Découvrez LE THÈME DYNAMIQUE de LIONEL PICORD avec son 1er invité ALI TEBIZ ou comment conjuguer du cardio, du renforcement musculaire et de la boxe sans s'ennuyer ! À vous de jouer avec le 2ème cours BIENVENUE DANS MES VIDÉOS !
Discover the DYNAMIC THEME of LIONEL PICORD with his first guest ALI TEBIZ or how to combine the cardio, muscle strengthening and boxing without getting bored ! Let's go for the 2nd lesson of WELCOME IN MY VIDEOS !
Director : Jean-Charles Dugué
& Lionel Picord : https://www.facebook.com/Lionel-Picord-Officiel-179591932231760/?fref=ts
Music : "War 2008" by DJ SKALP + "Pure China" by CHRIS HAIGH (licence www.premiumbeat.com)
Audio FX by www.premiumbeat.com
Featuring & Thanks : Yann Branchard - Steed - Ali Tebiz & Mehdi Otmane (KFBC Clichy) - Karim Aliouane (La Salle Boxing Club) - Mehdi Karlito Ben Rabeh (Team CDK) - Cédric Anad (Levallois Sporting Club) - Toumi Zeghoubi (Paris Fight) - Booster - Metal Boxe - Tapout - Everlast - Joya - Montana - Twins - Levallois Sporting Club
PARIS FIGHT Shop (Toumi Zeghoubi)
50, rue Palloy 92110 Clichy-La-Garenne
E-mail: parisfight@free.fr
Tél: 01 40 87 08 75
Open from Monday to Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Support the initiative PARIS FIGHT !
DAILYMOTION: http://www.dailymotion.com/PARIS_FIGHT
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/madeinparisfight
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/PARIS-FIGHT-Officiel-522622257761061/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Paris_Fight
Discover the DYNAMIC THEME of LIONEL PICORD with his first guest ALI TEBIZ or how to combine the cardio, muscle strengthening and boxing without getting bored ! Let's go for the 2nd lesson of WELCOME IN MY VIDEOS !
Director : Jean-Charles Dugué
& Lionel Picord : https://www.facebook.com/Lionel-Picord-Officiel-179591932231760/?fref=ts
Music : "War 2008" by DJ SKALP + "Pure China" by CHRIS HAIGH (licence www.premiumbeat.com)
Audio FX by www.premiumbeat.com
Featuring & Thanks : Yann Branchard - Steed - Ali Tebiz & Mehdi Otmane (KFBC Clichy) - Karim Aliouane (La Salle Boxing Club) - Mehdi Karlito Ben Rabeh (Team CDK) - Cédric Anad (Levallois Sporting Club) - Toumi Zeghoubi (Paris Fight) - Booster - Metal Boxe - Tapout - Everlast - Joya - Montana - Twins - Levallois Sporting Club
PARIS FIGHT Shop (Toumi Zeghoubi)
50, rue Palloy 92110 Clichy-La-Garenne
E-mail: parisfight@free.fr
Tél: 01 40 87 08 75
Open from Monday to Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Support the initiative PARIS FIGHT !
DAILYMOTION: http://www.dailymotion.com/PARIS_FIGHT
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/madeinparisfight
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/PARIS-FIGHT-Officiel-522622257761061/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Paris_Fight