India cricket captain Virat Kohli couldn’t stop chatting with actress and wife Anushka Sharma at the Mumbai airport late on Sunday as they returned home after celebrating Diwali.
Paparazzi spotted the celebrity couple soon as they came out of the arrival terminal at the Mumbai airport and then followed them all the way to their car.
Virat and Anushka were seen chatting all the way from the terminal to their car parked some distanced away. Virat put her hand around Anushka and seemed to be ushering her through the way, resting her arm on her shoulder, as paparazzi pursued them all along.
Paparazzi spotted the celebrity couple soon as they came out of the arrival terminal at the Mumbai airport and then followed them all the way to their car.
Virat and Anushka were seen chatting all the way from the terminal to their car parked some distanced away. Virat put her hand around Anushka and seemed to be ushering her through the way, resting her arm on her shoulder, as paparazzi pursued them all along.