• last year
Morse's hopes for a romance with a piano teacher are shattered when she is murdered.


00:00:00My soul, my soul, there is a country far beyond the sea.
00:00:27Gloria, gloria, gloria, gloria, in excelsis Deo.
00:00:39Can we start with a quieter first, my soul?
00:00:42My soul.
00:00:57Hey, it's a punter.
00:01:04Tell him we're closed.
00:01:07My soul, there is a country far beyond the stars.
00:01:22We're closed.
00:01:23That's only a small job, a little dent on the way.
00:01:25Sorry, can't help you.
00:01:27It's a shame, because you've got such a good reputation for paying jobs.
00:01:31Are you winding me up?
00:01:33No, but I am about to wind up my window.
00:01:37Look, Rick, it's the law.
00:01:40Rick, it's the law, Rick.
00:01:43He's my gracious friend, and, oh, my soul, the wind.
00:01:54Leave it, I'll be stuck, I'll be stuck, I'll leave it.
00:02:25My God, my life, my God.
00:02:42Ha, ha, ha.
00:02:53Yes, yes.
00:02:55There's a friendly voice.
00:03:05I was very late.
00:03:06I noticed.
00:03:07A Saturday morning line?
00:03:09No, no, I had to take my car to the garage.
00:03:39Oh, my God.
00:04:05Where have you parked?
00:04:06I haven't got the car.
00:04:07Well, that's what I was saying earlier about being late.
00:04:09Oh, I see.
00:04:10I'm sorry, I thought you were offering me a lift.
00:04:12I'm offering to walk you home.
00:04:14That's all right.
00:04:16I'm going in your direction anyway, so what's the problem?
00:04:19I do know what my direction is.
00:04:22Am I right?
00:04:24You told me.
00:04:26Did I?
00:04:27Ages ago.
00:04:28Canal Reach, number nine.
00:04:32I hesitated about the number in case you think I've dwelt on it.
00:04:38I don't know your first name.
00:04:40That's right.
00:04:42I don't use it.
00:04:43Don't be silly.
00:04:44My parents were silly.
00:04:46What do your friends call you?
00:04:48I don't know.
00:05:08You know, it's interesting because ten years ago this street, or this area anyway, was not considered fashionable.
00:05:27And now it's Oxford trend, do you think?
00:05:29No, no, no, I didn't mean...
00:05:30No, I know what you meant.
00:05:32Can I get you a cup of tea?
00:05:33Thank you.
00:05:37No, I mean, I meant this is a very nice area.
00:05:42Oh, shut up.
00:05:43It's a very worthy area.
00:05:45Anyway, tea would be great.
00:05:47Not to say you like my house, though.
00:05:49Not to say things like ten years ago this is the kind of furniture people liked.
00:05:53I've got to say this is the kind of house I really like.
00:05:55And I have to tell you, this is the kind of house I really like.
00:05:59Well, that's good.
00:06:01I think Ned's here.
00:06:03You here?
00:06:04Sorry, am I interrupting something?
00:06:06No, no, not at all.
00:06:07Ned is...
00:06:08I'm just going.
00:06:09Don't worry, I've just been very kindly brought home.
00:06:11Ned, this is...
00:06:14Hello, Ned.
00:06:16Ned uses the piano.
00:06:17He writes music.
00:06:19Not really.
00:06:22Anyway, listen, I should probably get along.
00:06:24Don't mind me, I'll go upstairs.
00:06:26No, you don't need to do that.
00:06:27I'll put the kettle on.
00:06:31What kind of music?
00:06:34What kind of music do you write?
00:06:35Short music.
00:06:36Very good music.
00:06:37Anyway, my books are upstairs.
00:06:40There's no milk, by the way.
00:06:43Are you sure?
00:06:45Come through.
00:06:46He's really talented.
00:06:49He's doing a law degree.
00:06:50Or rather not doing one.
00:06:52He's a marvellous musician.
00:06:53He's a terrible lawyer.
00:06:58Do you let a lot of people play your piano?
00:07:00Every day.
00:07:01It's how I live.
00:07:02I teach.
00:07:03Oh, right.
00:07:05I don't teach Ned.
00:07:06He's sort of adopted.
00:07:08He adopted me.
00:07:11There isn't any milk.
00:07:12Will you have something else?
00:07:13No, no.
00:07:14Really, don't bother.
00:07:17It is a nice house.
00:07:18Thank you.
00:07:20It's exactly as I imagined it.
00:07:24And this is very impressive.
00:07:27I've got one of these beauties.
00:07:29Have you?
00:07:30I used to work for them, Richards.
00:07:32Did you?
00:07:33A long time ago.
00:07:34Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to afford...
00:07:36It was a present.
00:07:37A going-away present.
00:07:48I am going to go to bed.
00:07:50Good night.
00:07:51Good night.
00:07:53I am going to go, I think, but...
00:07:56Well, listen, I hope perhaps we could do something.
00:08:01Perhaps a film or something.
00:08:03If you're not too busy.
00:08:05But let me know.
00:08:06That would be good.
00:08:11I'll see you next week.
00:08:13I look forward to that.
00:08:33Sorry, did I frighten him off?
00:08:37Well what?
00:08:38I can't stand men his age.
00:08:39The way they are with women.
00:08:40The way they pant over you.
00:08:42What do you mean, pant?
00:08:43He's just a very nice man.
00:08:44He's in the choir.
00:08:45He was going to have a cup of tea.
00:08:46That's all.
00:08:47Before you pinched all my milk.
00:08:50I've got a pupil in a minute.
00:08:52I want to get changed.
00:08:53You could get some milk.
00:08:58Money is a small problem.
00:09:01There's some in my purse.
00:09:03I'll get it.
00:09:10Where are you off to, my love?
00:09:32Oh yeah.
00:09:34Oh yeah, that's nice.
00:09:37Yeah, that's better.
00:09:40That's what I want to do now.
00:09:42Oh, it's beautiful.
00:09:44Oh yeah.
00:09:49Oh yeah.
00:10:20Oh yeah.
00:10:33I don't know how you can bear it, that noise.
00:10:38Have some of this.
00:10:41Are you getting anything done?
00:10:44Are you trying to get anything done?
00:10:46I've written about 40 bars of my piece.
00:10:49Good, terrific.
00:10:50I'm pleased about the piece.
00:10:52I want you to hear it.
00:10:53Are you interested?
00:10:54Yes, I want to hear it.
00:10:56It's probably rubbish.
00:10:58Ned, I want to talk to you about money.
00:11:00I know, I must pay you back.
00:11:02I told you about the bank.
00:11:03It's ridiculous.
00:11:04No, no.
00:11:05In fact, I don't want you to pay me.
00:11:10Have you taken any money from my purse for some reason recently?
00:11:14I'm only asking because if you were short of cash again,
00:11:16I would lend you some more.
00:11:18I'd rather do that than for you to feel you had to take it from me.
00:11:21I said I haven't.
00:11:25Do you want me to give you your keys back?
00:11:27I mean, I will. I'll give you them back.
00:11:28No, no.
00:11:29I just wondered whether you were especially short of money at the moment.
00:11:33Christ, I can't breathe in my room, so now I can't breathe here.
00:11:36It's all right.
00:11:38It's all right.
00:11:45Sometimes maybe I may have picked up things without realising.
00:11:48I don't know if I have.
00:11:51It's all right.
00:11:53You only have to ask me.
00:11:55Please, just ask me.
00:12:08This is from Christmas
00:12:14And one for in the manger
00:12:30Thank you.
00:12:31See? Real beer.
00:12:33I'm sorry, I don't know the difference.
00:12:35Is that why we came here?
00:12:47Anne, I was wondering if we could go somewhere next week after the performance to celebrate.
00:12:52If you're not already...
00:12:54No, I'm not doing anything.
00:12:56Although I expect people want to go somewhere as a group, don't you think?
00:12:59Yeah, I expect so. It was just a thought.
00:13:04Yes, of course, we could always go somewhere anyway.
00:13:07Oh, well, good.
00:13:09You know...
00:13:11Ah, well, let's see.
00:13:12Could I run you home later? I've got a car tonight.
00:13:16Come through. I'll get the kettle on.
00:13:19Sorry it's a mess.
