An Occurrence Remembered by Lorin Morgan-Richards [Robert Enrico - An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge ~ Ambrose Bierce]

  • last year
In 2001, I lived in NYC and with a team of artists and dancers poured our efforts into an off-Broadway dark electro production I produced called ‘An Occurrence Remembered’. Footage of this event will hopefully be digitized in the near future, but amidst the chaos of 9/11, we continued the performances and went on with the show. The video here demonstrates how I created the soundtrack for the theater performance and album. I watched old filmstrips over and over of Robert Enrico’s ‘An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge’ and ‘Chickamauga’ which were short stories by Ambrose Bierce. I layed out the music and lyrics in time to these, being careful to hit notes with every action. This was something I had been playing around with years before, but never took the time to do. I hope you enjoy this short film of Enrico’s with my soundtrack.


