• last year
Karen Adwhali of Nomad Opening Doors, which helps people to transition out of homelessness, said that it has had so many referrals since January that it has nowhere left to place people


00:00 So I'm talking to Karen Audley of Nomad and you've called a meeting today at the Sheffield
00:09 Town Hall to talk about Sheffield's housing crisis. Do you want to say about what exactly
00:13 you're worried about?
00:14 So Nomad is a homeless charity that helps single people moving to shared accommodation.
00:15 In September we found out that the government policy had changed and that new refugees were
00:16 being asked to leave their accommodation after seven days. We're a little bit shocked by
00:17 that because we thought that was a bit of a shame. But we're very happy that we've
00:18 got a new charity that's helping people to move to shared accommodation.
00:19 So we're very happy that we've got a new charity that's helping people to move to
00:20 shared accommodation.
00:21 So we're very happy that we've got a new charity that's helping people to move to
00:22 shared accommodation.
00:23 So we're very happy that we've got a new charity that's helping people to move to
00:30 shared accommodation.
00:31 So we're very happy that we've got a new charity that's helping people to move to
00:32 shared accommodation.
00:33 So we're very happy that we've got a new charity that's helping people to move to
00:34 shared accommodation.
00:35 So we're very happy that we've got a new charity that's helping people to move to
00:36 shared accommodation.
00:37 So we're very happy that we've got a new charity that's helping people to move to
00:38 shared accommodation.
00:39 So we're very happy that we've got a new charity that's helping people to move to
00:40 shared accommodation.
00:41 So we're very happy that we've got a new charity that's helping people to move to
00:42 shared accommodation.
00:43 So we're very happy that we've got a new charity that's helping people to move to
00:44 shared accommodation.
00:45 So we're very happy that we've got a new charity that's helping people to move to
01:06 shared accommodation.
01:30 We have done everything we can to get private landlords interested in working with us because
01:35 we understand the limitation of council.
01:36 We understand if you're in non-priority need that you're not going to get a more
01:37 than council flat because they're not available.
01:38 So quite often the only option is shared housing, which is given the cost of living crisis,
01:49 is an absolutely affordable option.
01:53 We have moved heaven and earth for advertising.
01:56 We have done everything we can to get more people, more landlords to work with us.
02:00 So I heard about Siam Mic, so I joined Siam Mic where we could talk about this together.
02:06 Then I was invited to another meeting where some of the councillors were there and some
02:10 of them said we need an event, so we were organising it.
02:13 We wanted to get people together to not talk about oh dear this is shocking, but to say
02:19 this is what we're going to do.
02:21 One of the people we invited, he's a plumber, one of our plumbers, and he just said this
02:27 is my city, this is my responsibility, so we all need to get together.