00:13:20Oh, it looks fine.
00:13:22I imagine your house to be very...
00:13:25Very what?
00:13:27I don't know.
00:13:28Very something.
00:13:32Oh, yes it is. Extremely something.
00:13:34Are you really a policeman?
00:13:37I was sure...
00:13:38Do you take sugar?
00:13:40I had you down for...
00:13:42Well, anything other than a policeman.
00:13:45Hope it doesn't stand against me.
00:13:47No. Why should it?
00:13:48Of course not. In what sense?
00:13:50I don't know.
00:13:53You enjoy it?
00:13:55It's OK.
00:13:57What about piano teaching? Is that fun?
00:14:00Well, it's not fun. It's OK.
00:14:02It's fine.
00:14:04It's OK.
00:14:05Well, you have high hopes, don't you?
00:14:06And then one day you turn round and there you are, a piano teacher.
00:14:10It's fine.
00:14:11I like my house. I like my pupils.
00:14:15I'm fine.
00:14:17And is there anybody...
00:14:21at the moment, around?
00:14:25I think so, yes.
00:14:28Can't say further than that.
00:14:34No, no. I thought there must be.
00:14:39Oh, this kettle takes an age.
00:14:43Would you just excuse me if I pop upstairs?
00:14:46Point me at the teapot and I'll do the honours.
00:14:49Oh, well, bless you. It's... Well, you can see...
00:15:05Oh, you all right?
00:15:09Yes, I'm fine. I'm just...
00:15:11Look, I'll finish my tea and let you get off to bed.
00:15:14Yes, that's probably it. I'm bushed.
00:15:17You're very thoughtful.
00:15:19I don't mean...
00:15:21I don't mean...
00:15:23I don't mean...
00:15:25I don't mean...
00:15:27I don't mean...
00:15:29I don't mean...
00:15:31I don't mean...
00:15:32I don't mean...
00:15:34I don't mean that in a patronising way.
00:15:37I just feel you're very sensitive.
00:15:40I'm very disappointed.
00:15:43I couldn't believe there wouldn't be anyone, but...
00:15:47I had fantasised, I suppose.
00:15:50Even after last week in your friend, but...
00:15:54It's not like that.
00:15:57It's too complicated to explain. It's...
00:16:00It's all very stupid.
00:16:03It's a complete mess.
00:16:07I think the point is that it's the wrong...
00:16:11At another time, and it's not you. I really like you.
00:16:23I'll pick you up next week, drive you to the performance.
00:16:26Really, it's so closed, I can even...
00:16:28Cover the layers.
00:16:30Thank you.
00:16:31I'd like that.
00:16:34Good night.
00:16:35Good night, Anne.
00:16:58Good night.
00:17:22It's me.
00:17:23Can you talk?
00:17:24I must see you.
00:17:26Don't, please.
00:17:29Just come over.
00:17:31Any time, I'm not going anywhere.
00:17:35I don't believe you.
00:17:40I don't know.
00:17:43Will you call me back?
00:17:46I'm coming.
00:17:48I have to go.
00:18:04I'll use my key, morning.
00:18:06I've just come to see if the wall at the back's dried out so that I can make good.
00:18:14I'm not disturbing you, am I?
00:18:15I would prefer it, Mr Jackson, if you didn't spy on me in the evenings.
00:18:19What's that supposed to mean?
00:18:20You know very well what I'm referring to.
00:18:23I'm sure I don't.
00:18:24I don't want any unpleasantness.
00:18:26And I'm telling you, I don't spy on nobody.
00:18:29Well, anyway, now I've said...
00:18:30I hate yourself! Bloody insult!
00:18:32I do!
00:18:33Mr Jackson...
00:18:34That's all right, I'll finish the work.
00:18:36Unless you want to get somebody else.
00:18:38No, please go ahead.
00:18:54I'm sorry.
00:19:25Oh, God.
00:20:20By God!
00:20:27By God!
00:20:32By God!
00:21:02By God!
00:21:33What's going on? Is she all right?
00:21:35I'm afraid not, sir.
00:21:45We're trying to keep people out of here, sir.
00:21:47There's a hell of a crowd in there!
00:22:03Who reported this?
00:22:05Anonymous phone call.
00:22:06Man or woman?
00:22:07I'd have to check, sir.
00:22:09Never mind.
00:22:10Have you touched anything out here?
00:22:12No, sir.
00:22:13Have you spoken to Chief Inspector about this?
00:22:16Just passing, Sergeant.
00:22:17Just poking my nose in.
00:22:19Shall I tell the Chief you're here?
00:22:20Was there a note?
00:22:21No, sir.
00:22:33I'll get it out.
00:22:46Funny enough, the door was open.
00:22:51Don't mind me.
00:22:53Shut the door, Lewis. It's not a party.
00:22:57I was just passing.
00:22:58Came to see what all the fuss was about.
00:23:00Piano teacher, apparently.
00:23:01Seen dozens like it time of year. Grim.
00:23:05How are things at the circus?
00:23:10I'll let you get on with it.
00:23:12She'd managed to kick the stool halfway across the room.
00:23:15She'd kick the stool away somehow.
00:23:17Lewis is full of grand theories.
00:23:19Oh, I just don't understand...
00:23:20Oh, come on, let's finish off here, for Christ's sake.
00:23:25Sir, the key.
00:23:28Oh, yes.
00:23:30Good night, sir.
00:23:41You know who he is, don't you?
00:23:42I know of him, yes, sir.
00:23:44Wandering around Jericho, eh?
00:23:46I'd often wonder what he did at night, besides the booze.
00:23:49I've heard he's meant to be a very clever man.
00:23:51Is he?
00:23:52I've heard he's after the superintendent's job, and I don't like that, Lewis.
00:23:55You know why?
00:23:56Yes, sir.
00:23:57Yes, sir.
00:23:58Because somebody else we know is after it all.
00:24:00Someone who is pig-sick of evenings like this.
00:24:29No, no, no, no.
00:24:30No, no, no, no.
00:24:31No, no, no, no.
00:24:32No, no, no, no.
00:24:33No, no, no, no.
00:24:34No, no, no, no.
00:24:35No, no, no, no.
00:24:36No, no, no, no.
00:24:37No, no, no, no.
00:24:38No, no, no, no.
00:24:39No, no, no, no.
00:24:40No, no, no, no.
00:24:41No, no, no, no.
00:24:42No, no, no, no.
00:24:43No, no, no, no.
00:24:44No, no, no, no.
00:24:45No, no, no, no.
00:24:46No, no, no, no.
00:24:47No, no, no, no.
00:24:48No, no, no, no.
00:24:49No, no, no, no.
00:24:50No, no, no, no.
00:24:53You hearing this?
00:24:54No, no, no.
00:24:55No, no, no.
00:24:56Can you believe it?
00:24:58Going straight from the shop?
00:25:01Come on, man.
00:25:02We need to get southeast.
00:25:04Yes, sir.
00:25:05Okay, sir.
00:25:06Another six days.
00:25:07We'll have both someone.
00:25:09Thank you.
00:25:10Mr. Miller, one minute?
00:25:12Sh, sh, sh, sh, sh.
00:25:14Take a plate now.
00:25:17Oh, my love!
00:25:21Oh, my love!
00:25:29Oh, my sighs!
00:25:47Oh, my kingdom, my treasure!
00:26:17Oh, my love!
00:26:47Oh, my love!
00:26:57Oh, my love!
00:27:07Oh, my love!
00:27:15Oh, my love!
00:27:25Oh, my love!
00:27:35Oh, my love!
00:28:05Oh, my love!
00:28:15Oh, my love!
00:28:25Oh, my love!
00:28:35Oh, my love!
00:28:45Oh, my love!
00:28:53Oh, my love!
00:29:03Oh, my love!
00:29:13Oh, my love!
00:29:23Oh, my love!
00:29:33Oh, my love!
00:29:43Oh, my love!
00:29:53Oh, my love!
00:30:03Oh, my love!
00:30:13Oh, my love!
00:30:21Oh, my love!
00:30:31Oh, my love!
00:30:41Oh, my love!
00:30:51Oh, my love!
00:31:01Oh, my love!
00:31:09Oh, my love!
00:31:19Oh, my love!
00:31:29Oh, my love!
