In 2023, "Black Noise" unfolds as an American action sci-fi horror film, honing in on an elite security team dispatched to rescue a VIP on an exclusive island. What starts as a mission to save quickly transforms into a battle for survival—a race to escape the deserted island and evade a malevolent force bent on causing harm.
Under the direction and production of Philippe Martinez, known for his work on "Wake of Death," "The Steam Experiment," and "General Commander," the screenplay, crafted in collaboration with Sean-Michael Argo and Leigh Scott, adds layers of suspense to the narrative. Executive producers, including Lee Beasley, Karinne Behr, Alastair Burlingham, Charlie Dombek, J.T. Foxx, Jacob Katsman, Gary Raskin, and Leigh Scott, bring their expertise to the project.
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Under the direction and production of Philippe Martinez, known for his work on "Wake of Death," "The Steam Experiment," and "General Commander," the screenplay, crafted in collaboration with Sean-Michael Argo and Leigh Scott, adds layers of suspense to the narrative. Executive producers, including Lee Beasley, Karinne Behr, Alastair Burlingham, Charlie Dombek, J.T. Foxx, Jacob Katsman, Gary Raskin, and Leigh Scott, bring their expertise to the project.
#movie #film #cinema #coverage #trailer2023 #trailermovie2023 #trailermovie #trailer2023 #BlackNoiseTrailer #BlackNoise #AlexPettyfer #SadieNewman #action
All audiovisual content is the © copyright of their respective owners.
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