• 11 years ago
Tommy Wiseau created a contemporary crap classic with his incomprehensibly egocentric love story The Room. No isolated scene or sequence can possibly capture the magical trainwreck quality of the mysteriously accented writer/director/actor’s debut, but this trailer sums things ups fairly well.

You get to see Wiseau’s entire emotional range in the film, from the dazed smile he has while happy to the dazed smile he has while upset. A few of his endless candlelit sex scenes even make the trailer, most likely because Wiseau is simply unwilling to allow any footage of his film to get out into the public without highlighting at least a few seconds of him without a shirt. In fact, all of the best scenes get at least a moment of screen time in the trailer, as if Wiseau knew which of the worst ones would catch on. Perhaps the best parts of this bad movie trailer are the unattributed quotes that appear at the end, masquerading as lines from reviews. I’m sure someone described The Room as a film “with the passion of Tennessee Williams” and “the best movie of the year,” but it was probably Wiseau himself while editing the trailer.