00:31:39Oh, my love!
00:31:49Oh, my love!
00:31:57Oh, my love!
00:32:07Oh, my love!
00:32:17Oh, my love!
00:32:27Oh, my love!
00:32:37Oh, my love!
00:32:47Oh, my love!
00:32:57Oh, my love!
00:33:07Oh, my love!
00:33:17Oh, my love!
00:33:27Oh, my love!
00:33:37Oh, my love!
00:33:47Oh, my love!
00:33:57Oh, my love!
00:34:07Oh, my love!
00:34:17Oh, my love!
00:34:27Oh, my love!
00:34:37Oh, my love!
00:34:47Oh, my love!
00:34:57Oh, my love!
00:35:07Oh, my love!
00:35:17Oh, my love!
00:35:25Oh, my love!
00:35:35Oh, my love!
00:35:45Oh, my love!
00:35:55Oh, my love!
00:36:05Oh, my love!
00:36:15Oh, my love!
00:36:25Oh, my love!
00:36:35Oh, my love!
00:36:45Oh, my love!
00:36:55Oh, my love!
00:37:05Oh, my love!
00:37:15Oh, my love!
00:37:26Shall I speak to Adele?
00:37:29Mrs. has got M-I-S-S-I-S.
00:37:47You're not going in?
00:37:48In a minute.
00:37:49What are you, for me?
00:37:50No, I'm having a decent cup of coffee.
00:37:53Oh, I hate this place.
00:37:55I hate inquests.
00:37:57Dreadful coffee, and it's like a funeral without...
00:37:59I don't know, what's a good thing about funerals?
00:38:02Nothing. Music?
00:38:04So, what's this about you and the dead woman?
00:38:09I want to try and get the inquest adjourned.
00:38:11You're a bloody idiot, Titus Morse.
00:38:12Why didn't you just say you were knocking her off?
00:38:14Because I wasn't.
00:38:16To save me a lot of aggravation, I've got better things to do than bugger around
00:38:19looking at diaries and a dress book.
00:38:22Anyway, just keep your mouth shut and let things go through this morning.
00:38:27It's a good job Lewis has got a bit of mouse.
00:38:31It would look great, wouldn't it?
00:38:33Especially with you after a superintendent's badge.
00:38:36Suicide woman carrying copper's child.
00:38:42Thank you.
00:38:46Could you please give me your name?
00:38:50Harriet Louise Stavely.
00:38:54Harriet Louise Stavely.
00:38:57What is your relation to the deceased?
00:39:00Mother. I'm the mother.
00:39:04I have to ask you if you've formally identified the body of your daughter,
00:39:08Anne Jacqueline Rosemary Stavely.
00:39:11I have. Yes.
00:39:20I estimate the time of death at somewhere between 7 and 9.30 a.m.
00:39:24on the morning of the day of discovery.
00:39:26Apart from the contusions to the neck already described,
00:39:29the deceased had suffered fractures to the laryngeal cartilages
00:39:32and the cervical vertebrae were dislocated.
00:39:35Otherwise, all principal organs were sound.
00:39:38Weight at death was around 57 kilos.
00:39:41The deceased, who bore the marks of previous childbirth
00:39:44with both striae gravidarum and linearis,
00:39:47was again pregnant and I estimate the fetal age
00:39:50as somewhere between 8 and 10 weeks.
00:39:53Thank you, Doctor.
00:39:55Have you any doubt in your mind that this woman met her death by her own hand?
00:39:59My job, sir, is to certify death where it has occurred
00:40:02and to ascertain, where possible, the physical causes.
00:40:06Yes, and you've ascertained the death was caused by hanging.
00:40:09In your opinion, was the death self-inflicted?
00:40:14In my opinion...
00:40:16I would say it was possible.
00:40:18Possible. Thank you.
00:40:21You may stand down.
00:40:27I now call upon Chief Inspector Bell to give evidence.
00:40:36I have your statement before me, Chief Inspector.
00:40:39Can I ask you if you have any amendments or additions to make to it?
00:40:42Not at present, sir, but the pathologist's information
00:40:45about Miss Stabley's pregnancy, which was only with us yesterday,
00:40:48does raise certain questions which I can't at the moment provide answers to.
00:40:52I wish to make a formal application for an adjournment
00:40:55until we can complete our enquiries.
00:40:57I see.
00:40:59Do you have any objections to my issuing a burial notice?
00:41:04No, sir, we have no objection.
00:41:07Very well. This enquest is adjourned until July 3rd,
00:41:10when a jury will be present.
00:41:12Thank you, sir.
00:41:14All stand.
00:41:27Have a drink later, Max?
00:41:29No, thank you. Good night.
00:41:32Uh, Mrs Stabley, uh, hello.
00:41:34My name is Morse. I'm a police officer.
00:41:37I was a friend of your daughter's.
00:41:39Oh, were you?
00:41:41And, um... And do you think Anne killed herself?
00:41:44I don't know. I don't know what happened.
00:41:46But I don't think she killed herself.
00:41:48But, um... But who would want to hurt her?
00:41:51She was such a kind girl. She was...
00:41:53She was a kind girl, but if you knew her, you'd know that.
00:41:56She was always. She was so generous.
00:41:58Look, not now, but sometime,
00:42:01could we talk? I'll give you my telephone number.
00:42:04Yes, yes. Will you call me?
00:42:06I will call you, yes.
00:42:08Thank you.
00:42:12There is one thing I'd like to know that can't wait,
00:42:15and that is, did you know that Anne had been pregnant before?
00:42:18Oh, yes, yes, but that was years ago.
00:42:21She married the father. That was years ago.
00:42:24I mean, um...
00:42:26That was what ruined her, the baby and then the marriage.
00:42:30And then it spoiled everything.
00:42:32She was 18.
00:42:34Right. And what happened to the baby?
00:42:36I mean, do you... What...
00:42:38Where does the child live?
00:42:40Oh, I'm afraid I can't tell you that.
00:42:43The baby was... It was a boy.
00:42:45The baby was adopted, and, um...
00:42:47I never even saw him.
00:42:49And then, uh, then...
00:42:51You see, she gets pregnant again.
00:42:53She got pregnant again, and look what happened.
00:42:55Was that a surprise, Anne pregnant again?
00:42:57Um, until last night, I had no idea, no.
00:43:00So you couldn't think who the father might be?
00:43:03No, no, but if...
00:43:05If you were her friend, haven't you got any idea?
00:43:08That's what everyone keeps asking.
00:43:23I want Mr Alan Richards.
00:43:25Mr Alan Richards.
00:43:28It's a personal matter.
00:43:31Just tell him it's a personal thing.
00:43:35Yeah, all right.
00:43:43Mr Richards.
00:43:45Well, we don't know each other as such, but, uh...
00:43:49Let's just say that I'm a friend of Anne Staveley's.
00:43:53Or should we say, was Mr Richards.
00:43:58Come on.
00:44:02Yeah, yeah, I heard you.
00:44:04You... You got my letter.
00:44:08Well, how much, then?
00:44:10Yeah, I can remember.
00:44:12I just wonder how much you're saying.
00:44:18Yeah, that'll do.
00:44:21You'll be glad you've done this, Mr Richards.
00:44:24And so will Mrs Richards.
00:44:27Don't you threaten me, mush.
00:44:29I could make things very black for you.
00:44:32Yeah, well, I... I could.
00:44:34Do you remember that?
00:44:36Very black.
00:44:41This is what you do.
00:44:50Oh, my God.
00:45:23Oh, hello. Is Ned about?
00:45:25I'm afraid he isn't, no.
00:45:27Can I help?
00:45:29No, no, it was Ned I was hoping to catch.
00:45:31I'm a relative. Uncle.
00:45:33Really? Did I meet you at his birthday, sir?
00:45:36Yes, you did.
00:45:38Oh, thank you very much.
00:45:40You're welcome.
00:45:42I've got to go.
00:45:44I'll see you later.
00:45:48Really? Did I meet you at his birthday, sir?
00:45:50I don't think I did.
00:45:52No, that's right. No, I missed it.
00:45:55Well, anyway, I'm sorry.
00:45:58Er, I'll wait. Do you mind?
00:46:00Oh, really?
00:46:02It's just I've got a lecture.
