No ! They prevented me from going
02:07there and I have never seen this port with my own eyes
02:10It might just as well be a port like Montreal!
02:39These are farmers who live here in Ehoala.
02:42They are sad about what has happened since the arrival of QMM
02:49because they have taken all their land here.
02:58There are areas that QMM priced at 4000 or 5000 ariary
03:06per square meter but QMM is valuing
03:10their land at 500 Francs per square meter.
03:16It is the administrative committee
03:20who set the price to buy the land
03:23at 500 Francs per square meter.
03:29We were forced to sign the document.
03:32But wait! Because there was an outcry and the amount is rising
03:44They have misled us
03:45They have deceived us
03:47We have complained since 2005
03:50right up to now, nothing.
03:53So we carried out a blockade here for a week
03:57and it is only now that the leader of the region
04:02has set the rural land price and the town land price.
04:10He told us there on the road
04:14"You are right and we are going to settle this.
04:20Lift your barrier
04:23and let's sort this out round a table".
04:29We sat round a table and up to now
04:32there has been no response
04:35to our demands that they pay us the 3000 ariary
04:38because the 500 francs is given to QMM.
04:42It is the price of the road and the port
04:46but not the price of that.
04:49The price for that is what we want
04:51because we know that the land
04:53will never be returned to us
04:57because it is State by State, it is hard
05:03because it is the world bank who governs
05:05the State of Madagascar and the Canadian state
05:10which has bought the land
05:12and we do not have the strength to fight against that.