• 4 years ago
In 1961, William Branham prophesied that the entire nation of Israel would be converted to his "Message" cult following in one single day. This was in reference to an upcoming world revival tour that did not happen before Branham's death in 1965. According to Branham, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was not for the Jews. Branham strongly disagreed with Romans 1:16 and claimed that the "Message", which he considered a new "Gospel of Divine Healing" he called "The Message", was the "gospel" that would "save" the Jews.

That’s when I tried to tell this brother setting over here, that’s talking about going to Israel, stay away from Israel! Stay away from it, all you people talking about converting the Jews. Before this Message is over, you’ll see it’s THUS SAITH THE LORD, by Word and by Spirit. Israel will be converted over, the whole nation, in one night. The Bible said so. But the Gospel is not even to them. There is a few renegades that’s out, and so forth like that, that come in, and outside the main body of Jews, that come in and get saved. That’s true. I believe that with all my—my heart. But, remember, as long as Israel is out of their nation, they cannot be saved. Now they are returning. And they’ll be saved, all the whole nation, in one day. The Bible said so. One day; will bring, completely, all Israel right back to God. There will be such a mighty thing strike Israel one of these days, until it’ll shake the whole nation. Even the prophet cried out, and said, “In one day has thou did this.” In one day, they will see It. There’ll be a mighty thing. My opinion, it’ll be a mighty prophet that’ll rise and stand before Israel, and prove to them that that Messiah is still a living.
Branham, William. 1961, July 30. Gabriel's Instructions To Daniel (61-0730M).
Shortly before his death, William Branham began promoting that world tour, claiming that the nation of France would also be converted.

I understood that in France, this morning, there’s better than two thousand Frenchmen on a several-day fast that we’ll come bring the Message to France in French. The whole Protestant nation, Protestant part of the nation of France. And so we are… 5 It’s just begin blooming now, just begin, the shuck’s pulling away so the wheat can lay out there now. See? So just keep reverent, keep praying. See? Remember, “They that wait upon the Lord, renew their strength.” 6 Now, there’s…I was…getting pretty old, and I thought, “Will I…Will there be another revival, I’ll see another time?” And just remember, from the west will come a white horse rider. We’ll ride this trail again. That’s right. Soon as we get ready. It’s a promise, you see."
Branham, William. 1965, November 28. God's Only Provided Place Of Worship (65-1128M).


