Pokemon S11E46 If The Scarf Fits, Wear It

  • last year
Pokemon S11E46 If The Scarf Fits, Wear It


00:00 Hey, I wonder how Angie and her family are doing now?
00:06 Be guide.
00:08 As our heroes continue toward the Hargold Gym, a brief stop in Salacian Town is giving them the opportunity to see their good friend from the Pokemon Summer Academy, Angie.
00:27 [Scarf Monster]
00:32 I don't think that could be...
00:48 The Scarf Monster?
00:50 Come on!
00:53 [Scarf Monster]
00:56 On a road far from home
01:10 You don't have to feel alone
01:16 Brave and strong, together we will be
01:23 It's our destiny
01:28 We will be heroes
01:34 We can change the world if we try
01:41 I'll go where you go
01:46 For the friends you and I
01:53 We will be heroes
01:58 Battle Dimension Pokemon!
02:03 [Scarf Monster]
02:06 If the scarf fits, wear it!
02:15 I guess our eyes must have been playing tricks on us or something.
02:29 Hey look!
02:32 Isn't that Angie's house?
02:37 Yup, that's it.
02:40 Hey! It's Angie!
02:59 It's Ash!
03:01 Wow, it's great to see you guys again!
03:07 Great to see you too!
03:10 Looks like you got your hands full.
03:13 Yeah, Mom and Dad are on a little trip right now.
03:17 So now I've got to take care of everything all by myself.
03:23 And to tell you the truth, I've been running myself ragged.
03:28 Okay, then we'll just give you a hand.
03:32 Have you eaten? You just leave the cooking to me.
03:37 Man, you guys are lifesavers!
03:44 Ah, whew!
03:47 Boy, that was good!
03:50 Yeah, isn't Brock like the best gourmet chef in the whole, like, world?
03:57 Yup!
03:58 Too bad I never got a chance to try his cooking at the academy.
04:03 Thanks for making all this, Brock!
04:06 My pleasure.
04:09 Angie, so please tell us what kind of Pokemon you're raising now.
04:16 Uh, well, the truth is all different kinds.
04:23 Huh?
04:25 Tell me, Angie.
04:30 You heard about the scarf monster everyone's talking about?
04:35 Uh, yeah, but those are just rumors.
04:40 Well, here's the deal.
04:42 We actually saw it in the forest on our way here.
04:47 You can't be serious!
04:50 Uh, it was more like a shadow of something wearing a scarf.
04:57 Uh...
04:59 Oh, man, not again.
05:02 Angie, what's wrong?
05:05 Uh...
05:06 Oh, I just remembered I've got somewhere to go!
05:11 You relax and I'll be right back.
05:14 Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
05:24 Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
05:32 Hmm...
05:34 Why'd she start panicking as soon as we mentioned the scarf monster?
05:40 Something's gotta be up.
05:43 Let's go and see what it is.
05:47 Hmm...
05:48 Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!
05:56 [Sigh]
05:58 Angie!
06:03 Huh?
06:04 How nice you followed me.
06:11 Angie, now what's going on?
06:15 Hmm...
06:17 Hmm, guess I can't put anything past you.
06:23 See, it's about one of the Pokémon I'm raising.
06:28 The thing is...
06:31 It's actually inside that cave!
06:35 Huh?
06:37 What's your Pokémon doing in a place like this?
06:45 See it for yourselves and then I'll explain the whole thing to you.
06:53 [Distant growling]
06:57 Hey Angie, so where is it?
07:08 I knew it!
07:10 Truth is...
07:11 Okay, you know the scarf monster you saw?
07:16 Well that's the exact same Pokémon I've been looking after.
07:22 [Growling]
07:24 What are you talking about Angie?
07:27 I'll explain everything later.
07:30 For now, I need you to help me bring it back here.
07:35 Yeah, sure.
07:37 You've got it.
07:40 [Dramatic music]
07:44 Okay, click front.
08:02 Left, right.
08:05 Aha! House is clear!
08:09 Very abundant beast in sight.
08:13 What do you think? You're on TV?
08:19 In case you're having a senior moment, we're reporters for the Sinnoh Star, get it?
08:26 Got it.
08:28 Our scoop is covering the mysterious Salaceon Town terror known as...
08:35 The one and only Scarf Monster!
08:39 Soon to be scarfed up and sent solely to the balls!
08:44 His name's Salaceon Town Floss!
08:48 I'll be king of the Team Rocket Hill!
08:51 And I'm queen!
08:53 Now listen up team!
08:56 Baa! Baa!
08:58 [Roaring]
09:00 It's the heat!
09:02 [Panting]
09:06 Monster tracks in a place like this?
09:17 Monster tracks?
09:19 Could we please get a comment on your term monster tracks?
