• 5 years ago
This is a 12 person tournament format featuring 12 fighters, each with their own backgrounds; including expert analysis. Each match is best of 5 and all entrants are played by the computer on hard mode - matches are not predetermined.

PandaNinja v Desiree
Crystal v Evilbloodude
Gamerchick v Gravehawk
Phillip v Dynamite
First round byes ~ Jaycee, Indigodye, Desert Darlin', Zannara

Link to part 2 ~ https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7w3so8

Feel free to find me on Twitch and Twitter!

Twitch ~ https://www.twitch.tv/jayceeauth
Twitter ~ https://twitter.com/Jaycee1786
Donate ~ https://streamlabs.com/jayceeauth/tip

*A video dedicated to some of my greatest friends and supporters. Thanks guys!*

Music: Phyrnna ~ https://www.phyrnna.com