00:46:04Have you come a long way?
00:46:06Oh, quite, yes.
00:46:08Would you rather I wait for him outside?
00:46:10No, no.
00:46:12No, come in. Thanks.
00:46:17That's Ned's bedroom.
00:46:19Through there, and mine's through there.
00:46:21We share this room.
00:46:23It's not very tiny, is it?
00:46:27Oh, don't worry.
00:46:29Does he bring Anne back here much?
00:46:33Anne Stavely. He seems to be mentioning her a lot in his letters, that's all.
00:46:36I don't know the name, sorry.
00:46:38We were wondering whether he'd found himself a girlfriend.
00:46:41No, I don't think so.
00:46:43I don't think so.
00:46:45But Ned doesn't bring his friends back.
00:46:47It's not a big place, and we don't...
00:46:50He spends a lot of time out, actually.
00:46:53We both do.
00:46:55But he does have a lot of friends.
00:46:57This is Anne Stavely. Do you recognise her?
00:47:01No, I thought it was his mother.
00:47:03This is our first term sharing,
00:47:05and as I said, we're different subjects, and...
00:47:08Who's the dance fan? Is that you?
00:47:12Oh, this'll be him.
00:47:17Your uncle.
00:47:19I think uncle is a slight exaggeration, but we have met.
00:47:22Chief Inspector Mors.
00:47:25Ned, he said he was your uncle.
00:47:27Did you kill Anne Stavely?
00:47:28Get out!
00:47:29Why didn't you come to the inquest?
00:47:31You know, I've had a lot of trouble finding you.
00:47:33Don't you go to classes any more?
00:47:35Look, I've got to go.
00:47:36Well, that's fine. You go.
00:47:37No, you go.
00:47:39You stay.
00:47:40I can't work out whether or not you were having an affair with her.
00:47:43My guess, not.
00:47:44But you were certainly stealing from her.
00:47:46No, I was not.
00:47:48Yeah, I met you before, that's right, at Jericho.
00:47:52Anne said you'd tried it on with her.
00:47:54I didn't kill her.
00:47:55Because guys like you couldn't say two words
00:47:57without trying to shove a hand up her skirt.
00:47:59That's what she said, is it, about me?
00:48:01Everyone used her.
00:48:02She was sick of being used.
00:48:04Always someone's punchbag, that's what she said.
00:48:07I loved her.
00:48:08I loved her.
00:48:09She was everything to me.
00:48:10A mother and a...
00:48:12It wasn't just five minutes' tickle away from the wife.
00:48:15I'm not married.
00:48:16Look, can I...
00:48:17Is there anything I can do, because I didn't...
00:48:19I wasn't talking about you!
00:48:20So it was your baby, was it?
00:48:23She was pregnant.
00:48:24I don't believe you. That's complete crap.
00:48:25Look, I've got to go.
00:48:26No, no, it's the truth.
00:48:27I want you to go now.
00:48:29I've still got some more questions.
00:48:31I want to know what you did with the money you stole from Anne Staveley's purse.
00:48:35It must be so much of a mother to you
00:48:36that she gave you the odd hundred quid now and again.
00:48:38I don't have to listen to this!
00:48:45For God's sake!
00:52:04You can't be using things like you have in your own kitchen anyway.
00:52:07For instance, garlic.
00:52:10Is Dr. Minner over?
00:52:15Thank you.
00:52:21I'm sorry, the health centre's closed.
00:52:23Look, the point is, I get a prescription and bring it for you.
00:52:26I didn't ask for this stuff, I'm ill.
00:52:28The guy writes out the script and I collect it, I'm ill.
00:52:31He clearly thinks it'll help me get better.
00:52:33I'm asking you, do you ring every doctor?
00:52:35When you say you're ill, what exactly is the problem?
00:52:37Actually, I have addiction problems, not that that's any of your business,
00:52:40but since you obviously...
00:52:41I'm sorry, I cannot dispense this prescription.
00:52:43You'll have to come back tomorrow morning when the health centre's open
00:52:46and I can ring Dr. Minner over.
00:52:49Thanks a shit.
00:52:50I mean, really, thanks a complete shit.
00:52:55Well, can I have it back?
00:52:57Because I need it back. Thanks.
00:52:59I'm sorry, you'll have to collect it in the morning.
00:53:01You're a pleasant man, do you know that? A regular guy.
00:53:23You will all, of course, have heard of the sad news of Anne's tragic death.
00:53:29It so happens that she worked for Mr. Richards at one point,
00:53:32and it was at her suggestion we invited him along to talk to us this evening.
00:53:38Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, on the fascinating subject
00:53:41of how a small Banbury engineering company
00:53:44made an international impact on the world of hi-fi,
00:53:48I am very happy to welcome a name familiar to all serious music enthusiasts.
00:53:54Mr. Alan Richards, Managing Director of Richards Audio Research.
00:54:07Thank you.
00:54:08Yes, well, just to repeat Mr. Hornsby's remarks about my lateness,
00:54:12and for which I apologise,
00:54:15and also to share his sadness at the loss of Anne Stabley.
00:54:19She was a very dear personal friend as well as someone who worked with me,
00:54:22so there's not a lot one can say really, it's a terrible thing.
00:54:28Except perhaps to take care, all of us, with those we care about.
00:54:34Well, Anne indeed suggested I come and talk to you this evening
00:54:37about the company that my brother and I founded some dozen years ago,
00:54:42and with which Anne was closely involved in the early years.
00:54:45Now, I'm not really much of a talker,
00:54:48but I am something of an evangelist as far as this thing is concerned,
00:54:52the Richards turntable.
00:55:06Who's there?
00:55:07Who's there?
00:55:17Good night, thank you.
00:55:18Oh, um, you're the singing policeman.
00:55:22Which travels before me, the singing bit or the policing bit?
00:55:25No, I saw you at the inquest, Anne's inquest,
00:55:28and then the chairman pointed you out to me.
00:55:30I enjoyed your talk.
00:55:31Thank you.
00:55:32Yeah, I've got a Richards deck.
00:55:33Oh, I'm honoured, Chief Inspector.
00:55:35How did Anne Stavely acquire hers?
00:55:37That was her farewell present.
00:55:39Such a generous firm, I'm surprised she left.
00:56:06Thank you, Mr. Richards.
00:56:07Oh, Mr. Richards, can I get a call, sir?
00:56:26It's Morse. What's the excitement?
00:56:29Incident in Jericho, sir. A man believed killed.
00:56:34Er, Canal Ridge. We'll get in the number for you, sir.
00:57:09Roger, sir.
00:57:14Charlie, one-two, go ahead.
00:57:18Roger, one-two.
00:57:22Charlie, five-four, go ahead.
00:57:26Charlie, five-four, roger.
00:57:29Charlie, five-four, go ahead.
00:57:43Just so happened to be in the area.
00:57:45That's right.
00:57:46And you knew him too, did you?
00:57:52Well, somebody didn't like him very much.
00:57:55Split open his head.
00:57:58I know the feeling.
00:58:00What's the estimated time of death?
00:58:02No, no, don't tell me. Between seven and eight this evening.
00:58:05Not yet. Max is up there now.
00:58:07What makes you think you know?
00:58:10Just a hunch.
00:58:11I don't much like your involvement in this, Morse.
00:58:14No. But if you are, if you know something I don't, I want to hear about it.
00:58:20Fair enough.
00:58:24I'll tell you what I know.
00:58:26A woman apparently commits suicide and no one knows why.
00:58:31We find out about it from an anonymous phone call.
00:58:34Then we find out that this single woman is pregnant.
00:58:38A fortnight later, a man living opposite gets his head mashed in.
00:58:43Interesting, eh?
00:58:45More interesting than that.
00:58:46Somebody is kind enough to call us about Mr. Jackson's demise.
00:58:51When? What time?
00:58:53Quarter to ten, something like that?
00:58:55Will someone have recorded the exact time?
00:58:57Look here, Morse.
00:58:58No, no, it's not the same caller.
00:59:01Jackson called about Anne's death, I'm certain of that.
00:59:04I went to the box at the top of the road on the night she died.
00:59:07The directory was open on P.
00:59:09There was a strong smell of fish. Jackson's perfume.
00:59:12I'll tell you what I think, pal.
