• 4 years ago
Please see vocabulary, flash cards, grammar etc. for this lesson on: https://www.chinesepod.com/4305


Key Vocabulary:
报到 - bàodào - to report for duty
跑龙套 - pǎolóngtào - to play a small role
公家 - gōngjiā - the public
单位 - dānwèi - work unit (place of employment)
铁饭碗 - tiěfànwǎn - secure employment (lit. iron rice bowl)
生锈 - shēngxiù - to rust
私人 - sīrén - private
升职 - shēngzhí - to get promoted (at work)
靠谱 - kàopǔ - reliable
半吊子 - bàndiàozi - dabbler; sb who is not deeply engaged in something
踢皮球 - tīpíqiú - pass the buck (lit. kick a ball)
打太极 - dǎtàijí - dodge responsibilities (lit. Tai Chi Chinese martial arts)
宁愿 - nìngyuàn - would rather
卷铺盖 - juǎnpūgài - to pack one's things and leave
周旋 - zhōuxuán - to socialize; to deal with
见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话 - jiànrénshuōrénhuàjiànguǐshuōguǐhuà - to be flexible and know what to say in different situations and to different people. (lit. speak the words of human when meeting one, speak the words of ghost when meeting one. )
拍马屁 - pāimǎpì - to flatter; to butter sb up
墙头草 - qiángtóucǎo - sb who goes whichever way the wind blows; sb with no mind of one's own; easily swayed person
耳边风 - ěrbiānfēng - lit. wind past your ear; fig. sth you don't pay much attention to; in one ear and out the other

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