09:24 Who are you?
09:26 We're reporters with the famed Sinnoh Star!
09:30 Inquiring minds want to know!
09:33 Who are you?
09:37 I'm afraid lately we've been finding marks like this all over Salaceon Town.
09:45 But the only thing that we've been able to get from our investigation is that it's saliva.
09:54 Well, this could be the moist mark of the very monster we seek.
10:00 A nearby monster.
10:14 Hey, do you really think this is the way to catch your Pokemon?
10:20 There it is!
10:22 Huh?
10:24 [Gasp]
10:31 It worked! The same thing we saw before!
10:38 It's the Scarf Monster for sure!
10:42 Not so fast! I know that!
10:46 It's a Lickilicky!
10:52 A Lickilicky?
10:55 Lickilicky, the licking Pokemon.
11:01 Lickilicky can wrap its enormous tongue around anything.
11:06 Getting too close to this Pokemon will result in a saliva shower.
11:12 Guys, I'm afraid that Lickilicky which I just happened to be raising is the very Scarf Monster that everyone's been making such a fuss about.
11:34 You can't be serious!
11:37 I think it's time to tell us what's going on.
11:41 You see, what happened was, my parents decided to let me look after this Lickitung for a little while.
11:51 Just while they were away on vacation.
11:55 But I guess I over trained it.
12:02 I even taught it roll out.
12:05 The next thing I knew, it evolved into a Lickilicky.
12:14 It's never a good thing when a caretaker goes ahead and evolves someone else's Pokemon.
12:24 And to make matters worse, it also happens to hate being stuck in its Pokeball.
12:33 So I've been trying to keep Lickilicky in this cave.
12:39 Just to make sure my mom and dad don't find out what happened.
12:44 But there's been the teensy issue of Lickilicky's appetite.
12:51 It keeps sneaking out of the cave and going off to town, searching around for food.
12:59 That's a problem.
13:08 But why is Lickilicky wearing that thing that looks like a scarf?
13:13 That.
13:16 Well, as you can see, Lickilicky's not the smallest Pokemon and it doesn't like Pokeballs.
13:25 So...
13:44 Finally, up there!
13:46 Only one monster casts a scruffy shadow like that.
13:51 Let's catch it before we lose that noise!
13:54 Right!
13:55 I just blow up Lickilicky's collar and then pull it around like a balloon.
14:08 Edgy, you've got quite an imagination.
14:14 Cool! So let's get Lickilicky back to the cave!
14:19 You got that?
14:21 That isn't the best!
14:25 Retarding twerps!
14:29 What do we do with those dogs?
14:33 Those twerps are like an itch you can't scratch!
14:37 And with the Summer Academy twerp, they've grown by one!
14:43 Don't forget, as far as they're concerned, we're merely mild-mannered reporters for the Sinnoh Star.
14:52 Feeling high-powered members of the mainstream media, I was hoping for a word?
15:01 Uh, sure! Which word do you want?
15:05 Think of it, God!
15:07 Perhaps you don't realize we're Sinnoh Star reporters.
15:12 We've got a super-scarf monster scooped up and we seem to have lost track of it somehow.
15:20 Could you help us get back on track?
15:24 Sure! The scarf monster's over there!
15:29 See?
15:32 Oh no!
15:34 Over there! Over there!
15:38 Strange, even for them.
15:41 You said a mouthful!
15:44 Well, alright. But be sure to let us know if you get any leads now, won't you?
15:52 Sure!
15:55 We're wasting our time.
15:58 Right.
16:00 [footsteps]
16:07 [gasp]
16:09 [yawn]
16:11 That was too close for comfort.
16:15 But all's well that ends well.
16:18 Whatever. Let's get going!
16:21 Right!
16:24 [music]
16:27 [music]
16:35 [growl]
16:37 [explosion]
16:40 [growl]
16:46 [music]
16:59 I know you don't like this and I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to lay low for a little while.
17:08 I made a little snack for you to tide you over. You see?
17:14 [growl]
17:16 [birds chirping]
17:23 [yawn]
17:25 Morning, everybody!
17:27 Morning, Angie!
17:30 Morning!
17:32 Here they come!
17:34 Thanks again for all the great help last night!
17:38 No problem! Glad to do it!
17:42 So how are you going to take care of this?
17:46 No matter what you do, your parents are going to find out.
17:51 Maybe you should just bring Licky Licky out of the cave and then tell them what happened.
17:58 It'll be a big weight off your shoulders.
18:03 Yeah.
18:05 [music]
18:08 Hey, we'll go and apologize with you.
18:12 Huh?
18:14 How nice!
18:16 Thank you, Ash!
18:19 [music]
18:22 The last time I'm not seeing things.
