The spiraling economic turmoil has once again dampened Eid celebrations in Pakistan. The worsening financial situation of the country has left its citizens reeling under skyrocketing prices and record-high inflation. From ATMs running dry to sacrificial animals being stolen, the crisis has spilled over to Eid festivities. Watch this report for more.
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Pakistan- ATMs Out of Cash, Goats Stolen - How Economic Woes Dampened Eid Festivities
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#pakistan #eid #eiduladha2023 #pakistaneid #pakistaneconomy #pakistaneconomycrisis #pakistanceconomiccrisis #inflation #pakistaninflation #shehbazsharif #imf #imfdeal #pakimf
Pakistan- ATMs Out of Cash, Goats Stolen - How Economic Woes Dampened Eid Festivities
hindustan times,ht media,ht news,hindustan,english news,news,latest news english,english latest news,latest news,pakistan,eid,eid ul adha 2023,pakistan eid,pakistan economy,pakistan economy crisis,pakistan economic crisis,inflation,pakistan inflation,shehbaz sharif,imf,imf deal,pak imf