Tale of nine tailed fox best scene episode 9 Lee Yeon kills the God demon of darkness

  • last year
Yeon trudges on until he can no longer stand. He worries about Jia and thinks of the things he didn’t get to say and do with her. Yeon collapses and resigns himself to the fact he won’t be able to return.
The eodookshini enters Yeon’s dreamworld and scoffs at the supposed great mountain god. She laughs that his body will go to the imoogi and “make the world a chaotic place.” Yeon wakes up and asks if Jia made it back. The eodookshini only tells him after he kneels and begs.
She says Jia lost her parents and now will have to lose Yeon, so it would’ve been better if she hadn’t made it back. Yeon smiles and stands up no problem. Ah, it was all an act to draw her out from the moment he “accidentally” dropped from the cliff.
He turns her question on her, “What is your greatest fear?” She bluffs that she has none, but Yeon knows she’s dying because people have forgotten her. He taunts that his little brother didn’t even remember her name.
Enraged, the eodookshini grits out that Yeon will be stuck here forever. But she’s the one who can’t seem to move. Yeon gloats that she appears to have forgotten she’s in the mind of a mountain god. In the real world, the imoogi can no longer see them despite his connection with the eodookshini.
Yeon somehow reaches into the real world and grabs the imoogi, ripping a button off his shirt. He smiles, and the imoogi quakes with rage as Yeon promises to come for him soon.
When the eodookshini tries to escape, Yeon runs her through with his sword. She ekes out that Yeon “will be killing that woman with your own hands again. That is your destiny.” Yeon rolls his eyes and tells her to worry about her own destiny. In the real world, the imoogi watches the eodookshini disintegrate and smiles sardonically.
