How to do Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose)

  • 5 years ago
Hasta Padasana is also called as Hand To Foot Pose in English. Hastapadasana is the basic yoga pose which is very effective to cure constipation, hair loss, back pain and also beneficial to increase height. In Sanskrit language, hasta means – “hand“, pada means – “foot” and asana means “pose“. Hastapadasana is also known as standing forward bend pose, foot to hand forward bend posture.

.Stand straight with an erect spine.
.Both the legs should touch each other.
.Now take a deep breath (inhale) and bring your both the hand above your head. Hands should be straight.
.Now while breathing out (exhaling ), bend forward from your waist and try to touch your feet with both the hands.
.Do not bend your knees. Your head should be in contact with the knees.
.Hold this position for few seconds and breathe normally.
.Now while inhaling come back to starting position.

Benefits from asana are
Effective to increase height.
Reduce belly fat and gives flat stomach.
Cures stomach disorder like constipation.
Strengthens the spine and brings flexibility.
Stop hair loss problems.
Increase blood circulation in the brain.
Beneficial to reduce menstrual problems.
Stimulates nervous system.
Improves body posture.

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