• 7 years ago
Dynasty Warriors 9 is a hack and slash game played from a third-person perspective with stealth elements. The game revamps the gameplay of the series with the introduction of the open world environment. A traversable map of China is implemented which the player can freely roam on foot, horseback or boat, the game focuses on livable environments such as cities and towns as well as places where large battles take place. The characters' move-set combinations is also revised.[6][7]

The player can invade and infiltrate enemy fortifications with the utilization of a grappling hook. A day-night cycle and dynamic weather system is also featured in the game. Time and weather now change in real time, and enemy vision is affected at night-time or when it is raining. The map will advance in time when main story missions are completed, but are described as having a "high degree of difficulty" which can be lowered by completing associated side missions.[3]

The player can customize and decorate hideouts with furniture bought from merchants. Certain items have different effects; for example, placing a gong in the house and interacting with it will allow the player to change the background music.[8] Teahouses found in the game can advance time and provide food that can be used to temporarily raise the stats of playable characters, such as raising their attack strength or increasing the height of their jump.[9] The game also includes fishing, collecting resources to upgrade weapons and characters, camping, and other recreational events as well.[10]

《真·三国无双8》(日版名:真・三國無双8,英文版名:Dynasty Warriors 9)是由光荣特库摩制作发行的《真·三国无双》系列第8作,也是系列首次采用开放世界的设计。

游戏于2018年2月8日在PlayStation 4平台率先推出,繁体中文、简体中文版与日文同步发售。Xbox One和Windows版本于2月13日全球发售;Xbox One版本与PS4版本同样带有繁、简体中文内容,但Windows版本通过Steam网络商店首先推出英文版(日、英语语音),而其中文版(普通话语音)预计同年4月发行。