00:59:14I think that Jackson saw something on the day Anne Stavely died.
00:59:19And somebody else didn't want him to tell us about it.
00:59:21Then I hope it isn't you, Morse.
00:59:23Because you keep turning up like a bad penny.
00:59:26I do, don't I?
00:59:45What are you doing here?
00:59:46I've already asked, Max.
00:59:48Don't mind me. Hello, Lewis.
00:59:50Evening, sir.
00:59:51Evening, sir.
00:59:52I'm sorry to hear about your head. How is it?
00:59:54Sore. Not as sore as Jackson's.
00:59:57I've got to find this murderer before he picks on anyone else.
00:59:59What do you think?
01:00:00Chief Inspector Morse is very keen to know the time of death.
01:00:03I'll know by morning.
01:00:05You know now.
01:00:06And you?
01:00:08A guess.
01:00:09Between nine and nine-thirty.
01:00:12That's a guess.
01:00:13The body is still warm.
01:00:15Fitting with your theories, Morse.
01:00:17It buggers them to hell.
01:00:19Where were you between nine and nine-thirty?
01:00:21Oh, I have the perfect alibi.
01:00:23The problem is, so does my suspect.
01:00:25We were together.
01:00:50Oh, hello, sir.
01:00:53I'm sorry to drop by unannounced.
01:00:55You're not here, are you?
01:00:58Well, I wanted a word.
01:01:00Oh, yeah. Come in.
01:01:01Yeah, come in.
01:01:09I'm sorry to bother you.
01:01:11I'm not here.
01:01:12I'm not here.
01:01:13I'm not here.
01:01:14I'm not here.
01:01:15I'm not here.
01:01:16I'm not here.
01:01:17I'm not here.
01:01:19Having a bit of a night, are you?
01:01:21Can I get you a drink of coffee or something?
01:01:24I wouldn't mind if you could have that record a bit.
01:01:26Oh, yes.
01:01:32How's the head?
01:01:34I'll live.
01:01:35I was sorry about that.
01:01:39Well, um...
01:01:40Oh, yes.
01:01:41Sit down.
01:01:52Well, I've got some good and bad news for you, Morse.
01:01:56We're not going to give you the supers job.
01:02:00You're a clever sod, but you don't say the right things to the right people.
01:02:04You never will.
01:02:05It doesn't bother me, but it doesn't do you any good.
01:02:08You didn't want it anyway, did you?
01:02:12I mean, the point is, you're unorthodox.
01:02:15I mean, look at you.
01:02:17It's not exactly...
01:02:19But anyway, fine, I like that.
01:02:21It doesn't bother me, but, um...
01:02:23Was that the good or the bad news?
01:02:26We're giving Bell the job.
01:02:29He's not exactly a brain merchant, but he does...
01:02:33Well, I don't have to tell you, he's, uh...
01:02:36He's, um...
01:02:38He fills in the forms, he always says the right things...
01:02:41Anyway, shut your mouth a minute and listen, Morse.
01:02:44I want you to tell me about the Jericho killings.
01:02:47You've got shit all over you at the moment.
01:02:49I don't know why.
01:02:50Look right.
01:02:52I want you to tell me what you know about it,
01:02:54and if I'm convinced you're not mixed up in it...
01:02:57you can take it over.
01:02:59That's if I'm convinced.
01:03:01I don't have to convince you of anything.
01:03:05Get your clothes on and I'll take you for a drink.
01:03:08At least you stop sulking when there's a beer glass in front of you.
01:03:11How can you think I'm mixed up with a murder case?
01:03:14I just want to know what's going on.
01:03:16Which pub?
01:03:18Not that bloody awful hole you go to.
01:03:20Wherever you like, Morse.
01:03:22Just give me five minutes.
01:03:36Yes, could I speak to Alan Richards, please?
01:03:40Yes, my name's Chief Inspector Morse.
01:03:43Thank you.
01:03:53No, I just wondered if you'd heard about the murder in Jericho last night.
01:04:00A man was killed.
01:04:02His name was George Jackson.
01:04:04Did you know him?
01:04:07Well, you must know someone in Jericho, Mr Richards.
01:04:11This man lived opposite Anne Staveley.
01:04:15No. No, I'm not accusing you of anything, Mr Richards.
01:04:20That's right. Yes, you do have a pretty good alibi.
01:04:25That's right. Yes, I can vouch for you, Mr Richards.
01:04:29I just wondered...
01:04:31what you were doing on June the 11th.
01:04:36Let me jog your memory. That was the day Anne Staveley died.
01:04:41Anything you say to me will be treated with respect, Mr Richards.
01:04:44If it's within the law.
01:04:48I see.
01:04:50And what would the lady's name be?
01:04:54Oh, sorry, sir.
01:04:56I think I'm going to have to insist on a name, Mr Richards.
01:05:00And an address.
01:05:03Hang on.
01:05:07I'm sorry. Hang on.
01:05:09A pen and a bit of paper.
01:05:16Right. Thank you, Mr Richards.
01:05:21Hills as in Dales.
01:05:33Oh, yes, I understand.
01:05:37Do you have any idea why Anne Staveley would want to commit suicide?
01:05:43No, I didn't think you would.
01:05:46Of course.
01:05:58You wanted to see me, sir.
01:06:00Oh, right, yes.
01:06:02I expect you've heard your boss is getting promoted.
01:06:05Yes, sir.
01:06:07Good, eh?
01:06:09Oh, yes, sir. Marvellous.
01:06:12I'm a quite different kettle of fish, Lewis.
01:06:20Richards reckons he spent the afternoon Anne Staveley died
01:06:23under a duvet with a Mrs Jennifer Hills.
01:06:26Go and see her and try and work out how he could be in Woodstock and Jericho
01:06:30at the same time.
01:06:32Right, I'll see you later, sir.
01:06:34I'm coming with you, Lewis.
01:06:36You're dropping me off at the Radcliffe.
01:06:38They found Ned Murdoch for us.
01:06:40Have they?
01:06:41No, thanks to you.
01:06:42He has to take an overdose before I can speak to him.
01:06:44Oh, come on.
01:06:49I want the fingerprint reports from Jackson's house.
01:06:52I like full reports, Lewis.
01:06:54I like everything written down.
01:06:58What about the business of the parking ticket?
01:07:00You followed that up?
01:07:02What do you mean?
01:07:03The parking ticket.
01:07:05Richards' car was parked in Jericho on the day Anne Staveley died.
01:07:08You didn't tell me?
01:07:10There was a parking ticket on the windscreen.
01:07:15You see somebody's lying.
01:07:17What's the point? I can't work out who.
01:07:19No, I'll tell you what's worse.
01:07:21I don't believe anybody.
01:07:25Careful, Lewis.
01:07:45What sort of state is he in?
01:07:47Not great.
01:07:48There's a strong possibility he'll lose his sight in one eye.
01:07:51Really? I understood he came in on an overdose.
01:07:53He did, but in the process,
01:07:55he got very disturbed. He tried to find himself.
01:07:57Thank God.
01:07:58I need to talk to him. Is that all right?
01:08:00You'll have to come back, Inspector.
01:08:02He's going to be in the theatre in ten minutes.
01:08:04He's already had his pre-med.
01:08:05Well, ten minutes will be enough for the time being.
01:08:07I'm sorry. You'll have to come back.
01:08:09That's very inconvenient.
01:08:11Nevertheless, come back another time.
01:08:28In here.
01:08:34Oh, sorry, sir.
01:08:36Well, I just...
01:08:38Anyway, do you want a light on?
01:08:41Do you want a cheering up?
01:08:43It was Richard's car.
01:08:45The fine was paid first thing the next day by Adrian.
01:08:48I'm sure he'll be all right.
01:08:50I don't think so.
01:08:52The fine was paid first thing the next day
01:08:54by A. Richards, 216 Oxford Avenue, Banbury.
01:08:57And I've typed it all out here.
01:08:59Good. That's good.
01:09:05Is that how you spell debited?
01:09:10What about the woman in Woodstock?
01:09:12She says he was with her.
01:09:14All afternoon?
01:09:15Yes, sir.
01:09:16She looked like the kind of woman who'd keep you occupied all afternoon?
01:09:20I don't know.
01:09:22You don't know.