18:27 Besides, I never told a lie in my entire life.
18:32 So when I say I saw it, I'm telling you I saw it!
18:37 I was fishing at the lake when I looked up and spotted something huge just flying on by!
18:48 It had to have been the Scalf Monster! No doubt about it!
18:54 Could be! Which way did the Scalf Monster flies that flew on by?
19:01 It flew right into that forest over yonder!
19:06 So, you ready to take flight?
19:10 Right!
19:12 And now, which one of us resourceful types has a catch plan?
19:20 Maybe Meowth could rustle us up a robot!
19:24 Hey, you're reading my mind! Check out my rolling pulley robot in the round!
19:32 Heads up!
19:36 [music]
19:40 [screaming]
19:45 [explosion]
19:47 [screaming]
19:50 We're supposed to catch the monster with it, not ball with it!
19:55 You're missing the point!
19:58 It ain't the ball, it's the ding-rolling the ball!
20:02 [ding-rolling]
20:05 So what use is the aforementioned ball?
20:09 That ball's constructed completely a Pokemon fool!
20:14 Pokemon fool?
20:17 If the Scalf Monster leaves a slimy sludge of saliva in its wide wake,
20:24 it follows it's lost to countdown!
20:28 Perceptive! So assuming the Scalf Monster is a Pokemon of sorts,
20:34 we should be able to lure it with this tidbit!
20:39 With brain self-despair!
20:42 The way to get to any Pokemon's heart is through its stomach!
20:48 And this talking Pokemon's got a peach of a pokey scheme!
20:55 A criminal scheme!
20:58 Wow!
21:00 Bah!
21:02 [sirens]
21:16 [sirens]
21:23 [snoring]
21:26 [snoring]
21:32 [snoring]
21:40 [explosion]
21:42 [snoring]
21:49 [ringing]
21:56 Licky Licky?
22:00 Licky Licky, where are you?
22:03 [gasp]
22:12 It must have wandered off after snapping the ring!
22:17 This is bad!
22:24 I can see neither hide nor scar!
22:28 Once that big boy gets a whiff of this delicacy,
22:33 I guarantee you won't be able to get rid of the galoop!
22:38 Eureka! I know that Scalf Monster's demeanor anywhere!
22:45 I hate such a distinctive gaze!
22:49 Meowth, let's fill up its place!
22:53 Can't wait!
22:55 Pokemon Football!
22:57 AYE!
23:02 [gasp]
23:11 We'll let him in!
23:16 [explosion]
23:23 [roar]
23:26 [roar]
23:28 Monster's second match!
23:32 [roar]
23:34 Heart for heart!
23:36 And soon we'll take our rightful places as the boss's number one aces!
23:42 Lording over Sinnoh east to west!
23:45 That's my food, boss!
23:47 The best!
23:49 [bubbling]
23:54 [roar]
23:56 Lookie, lookie!
23:58 Hey! Who are those weirdos?
24:03 Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
24:07 Twerps have that twerpish note!
24:11 On the wind!
24:15 Past the stars!
24:17 And off my back!
24:22 Bringing chaos into Bright Knight Base!
24:26 Dashing all home, putting fear in its place!
24:30 Up goes my any other names, Justice Salim!
24:35 See, when everything's worse, our work is complete!
24:40 Justice...
24:41 ...Salem?
24:43 Meowth the name!
24:46 Putting the do-goers in their place!
24:50 We're Team Rocket!
24:53 Yippee!
24:56 Bring it, your face!
25:02 Team Rocket?
25:04 They're an evil gang of Pokemon thieves!
25:08 Knock it off! That's Angie's licky-licky, not yours!
25:13 Me gotta let go!
25:15 You need an eye exam.
25:17 It's plain as the ugly on your face.
25:20 This is the Star Monster!
25:23 Don't confuse us with perks!
25:26 Seven schools all there!
25:29 Comedians...
25:32 Alright, quick, shinks!
25:34 Use Crunch to knock the little sins into those brainiac...
25:39 PITS!
25:44 Oh-ho!
25:46 That's just the standard-issue licky-licky, just like the Twamp said!
25:53 I don't care if it's a one-eyed purple people-eater, just catch it!
26:00 Yes, dear.
26:02 But why?
26:04 Because it's the scar that makes the monsters see!
26:13 Pikachu, use Iron Tail to take that robot down quick!
26:19 Shinks, Quick Attack! Let's go!
26:22 Kid Blub, you use Path!
26:27 Go ahead, Poink. Have your cake!
26:35 No fuzzballs are gonna fudge with our robot!
26:40 Now let's kick it up a notch!
26:43 I'll take down...
26:45 BAM!
26:49 Pikachu!
26:54 Pikachu!
26:56 You coming back?
