Magnetism & Matter 05 | Magnetic Materials | Hysteresis Curve #jee

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00:00Then here comes, before doing theory law, I discuss very small comparison between diapera
00:13and ferro.
00:14Actually, now I am to cover up thorough comparison between these three types of magnetic materials.
00:28For your purpose, already I have arranged very important screenshots.
00:35Some I am to discuss here and some more I will be sharing while doing video editing.
00:44Let us come to these four screenshots first.
00:48Here firstly, behavior.
00:52In context to behavior, in non-uniform magnetic field, how these three types of magnetic materials
01:01It moves from stronger to weaker magnetic field.
01:05See north and south, pole, strength, diamagnetic substances are going away.
01:14It completely went away from pole strength, whereas paramagnetic, now see, they have accumulated
01:25towards pole strength, very close.
01:29Then ferromagnetic, strongly they have approached towards pole strength.
01:35Then this was weak field, now strong field, again they went away.
01:42Strong field, they have accumulated near to stronger field and here strongly, stronger
01:51accumulation because of ferromagnetic.
01:55Then after that, when we have any diamagnetic liquid in U-tube, then this diamagnetic liquid
02:06will be, will have tendency to go away from the stronger field, whereas for paramagnetic
02:16substances, now this liquid is approaching towards stronger field, right?
02:25Then chi-m-t curve, that means graphical analysis, criteria of comparison is graphical analysis
02:35between susceptibility to temperature.
02:40For diamagnetic, it is simply straight line, that means it is independent.
02:49Here for paramagnetic substances, susceptibility is inversely proportional to temperature.
02:55We have already read this law under the Heading Curie law for paramagnetic.
03:02Then for ferromagnetic, again chi-m is inversely proportional to temperature only, provided
03:12this T-c line is the barrier, that means, in this region, there is no variation beyond
03:27this T-c only, this analysis.
03:31And remember, this T is absolute temperature in both these situations and T-c was Curie
03:41Now fourth parameter, that is relative magnetic permeability.
03:46For diamagnetic, it lies between 1 and 0, right?
03:53Here for paramagnetic substances, permeability lies between 2 and 1 and here relative magnetic
04:09permeability is very large as compared to 1.
04:14Because it has to demonstrate strong responses towards external magnetic field in which ferromagnetic
04:25substances are kept.
04:27For example, copper, nickel, cobalt, they have mu r in the order of 1000, 2000, 3000,
04:354000 like this.
04:37And fifth parameter, magnetic moment of single atom.
04:44Atoms do not have any permanent magnetic moment.
04:47This magnetic moment we discussed under the heading Bohr magneton.
04:53If you remember, we analyzed mathematically that M is 1 by 2 e omega r square, right?
05:07If you want, I can show you, but this we covered in third video, we may not be able to access
05:16Yeah, we can't have because fourth video we started with.
05:21For the time being, you remember and so in context to that only, atoms do not have any
05:30permanent magnetic moment whereas atoms have permanent magnetic moment which are randomly
05:37oriented that is for paramagnetic and ferromagnetic again permanent magnetic moment which are
05:47organized in domains and next parameter when rod of material is suspended between poles
05:55of magnet, diamagnetic substance will be aligned like this perpendicular.
06:04That means they are not to support this strong magnetic field whereas paramagnetic will be
06:11aligning along this magnetic field and here ferromagnetic will be strongly aligning.
06:21And next magnetic moment of substance in presence of external magnetic field value
06:28M is very less and opposite to H and here value M is low but in direction of H. H means
06:39magnetic intensity or magnetizing force or magnetizing field.
06:45All the three are for same M is very high in for diamagnetic M was very less for paramagnetic
06:55M is low but in direction of H but here M is very high and in direction of H and these
07:03are the examples you can note it down for your reference.
07:10Second part is iron, cobalt, nickel all their alloys and then this GD is gadolinium and
07:20this is Elnico.
07:22So these are important and second last and last substances placed in uniform magnetic
07:32How do they respond when they are placed in uniform magnetic field?
07:38Here in case of diamagnetic they prefer not to not to let them enter all these field lines
07:46are trying to go outside but for paramagnetic a lot of magnetic field lines will be trying
07:56to enter through the paramagnetic while it is passing through the paramagnetic substance
08:03and paramagnetic they behave very friendly all the field lines are trying to go and pass
08:17through the paramagnetic substance only they prefer not to go out all the lines will try
08:26to enter through the paramagnetic.
08:43And last IH curve I means intensity of magnetization versus magnetic intensity small negative varies
08:55linearly with field this shows the graph is in fourth quadrant it shows it is negative
09:04but linear variation but for paramagnetic it is linear variation only but positive.
09:11What we could conclude negative that means they behave negatively towards external magnetic
09:19whereas paramagnetic behave positive and ferromagnetic they behave exponentially that
09:29means they are to respond very very positively towards external magnetic field.
09:36So in general we have discussed all even then I will be sharing few more screenshots when
09:46you will be going through the video.
09:55So very slight discussion what is hysteresis?
10:00Hysteresis let us first know what is in terms of definition what is hysteresis?