01:09:26Anne Stavely was that kind of woman, Lewis.
01:09:32Call Richards.
01:09:33Make me an appointment to see him in the morning.
01:09:36One thing is certainly true.
01:09:38When Jackson was getting his comeuppance,
01:09:40Murdoch was lying in the rag cliff.
01:09:42And if he didn't kill Jackson and Alan Richards didn't kill Jackson,
01:09:45who the hell did?
01:09:46Maybe Superintendent Bell was right.
01:09:48The murder was to do with Jackson's people.
01:09:50Superintendent Christ!
01:09:52Let's go and find a pub.
01:09:53I need to get home, sir. It's my night with the kids.
01:09:56Well, you just have to be a bit late.
01:09:58Sorry, sir. Another time.
01:10:04Oh, sir, before you go, there's news from the forensic people.
01:10:08They did find something when they went back to Number 10.
01:10:10Two prints, and they weren't Jackson's.
01:10:15Chief Inspector Morse.
01:10:17Mr Richards is expecting you. Please go through.
01:10:22Can I get you a coffee?
01:10:23No, thank you. No coffee, thanks.
01:10:27Nice place to work?
01:10:29Yes, very.
01:10:30Richards a good boss?
01:10:33You're very loyal.
01:10:36Ah, Inspector Morse did come in.
01:10:41You sure you won't have coffee?
01:10:43Pass it down.
01:10:48This is beautiful.
01:10:54Why did you lie to me, Richards?
01:10:56I beg your pardon?
01:10:58You tell me you didn't go to Jericho on the day Anne Stavely died.
01:11:01That's the truth.
01:11:03So who did you lend your car to?
01:11:05My car? Nobody.
01:11:07Oh, the Merc, you mean.
01:11:09That was probably parked outside.
01:11:11While you were with your friend in Woodstock.
01:11:18Ah, that's right.
01:11:23I don't use the Mercedes. It's too easy.
01:11:26I have a little Metro. It's more...
01:11:31I must say you're extremely generous.
01:11:33Not only do you lend somebody a very expensive car,
01:11:35you also pay their parking fines for them.
01:11:39Why don't we stop buggering about
01:11:41and you tell me what really happened on the afternoon of June the 11th?
01:11:47Right. There's no point, is there, if you know about the parking ticket now.
01:11:50OK, um...
01:11:53I did go to see Anne.
01:11:56Look, the fact of the matter is, um...
01:12:00some time ago I had been very close with Anne.
01:12:03I was in love with her, I think.
01:12:06At one stage I considered leaving my wife, but that didn't happen.
01:12:09And so inevitably it became rather difficult here at the office with Anne
01:12:13and it seemed best that she leave and find something less, um...
01:12:17Of course, I made it financially, you know.
01:12:21That was some time ago.
01:12:23It seemed that she was fine. We saw each other a number of times.
01:12:27Anyway, she called me. She wanted me to look in.
01:12:29She'd had some work done on the house and I agreed.
01:12:32And that afternoon I went to Canal Reach,
01:12:35but in fact there was no-one in when I got there.
01:12:38Although you did go in.
01:12:40Oh, sure.
01:12:41How did you get in?
01:12:43Oh, it was, um... The door was open.
01:12:46There was nothing new in that.
01:12:48Then what?
01:12:50Well, as I said, there was no-one there.
01:12:52I called her name a number of times, but no-one answered, so...
01:12:58I left.
01:13:00But you went upstairs, didn't you?
01:13:04Well, I might have gone upstairs just to have a look around,
01:13:07see if she was having a bath or whatever, but...
01:13:11I can't remember.
01:13:13You can't remember?
01:13:15You haven't got the foggiest, have you?
01:13:17Because you were nowhere near Anne Stavely's that afternoon.
01:13:20So who are you trying to protect?
01:13:24My husband's covering for me, Inspector.
01:13:28That's right. We sent the secretary home.
01:13:31You see, Alan was lying about the car and the ticket and going to Jericho.
01:13:36My husband's very good at lying, Inspector.
01:13:39Over the years, he's lied his way in and out of a whole host of beds.
01:13:44For once, he's lying on my behalf.
01:13:49It was me that went to visit Anne Stavely.
01:13:52It was me that got the ticket and I paid it.
01:13:55And did you kill Anne Stavely?
01:13:58I didn't have to.
01:14:02She was already dead.
01:14:26Yes, I know, Lewis. It smells like a saloon.
01:14:28I'm just going to open the window.
01:14:30Morning, sir.
01:14:32You're one of those people who has breakfast, aren't you?
01:14:35Oh, yes, sir.
01:14:37So what's the programme today?
01:14:38I don't know.
01:14:45Anyway, my car will be ready at lunchtime.
01:14:48I can't think in these other cars.
01:14:50Well, that's good then, isn't it?
01:14:52It's all right. It's a car.
01:14:53I've got something to add to the Jackson file.
01:14:55Which is?
01:14:56He deposited £250 in the post office on the afternoon he was killed.
01:15:01In cash.
01:15:02Is this significant? I thought he did odd jobs.
01:15:04Well, I'll check, but I don't think it was money he got for a job.
01:15:07I don't see why not.
01:15:08Well, that's because you're in a bad mood.
01:15:10Why don't we assume it was money he got to be paid off?
01:15:15And let's assume that it was Richards that paid him off.
01:15:18Because Jackson had seen something going on in Jericho on the afternoon Ann Stavely died.
01:15:22The money was for Jackson to keep his mouth shut.
01:15:25But signs were Jackson wasn't going to do that, so Richards bumped him off.
01:15:30I see.
01:15:31And this is despite the fact that his wife says she went to Jericho, not him.
01:15:37Another woman swears he was in her bed at the time,
01:15:39and I swear he was giving a lecture when Jackson was killed.
01:15:42Oh, that's right.
01:15:44Oh, I think you're probably right, Lewis.
01:15:46At least that's the way it ought to happen, but it just doesn't get us anywhere.
01:15:50Well, I've been asking myself if someone else could have killed Jackson for Richards.
01:15:54And if so, who?
01:15:55His wife?
01:15:56His brother?
01:15:58You're very sparky this morning.
01:16:00Oh, you can't beat a cooked breakfast.
01:16:02And it's also my birthday, that might be something to do with it.
01:16:05Go and see the brother, then. Ask him if he killed Jackson.
01:16:08And take his fingerprints.
01:16:10And the other ones, too, while you're about it. And the wife's.
01:16:14And find out if Jackson's recently been paid for a job,
01:16:16because if he has, your theory's all to cock.
01:16:18I mean, Ann Stavely could have taken that £100 out to pay Jackson for some job he did for her.
01:16:23In fact, that could be part of the 250.
01:16:25No, it isn't. Ann Stavely paid him by cheque.
01:16:27I've got her cheque stub and his paying counter file.
01:16:31Yeah, it's all right, Lewis. No need to go mad.
01:16:34Come on. We'll celebrate your birthday.
01:16:37Oh, no, thanks, sir. It's a bit early for me.
01:16:41Suit yourself.
01:17:04The boy's parents are driving down this evening.
01:17:07I've no idea what I'm going to say to them.
01:17:09Why should they expect you to say anything?
01:17:11Well, I missed you, Tom. I had no idea about the drugs business.
01:17:14And now this. I gather that the family, his family, are childless.
01:17:18That's the other thing. Really?
01:17:20Apparently, yes. There's cystic fibrosis on the mother's side.
01:17:24I don't quite know why, but she told me when I telephoned her.
01:17:27Edwin was adopted.
01:17:29I didn't know. No.
01:17:32I want to send one of my sergeants round later to look through his belongings.
01:17:36Unless you have any objection.
01:17:39It's just routine.
01:17:42We're not intending to prosecute,
01:17:44despite the fact that he assaulted a police officer.
01:17:46Worse, he assaulted this police officer.
01:17:49He's punished himself, so there's no point.
01:17:52Well, that's very... Thank you.
01:17:54In that case, of course, we shouldn't object to...
01:17:57What an idiot.
01:17:59It's been staring me in the face.
01:18:01I'm sorry, but what has?
01:18:03Who killed Anne Stavely. It's been staring me in the face.
01:18:29The same person was trying to find whatever it was they were looking for
01:18:32when they killed Jackson.
