NEW BUSHCRAFT CAMP! - Building a Natural Camp - Camp Mount - Episode 4

  • 5 years ago
Starting off what I call "Camp Mount". Today I cleaned out the area, gathered supplies and started work on the shelter. The area I chose to build in is sadly on the side of a mountain. Right below the run off of a stream, meaning the area around, and even below where I'm building is completely soaked. When I punch a stake into the ground 4 inches, I can see water. Although it's okay considering I'm making a raised bed and eventually a table to put all my gear on.

Počinjem ono što ja zovem "Kamp Mount". Danas sam očistio područje, prikupio zalihe i počeo raditi na skloništu. Područje koje sam odabrao za gradnju nažalost je na strani planine. Odmah ispod zaleta potoka, što znači područje oko, pa čak i ispod mjesta gdje ja gradim, potpuno je natopljeno. Kada udarim ulog u zemlju 4 inča, mogu vidjeti vodu. Iako je u redu s obzirom da pravim podignut krevet i na kraju stol da stavim svu opremu.


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