• 8 years ago
Hossein Qazwini Promotes Praising Aisha & Does 'taqiyyah'
An extract from: CIMS Sunni Shia Discussion on 'The concept and nature of Sahaba in light of Shi'i perspective' at the renowned Al-Mahdi Institute.
A full analysis of the Q and A must be presented at a further point, where a bunch of unaccredited lay people in the guise of Pseudo-Neo Liberal intellectuals pretend to engage in scholarly theology (some unaware of Sabb being in our major source texts whilst others claiming that Ta'an is separate from Sabb and is considered appropriate according to Sunni theology!!!).
In this lecture, Sayyed Hossein Qazwini makes several claims such as:
1) La'an not being allowed and something which the 'Ulema are against
In addition to referring to others as being more extreme and claiming that those against Sabb and La'an are moderates.
It is one thing to go around in a state of Taqiyyah saying one thing in Pakistan and in the Adhamiyya district of Baghdad, the Anbar province perhaps and another to do it in an open dialogue amongst scholarly and respected individuals. How do we know it's Taqiyyah?
We'll short of the Sayyed waking up with short term memory loss, then his previous trap record should speak for itself, here it is for your benefit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KudLm... (Biography of Omar, totally respectful and what was aired for the guys on the night.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEG5Z... (Abu Bakr)
Sayyed Hossein's father, his eminence Murtadha Qazwini does Takfir of certain Sahaba
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n314U... (Takfir of Khalid ibn al-Walid)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSPdA... (Murtadha Qazwini has some fascinating things to say about Muawiya's lineage)
A question for Sayyed Hossein and the Mahdi Institute, are they planning to write to the Maraja'a about these clips too?!