27:01 And... why don't you and Ash take care of Licky-Licky while Pikachu and the others distract Team Rocket?
27:10 Right!
27:16 Shinks left! Twamp's teetering close to tagging Licky-Licky!
27:22 They see us! Come on, let's go!
27:28 You can't beat a bot!
27:32 Go!
27:40 (Pikachu and Ash screaming)
27:50 Get them wets! Hand over that Tungmeister or I'll convoy you into Twink Thunderglass!
27:58 Man, you guys are pushy!
28:01 Licky-Licky, use Browse!
28:14 And now follow it up with Wrap!
28:22 I'm feeling tongue-tied!
28:25 And we're wet too!
28:27 Now I know what suckers feel like!
28:30 Now top it off with Slam!
28:49 Pikachu, how about a Thunderbolt?
28:54 Here we go!
29:06 I hate to admit it, but those tongue-toting twerps left us for good!
29:13 All because of the silly Skaskoop!
29:16 Hey, cheer up! At least we're clean!
29:20 And we're blasting off again!
29:30 (laughing)
29:34 I gotta tell you, Angie, you did a great job racing Licky-Licky!
29:40 Thanks, but I would have done a better job by not letting it evolve, you know?
29:47 Angie!
29:52 Mom! Dad!
30:04 I'm so sorry!
30:07 Angie, didn't I tell you to be extra careful?
30:14 Dear, you don't have to get so angry.
30:18 Honey, it's not like this is something that can just be undone!
30:25 Excuse me, I'm really sorry too.
30:31 You're Ash, right? Sorry for what?
30:36 After all, you didn't do anything wrong.
30:40 Well, we're sorry you've all been dragged into this.
30:45 Look, I want you to understand Angie didn't do it on purpose.
30:52 It only happened because she was trying way too hard, that's all.
30:59 Oh, Ash.
31:02 That's so sweet. We're both quite aware of that.
31:08 But the fact remains since it's a caretaker's obligation to take complete responsibility for their actions,
31:17 we had no other choice but to request its trainer come here this afternoon.
31:24 Not that that's going to help, because of course once a Pokemon's evolved, there's no turning back.
31:35 *sigh*
31:38 *whimpering*
31:43 I guess the trainer's gotten near heroic.
31:48 *whimpering*
31:52 Oh yes, I'm not alone, not alone.
31:56 Sorry to bother you with some things I've never seen before.
32:03 Any idea what's going on?
32:07 Well Ash, it looks like that must be Lickitung's original trainer.
32:14 But instead of being upset about it evolving, the guy seems thrilled.
32:21 Hmm, well, I can't thank you all enough.
32:28 Evolving my Lickitung into such a brand new family collection has made me the most happy and I'm really glad I got to see my original trainer. Thank you.
32:45 Okay, you don't mind I evolve your Pokemon?
32:51 Are you kidding? I wanted to evolve it as soon as possible.
32:59 And you were saying to me that it would all be done for me?
33:06 *laughing*
33:09 Well honey, as long as he's happy.
33:13 Yes, it does look like we all got off easy this time.
33:20 From now on, please make sure you're a whole lot more careful young lady.
33:27 I will dad, thanks!
33:30 That turned out good.
33:32 Yeah, thank you too!
33:35 Because dude, you're a genius!
33:47 Thanks a lot for letting us stay over.
33:51 Sure, sorry things didn't go as smooth as they could.
33:57 No problem.
33:58 And Ash, since I'm gonna work hard here at the center, you make sure to work hard on your battling deal.
34:07 You can count on it Angie!
34:11 *speaking in a foreign language*
34:14 A visit to a dear friend has gone a long way to inspire even more determination in our heroes.
34:24 And Angie appears to have the same reaction.
34:29 Now it's on to Hearthome City and another exciting adventure.
34:36 So that's the Ash Ketchum you've been going on and on about since you got back home from the Pokemon Summer Academy, is it?
34:46 Now I can see why you like him so much.
34:51 Huh?
34:52 You know, I was just thinking that if you two got married, then you both could take over the family business.
35:01 Couldn't they dear?
35:03 Hey, that's a good idea.
35:06 *screams*
35:08 Now just because you're my parents, you can't go saying things like that!
35:15 *sneezes*
35:17 To be continued.
35:23 *music*
35:28 *music fades*
35:31 *music*
35:37 *music*
35:40 *music*
35:43 *music*
35:46 *music*
35:49 *music*
35:52 *music*
35:55 *music*
35:59 *music*
36:03 *music*
36:06 (upbeat music)
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36:11 (upbeat music)
36:13 (upbeat music)
36:16 (upbeat music)
36:18 (upbeat music)
36:21 (upbeat music)
36:24 (upbeat music)