01:18:34Problem is, it couldn't have been Tony Richards, cos he was with me.
01:18:37Sadly, it wasn't his brother.
01:18:39I didn't get that good a look at the man,
01:18:41but I'll swear it wasn't Alan Richards.
01:18:43I know it wasn't. Alan Richards is in London,
01:18:45on some conference or other.
01:18:47Is he?
01:18:49I don't know.
01:18:50I don't know.
01:18:51I don't know.
01:18:52I don't know.
01:18:53I don't know.
01:18:54I don't know.
01:18:55I don't know.
01:18:56He's in London, on some conference or other.
01:18:58Is he now?
01:18:59You should have bloody well asked.
01:19:00Anyway, he can't be a suspect any longer.
01:19:03Did you get Tony's prints?
01:19:05Oh, yeah.
01:19:06I liked him, actually.
01:19:08Don't think he'd kill anybody.
01:19:10I did like him.
01:19:11Speaks very highly of you, Lewis.
01:19:13What about Adele Richards?
01:19:14She in London, too?
01:19:16She's in Banbury still.
01:19:17Very happy to give a statement and her fingerprints.
01:19:20Very repentant.
01:19:22She also spent the evening with Jackson, died with Tony, she said.
01:19:25That is alibi.
01:19:27Very close family, aren't they?
01:19:29Is she still saying she went to the house
01:19:30and burnt the love letters her husband wrote to Ann Stavely?
01:19:33And that she paid the parking ticket.
01:19:34She did as well.
01:19:35You see the checks, Dad?
01:19:38So I was wrong about Richards then.
01:19:40He didn't kill either of them.
01:19:41Oh, no, he didn't kill Ann Stavely.
01:19:43No, no, Richards didn't kill her.
01:19:45But I'll tell you who did.
01:19:46Do you want to know?
01:19:47Are you taking the piss?
01:19:48No, no, I'm not.
01:19:49The man who killed Ann Stavely is called Sophocles.
01:19:52Was he when he's at home?
01:19:55Look, I want you to do a couple of things for me.
01:19:57Then I'll explain everything.
01:19:58I want to know the name of the other driver
01:20:00when Ann Stavely's husband was killed.
01:20:02And then I want to know what happened
01:20:03to the son she had adopted.
01:20:05Social services will tell you.
01:20:07And if they get stroppy and awkward,
01:20:08get very stroppy and awkward back.
01:20:10Do I know this Sophocles?
01:20:12Only if you loved your mother, Lewis.
01:20:14Excuse me, sir.
01:20:14Sarge, you said to let you know about those prints.
01:20:17Tony Richards and his brother's wife.
01:20:19Adele Richards?
01:20:20Yeah, that's right.
01:20:22They're the match with the ones we got from in here.
01:20:28Still, I need something to make one arrest.
01:20:30Who's that?
01:20:32This Sophocles chap.
01:20:33Lewis, Sophocles died 2,500 years ago.
01:20:37What are you doing?
01:20:38You're just ragging me, or what?
01:20:40You are, aren't you?
01:20:42Look, OK.
01:20:43I don't know who this bloke is.
01:20:44Am I supposed to?
01:20:45At least I can survive half hour's work
01:20:47without reaching for a beer glass.
01:20:52That's a good idea, Lewis.
01:20:53We still haven't celebrated your birthday.
01:20:56Come on, and I'll tell you why I'm
01:20:58deadly serious about Sophocles.
01:21:04Happy birthday.
01:21:05Thank you.
01:21:06And the same price, five to one mighty fours.
01:21:12I've got some milk for you here in that rubber glass.
01:21:14Is there any left to leave us here?
01:21:18No, actually, it was your birthday set me off.
01:21:20Or partly.
01:21:21Is it?
01:21:23No, first things first.
01:21:25You know all about the Oedipus complex,
01:21:27where you want to bed your mom and bury your dad, yeah?
01:21:29I know the gist.
01:21:30Oh, the gist will do fine.
01:21:32Sophocles wrote a play about it, Oedipus the King.
01:21:35Now, Oedipus was this big tyrant, this big man,
01:21:39who found out that the woman he'd married was his mother.
01:21:43And a man he'd killed in an argument at a crossroads
01:21:45was his father.
01:21:47So Jocasta, who was his wife and his mom,
01:21:50when she found out, guess what she did?
01:21:54Killed him?
01:21:56She hangs herself.
01:21:58I see.
01:21:59Interesting, eh?
01:22:00I can't imagine marrying my mother.
01:22:02Well, Oedipus wasn't too happy about it either.
01:22:04Wasn't she a bit old for it?
01:22:05She was very attractive.
01:22:07Now, after she's hanged herself, he poked his own eyes out.
01:22:12Any of this sound familiar?
01:22:14Yeah, yeah.
01:22:15Aunt Stavely, innit?
01:22:17And she had a son who she had adopted.
01:22:19Right, and guess who I find out today is an adopted son?
01:22:23Edwin Murdoch.
01:22:26And guess whose birthday falls on the same day
01:22:28Aunt Stavely died?
01:22:30Edwin Murdoch.
01:22:32It's just coincidence.
01:22:33Aunt Stavely had a copy of the Sophocles by her bed.
01:22:36She'd almost certainly at one time or another
01:22:38had Ned Murdoch in her bed.
01:22:39Now, I know it sounds incredible,
01:22:41but maybe that's the point.
01:22:43I mean, why else should an intelligent, attractive woman
01:22:46suddenly decide to do something so terrible?
01:22:49I mean, why else does a talented young man blind himself?
01:22:53Yeah, but what about killing the father?
01:22:54Where does that go?
01:22:57I go and find out who else was involved in the car crash.
01:23:02Bloody hell.
01:23:05Oh, that's impossible.
01:23:07The only coincidence, really, is that Aunt Stavely's adopted son
01:23:10should turn up in Oxford.
01:23:12It's quite possible they should find themselves
01:23:13attracted to each other.
01:23:15The rest, after they've found out,
01:23:18well, that's the product of something else.
01:23:19That's some kind of bizarre kind of atonement.
01:23:23I don't know.
01:23:25I don't know.
01:23:26Bloody hell.
01:23:28So Sophocles did it.
01:23:30Bloody hell.
01:23:39I'm afraid there's nothing to report yet, sir.
01:23:41Sir, there's no point in haggling with social services.
01:23:43Go direct to the Murdoch boys, he's enough to find.
01:23:46Yes, I've tried that, but he's being operated on again today.
01:23:49They're trying to rescue the, well, he's got a retina damaged.
01:23:52Anyways, they said I can go back tomorrow,
01:23:55but in the meantime.
01:23:56In the meantime, you and I are going to the Richards' office.
01:23:59And you'd better make all your appointments early tomorrow.
01:24:02We're all meeting at Canal Ridge for lunch.
01:24:08Sorry, sir.
01:24:10Who's we?
01:24:11Oh, everybody.
01:24:12And I'll tell you something else for nothing.
01:24:14If I'm right, or we were wrong, and Ann did commit suicide,
01:24:17there's a note somewhere.
01:24:18I want to read it.
01:24:20Oh, good man.
01:24:37Can I help you?
01:24:38Chief Inspector Moore, CID.
01:24:40I'd like to speak to Tony Richards.
01:24:41I'm afraid Mr. Richards is at lunch.
01:24:43Can I take a message?
01:24:44No, I don't think so.
01:24:45When you expect him.
01:24:46I'm sorry, he may not be back again today, sir.
01:24:48He wasn't sure.
01:24:49Yes, it's always a dilemma, isn't it?
01:24:51Coming back after lunch.
01:24:52We'd like to look around the offices.
01:24:54I think one of the partners would prefer to show you,
01:24:56rather than.
01:24:57I haven't got time to muck about.
01:24:59You take Tony's office, I'll ransack Allen's.
01:25:02Mrs. Richards?
01:25:03Sorry to bother you.
01:25:04It's Jill.
01:25:05The police are here without a search warrant.
01:25:08Can you come over here as soon as possible?
01:25:10OK, thank you.
01:25:32Oh, there's nothing in there, sir.
01:25:34What have you found?
01:25:39Listen to this, Lewis.
01:25:42Amazing sound.
01:25:49Where was it?
