• 7 years ago

Tax benefits are subject to provisions as per Income Tax Act, 1961. Tax laws are subject to changes
The nominee will receive lumpsum payment in case of the demise of the life assured
This feature is available on the Income option, Extra Life Income option and Income Replacement option subject to terms & conditions. For more details please read product brochure carefully
This feature is available with all 9 plan options subject to terms & conditions. For more details please read product brochure carefully.
Online Premium for Income Option, Male Life Assured, 25 years of age, Lumpsum Benefit of Rs. 10 Lakh & Monthly Income of Rs. 50,000 - Level Cover for 15 years (Total Income Benefit of Rs. 90 Lakh) , Policy term of 30 years, regular pay, annual frequency, exclusive of Service tax & Other Statutory Levies. (Annual Premium of Rs.5901/12 = 492)
These are total number of policies sold (irrespective of the current status) from the inception till 30th November 2016
Occurrence of these events must be during the policy term
The claim statistics is for quarter ended 31st December 2016, and is a combined claims ratio for Individual & Group claims, computed basis claims settled over total claims for the quarter (Unaudited).
Provided we have received all the relevant and required documents and no further investigation is required. Claim settlement process would be completed within stipulated timelines once the claim request is approved
Reference: RDA sponsored report by NCAER (National Council of Applied Economic Research) report "Pre-launch Survey Report of Insurance Awareness Campaign" released in 2011 and sponsored by IRDA, Page 2, Subhead: 1.2 Importance of Insurance, last paragraph, bottom right at the following link http://www.policyholder.gov.in/uploads/CEDocuments/Insurance%20Awareness%20Survey%20Report.pdf
Global Benefits Attitudes Survey conducted by global professional services company Towers Watson and released in August 2014, reference to be found in the headline of the page https://www.towerswatson.com/en-IN/Press/2014/08/Indian-Global-Benefits-Attitudes-Survey
Annual Premium for Male, 30 years of age, non-smoker, Life Option, Including Taxes and Levies as applicable, for online purchase only.
Report on Medical Certification of Cause of Death published by Government of India in 2012, Page 25, Table: Statement 3.4: Distribution of Medically Certified Deaths by Sex and Eight Leading Cause-Groups during 2012 http://www.censusindia.gov.in/2011-Documents/mccd_Report1/MCCD_2012.pdf
Critical illness feature is available only with 3D Life option and 3D Life Long Protection option subject to conditions. For detailed information, please read the product brochure carefully.
Monthly income feature is applicable with the Income, Extra Life Income and Income replacement options. The monthly income and its term needs to selected at inception. Whole life cover is present with Life Long Protection option and 3D Life long Protection option. Survival benefit in form of return of the premiums paid is available with Return on Premium option. For detailed information on each plan option, please read the product brochure carefully.
The increased benefit will continue till earlier of the increased Sum Insured becomes 200% of the Initial Sum Insured or happening on Claim event.
The amount is calculated for illustration purpose on your chosen sum insured. You will receive monthly income equal to 1% of applicable Sum Insured for next 5 policy years
For detailed breakup of the milestones for pay out and waiver of premium, please refer to the product brochure
Income benefit is payable in Platinum Option only on diagnosis of Major Stage Cancer. The benefits for Early Stage Cancer or Carcinoma-in-situ (CIS) shall be payable only once during the policy term. On payment of benefits for Major Cancer stage, the benefits under the policy will terminate and no further benefits will be payable. Any outstanding Income Benefits will be paid as scheduled
12 times the then Increased Monthly Income paid as Lumpsum Benefit + Level/ Increasing Income for Residual Policy Term paid to the nominee and the policy terminates.
Total Premiums paid = Annualised Premium (Excluding Taxes and levies as applicable) ✗ number of years (or part thereof) for which premiums have been paid
This is applicable with the HDFC Life Critical Illness plus Rider. A lump sum benefit equal to the Sum Insured shall be payable, if the life assured survives for a period of 30 days following the diagnosis of any of the specified 19 critical illnesses. For detailed information, please read the product brochure carefully.
This is applicable with the HDFC Life Income Benefit on Accidental Disability Rider. In the event of Total Permanent Disability due to accident, you will be paid a