10:08Basically hysteresis is the variation of B and H it is the variation of B and H.
10:20B that means magnetic field induction H means magnetic intensity all together
10:29for any magnetic sample when it is subjected for magnetization and demagnetization.
10:41And what is the definition?
10:43Phenomenon of lagging of I or B behind H you would not be able to understand this
10:54language of definition unless and until I draw the diagram total graph.
11:01So wait for a while I am reaching behind H when a specimen of magnetic material
11:12subjected to a cycle of magnetization is called hysteresis.
11:21Lagging of I or B behind H now this is H max this was H ampere per meter this was
11:34here B that means Tesla this is H max from the diagram you could very easily observe
11:44that as H increases B also increases but proportionately as H increases B could not
11:57increase at that speed that means it is something is lagging otherwise graph could be
12:06like that also.
12:07But intentionally variation became curvy and because of this curvy thing in definition
12:18we had phenomenon of lagging of I or B behind H whether we consider I or B along
12:32along y axis and H along x axis when a specimen.
12:39So basically this whole graph is graphical variation between B and H magnetic field
12:51magnetic field induction and magnetizing force or magnetic intensity.
12:59Right and when any magnetic material is subjected to magnetization and demagnetization
13:08this whole graph talks about the cycle of magnetization and demagnetization.
13:16That means see it is process of as my cursor is going this is process of magnetization.
13:26Here now demagnetization process begin and it will be going till this point
13:39then after that again magnetization process starts.
13:44So this whole thing is studied under this graph now I am to discuss two two physical
13:53quantities namely residual magnetism or retentivity.
14:00For this I must mention the definition retentivity or residual magnetism.
14:11Residual magnetism means in the graph I am going to show you what is that
14:18what is that this bold blue line is residual magnetism or retentivity.
14:45Residual magnetism how do we define the value of magnetic induction
14:54B left in the specimen when the value of magnetic induction B left in the specimen
15:03when the magnetizing force is reduced to 0 is called retentivity of the material.
15:16Now I am going to explain in the graph let us see what our language says the value of
15:22magnetic induction B left in the specimen when the magnetizing force is reduced to 0 is called
15:29retentivity. Let us come to the graph C now if we want to decrease this H to 0.
15:42Let us see how variation proceeds as this graph is proceeding finally at this point
15:51where my cursor is static now H has become 0 and at this position still
16:00this much B is left that means in absence of any cause of external magnetic field
16:10still our magnetic sample consists of this much magnetic field even we have removed our
16:19source of external magnetic field might be there might be some strong magnets
16:26which we have removed for now that's why H has become 0 that is residual magnetism
16:34and for that only I have mentioned the definition so this was our keyword
16:42magnetizing force that means H is 0 then here comes coercivity for coercivity also
16:51now if we want to decrease this B also to 0 but then we need to apply from external source
17:03external magnetic field in opposite direction so this was positive H now negative H we need to
17:14impose and this much negative H is needed for decreasing this B to 0 now which color I should
17:27this green is coercivity that means negative value of H needed for decreasing this B
17:39to 0 now proper definition for coercivity value of magnetizing force in opposite direction
17:50to reduce the residual magnetism to 0 is called the coercivity negative H to reduce the residual
18:03magnetism to 0 then one more energy dissipation due to hysteresis energy dissipation during
18:15hysteresis basically this topic is similar to the resistor when any current is made to pass
18:26through the resistor then resistor offers some resistance and because of that resistance
18:33because of that obstruction heat is dissipated across the resistor same way when any magnetic
18:41material is subjected for magnetization then it also offers some resistance towards magnetization
18:52then then during magnetization some negligible amount of heat is dissipated
18:58and during demagnetization obviously heat should be absorbed so that is the point
19:07now I will be associating this fact while comparing soft iron and steel that means
19:17that means electromagnets and permanent magnets area of hysteresis loop is equal to the energy
19:29dissipation during magnetization and comparison of steel and iron.
19:38Iron means soft iron we are to think for now very interesting steel will have fat and bulky
19:49hysteresis loop why an iron will have very thin slim and trim this is what's the significance
20:01fat and bulky what's the significance behind this mu for soft iron and this is steel for soft iron
20:14mu r is maximum that means whenever this material is kept in uniform magnetic field
20:23or external magnetic field it absorbs maximum number of field lines more effectively vigorously
20:33without any effort so that means it it is offering least resistance towards magnetization
20:42and since it is offering least resistance that's why energy dissipation will be also very less
20:51that's why very slim trim and thin whereas on the other hand for steel its mu r is not that much
21:01high so it has to offer greater resistance towards magnetization hence it will be
21:11dissipating great amount of heat as compared to soft iron thereby fat and bulky and that
21:19is the reason of steel is used for permanent magnets whereas soft iron core is used for
21:30electromagnets so I am going to paste one screenshot having comparative study between
21:40permanent magnets and electromagnet salts that means what are the characteristics
21:45needed for permanent magnets and electromagnets respectively for that question purpose you may
21:54learn that table hence our discussion is has to be ended here only thanks for viewing and
22:05enjoying my video keep on working all the best see you in next video bye take care
