• 5 years ago
Today in this publication we are going to learn about the Forex Major Pairs, Minor Pairs, Cross Currency Pairs, and Exotic Currency Pairs. - Detailing 7 major currency pairs, 24 minors, and exotic pairs.

This video is in the Hindi Language.

To watch the English version of this video follow: https://dai.ly/x71yb43
To watch the Bengali version of this video follow: https://dai.ly/x71yb42

As we know Forex means Foreign Exchange. It is also known as currency trading.

Today, in this video I’ll explain what is major pair? What is minor pair? What is an exotic pair? In which currency pairs you should trade and which you should avoid?

This video is a part of Forex Market Basics for Beginners video series. This topic will help you to understand the concept of currency pair and exchange rate.

Watch this video and visit the main article to learn more.

Link to the main website article: https://www.financeorigin.com/major-minor-exotic-currency-pairs-forex-trading/

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