• 2 years ago
To use TradingView.com, follow these steps:

Visit the TradingView website at www.tradingview.com.
Sign up for an account if you don't already have one. You can choose between a free account or a paid subscription with additional features.
Once you're logged in, you'll see a search bar at the top of the page. You can use this search bar to find specific stocks, cryptocurrencies, or other financial instruments you're interested in.
After entering your desired symbol or asset name, you'll see a chart displaying the price movements and other relevant data for that instrument.
You can customize the chart by selecting different time frames, adding technical indicators, drawing tools, and more. These options are available in the toolbar located above the chart.
TradingView also provides a wide range of technical analysis tools and indicators that you can use to analyze price movements and make informed trading decisions. These tools are available in the "Indicators" and "Drawing Tools" sections of the toolbar.
Additionally, TradingView allows you to save your charts and share them with others. You can also join communities and interact with other traders on the platform.
If you prefer to trade directly from TradingView, you may need to connect your account with a supported broker. This option is available for certain regions and brokers.
It's important to note that TradingView is a platform for analyzing and visualizing market data, but it doesn't execute trades. You would need to use a separate trading platform or broker to place your trades based on the analysis you perform on TradingView.
Remember that while TradingView can provide valuable insights and tools for technical analysis, it's always essential to conduct thorough research and consider multiple factors before making any trading decisions.

Introduction to TradingView.com
Signing up for an Account
Navigating the TradingView Website
Searching for Symbols and Assets
Customizing the Chart
Using Technical Analysis Tools
Saving and Sharing Charts
Connecting with Brokers (optional)
Important Considerations when Using TradingView
