Rocky King Detective: One Minute for Murder
Rocky King Detective (also known as Inside Detective) is an American action/crime drama series that was broadcast live on the DuMont Television Network. The series ran from 1950 to 1954.
Roscoe Karns stars as the title character whose job is "chief of homicide" of Manhattan's 24th Police Precinct. During the first three seasons, Earl Hammond portrayed King's partner, Detective Sgt. Lane. During the final two seasons, Karns' real life son Todd portrayed King's partner Detective Hart. Rounding out the cast was Grace Carney as the voice of King's oft-rambling but always off-camera wife, Mabel, who provided a sort of comic relief for the series.
The majority of DuMont shows were known for their austere budgets. This one fit in perfectly because it was broadcast live from the actual corridors and offices of DuMont. Despite its low budget and limited nationwide audience (the DuMont network owned a limited number of stations), Rocky King was DuMont's most popular and longest running show.
Text from wikipedia
Rocky King Detective (also known as Inside Detective) is an American action/crime drama series that was broadcast live on the DuMont Television Network. The series ran from 1950 to 1954.
Roscoe Karns stars as the title character whose job is "chief of homicide" of Manhattan's 24th Police Precinct. During the first three seasons, Earl Hammond portrayed King's partner, Detective Sgt. Lane. During the final two seasons, Karns' real life son Todd portrayed King's partner Detective Hart. Rounding out the cast was Grace Carney as the voice of King's oft-rambling but always off-camera wife, Mabel, who provided a sort of comic relief for the series.
The majority of DuMont shows were known for their austere budgets. This one fit in perfectly because it was broadcast live from the actual corridors and offices of DuMont. Despite its low budget and limited nationwide audience (the DuMont network owned a limited number of stations), Rocky King was DuMont's most popular and longest running show.
Text from wikipedia