01:25:51It was filed under B for blackmail.
01:25:54I'm serious.
01:25:57So Jackson was blackmailed.
01:26:01Jackson was blackmailed.
01:26:03It looks like it, except...
01:26:08I'm not sure, but I can't believe Jackson wrote that letter.
01:26:11Why do you say that?
01:26:13I don't know, it's too...
01:26:17Dear Mr. Richards, it's about Mrs. Stavely who died.
01:26:21I know all about her, but does Mrs. Richards?
01:26:26Well, we know he wasn't very clever.
01:26:28There wasn't a single book in his house.
01:26:29That's the point.
01:26:30Whoever wrote that wants you to think he's not very clever.
01:26:33But that letter...
01:26:35There's nothing to misunderstand.
01:26:39Despite the spelling, despite the punctuation,
01:26:43it doesn't affect what's being said.
01:26:46It's as clear as crystal.
01:26:48No, Jackson didn't write that letter.
01:26:52And if he didn't, Lewis, who the hell did write it?
01:26:56I hope you've got a very good explanation
01:26:58for entering these offices without a warrant.
01:27:00I have, I'm just photocopying it.
01:27:03I'll have to keep the original, but this is for your reference.
01:27:12He knows something, doesn't he?
01:27:14No, I think it's a complete bluff.
01:27:16He's trying to force us into some sort of confession.
01:27:18All he's got is that blackmail letter, and that's easily dealt with.
01:27:21You reckon?
01:27:22I can't stand this place, it gives me the willies.
01:27:24Look at it, as if I've come to paint on a door it'd do any good.
01:27:27Oh, don't go maudlin' on us.
01:27:32I've told lies and covered up and been humiliated on your behalf,
01:27:36but yes, I'll try not to go maudlin'.
01:27:42Here it comes.
01:28:05Sorry, sorry I'm late.
01:28:07Still, nice day, eh?
01:28:09Tony Richards?
01:28:11We haven't met, I'm Morse.
01:28:13I thought you'd left yourselves, then.
01:28:23Shall we go into the front room? That's probably best.
01:28:26What do you think, Alan?
01:28:28Ah, sure.
01:28:33Might as well sit down, eh?
01:28:48Anybody play?
01:28:53I wonder what'll happen to these things.
01:28:58Look, there's your lovely turntable gathering dust.
01:29:05God, these fingerprint boys make a mess.
01:29:11I asked you all to come here today because...
01:29:17I was hoping Sergeant Lewis would be here by now.
01:29:20Anyway, can't be helped.
01:29:22Yes, yes, this was Anne Stavely's house,
01:29:26and in there is where she died.
01:29:35From that beam.
01:29:38She tied a cord to that hook.
01:29:43I expect it was normally used for hanging up her washing.
01:29:46Shut the door, and you can't even tell she's there.
01:29:51That's what happened to me.
01:29:53I came here on the day she died,
01:29:55and I didn't even know she was hanging there.
01:29:59That was while you were here, Mrs Richards.
01:30:02Yes. Yes.
01:30:04Yes. Yes, you were upstairs going through Anne's things,
01:30:07looking for any letters that might incriminate your husband.
01:30:10Much as yesterday afternoon I was going through your husband's office
01:30:13looking for any letters that might incriminate him.
01:30:15You found love letters.
01:30:17I found a blackmail note.
01:30:31What did you do about that blackmail note, Alan?
01:30:34I paid up.
01:30:36Did you?
01:30:38Yes, I gave Jackson the money.
01:30:41Yes, I gave Jackson the money.
01:30:45You know all this, but...
01:30:52OK, on the day he died, I delivered the money.
01:30:56I had to leave it behind a telephone box just down the road.
01:31:00There's no mention of this arrangement in the letter.
01:31:03No, he called me shortly after.
01:31:06I see.
01:31:08Fine. So, you paid him the money.
01:31:11How much, by the way?
01:31:13£250. I told him that was all I was prepared to give.
01:31:16So, you paid him the 250, and later that day he was murdered.
01:31:21Well, you know it couldn't have been me. I was with Hugh.
01:31:25It wasn't your brother, was it?
01:31:28Not even a brother would be prepared to go that far.
01:31:31Oh, I don't know.
01:31:33I can't remember where you were on that particular night, Tony.
01:31:37I was with Adele.
01:31:39Oh, yes, yes, with your brother's wife.
01:31:41And you can vouch for that, Mrs Richards.
01:31:47Well, I must say, I don't believe you.
01:31:51I think you killed George Jackson
01:31:53while your brother was giving his talk to our group.
01:31:56I think you followed Jackson back from the drop
01:31:59and confronted him in his house about what evidence, if any,
01:32:02he had about your brother's liaison with Anne Stavely.
01:32:05And when Jackson wouldn't play ball,
01:32:07you smashed his head open on his bedpost.
01:32:09How am I doing? It's rubbish and you know it.
01:32:11Your sergeant took my brother's fingerprints
01:32:13and they didn't match with the ones shown in Jackson's house.
01:32:16And besides... So...
01:32:18So, what other evidence have you got?
01:32:20And besides, if I'm prepared to cover up for my husband,
01:32:23why should he worry about being blackmailed in the first place?
01:32:26It doesn't make sense.
01:32:28Well, I was hoping that you'd explain that to me.
01:32:31I can't explain it because it didn't happen.
01:32:34You only didn't kill Jackson.
01:32:38That'll be Sergeant Lewis. Will you excuse me?
01:32:47Thank God you're here. I'm halfway up my own backside.
01:32:50Sorry, sir, I was...
01:32:51I've been chasing all that stuff on the Anne Stavely adoption...
01:32:55No, I think you should know this now.
01:32:57Anne Stavely's son was adopted by a family in Wales.
01:33:00I've spoken to him on the phone this morning. He's a postman.
01:33:03Her husband was killed in a head-on collision just outside Portsmouth.
01:33:06The other driver was a pensioner, died instantly. Naturally.
01:33:09And I've also checked with Swansea.
01:33:11Edwin Murdoch doesn't even have a driving licence.
01:33:14Sophocles didn't do it.
01:33:24Well, it looks as though I should send everybody home,
01:33:26as I'm clearly so far off beam.
01:33:29Well, I hope that means you're going to leave us in peace from now on.
01:33:32I don't think you can afford to be so righteous, Mrs Richards.
01:33:36Don't let us keep you.
01:33:39Mr Richards, we haven't met. I'm Sergeant Lewis.
01:33:42Oh, hello.
01:33:43What did you say?
01:33:45I was just introducing myself to Mr Richards.
01:33:47Just say that again. Just repeat exactly what you just said.
01:33:51We haven't met. I'm Sergeant Lewis.
01:33:54You have met Lewis. You've taken this man's fingerprints.
01:33:57No, sir, that's the Mr Richards whose prints I took. Tony Richards.
01:34:02Is this true?
01:34:05I'm... I'm afraid so.
01:34:09So which of you is Alan Richards?
01:34:13Alan, don't try anything! It's too late!
01:35:02It's Morse.
01:35:07I want to try and close the Jericho case this evening.
01:35:10There's a few things I need to know, just for my peace of mind.
01:35:14All right.
01:35:17Did you see Anne on the day she died?
01:35:19Yes. Or rather, I saw her dead the day she died.
01:35:23I went round to the house in the morning and she was...
01:35:25Right. And was there anything...
01:35:29Did you take anything from the room or...?
01:35:32Yes, I took money from her purse.
01:35:35It was money. You're not going to believe this.
01:35:37It was money she'd taken out of the bank for me.
01:35:40I believe you.
01:35:42She thought she was paying for driving lessons.
01:35:44I can't even remember.
01:35:46Some story I invented to get cash from her.
01:35:51All right, but no letters.
01:35:54You didn't disturb anything else?
01:35:56No, I panicked. I was so desperate for heroin, I couldn't even...
01:36:00I should have phoned the police and saved her the humiliation
01:36:03from hanging there all day.
01:36:05I was so desperate.
01:36:18Were you the father of her child?
01:36:20I don't think that's possible, Inspector.
01:36:25I don't have relationships with women.
01:36:31I see.
01:36:34Right, OK.
01:36:38But there's just one more thing.
01:36:41A letter has come into my possession...
01:36:45..addressed to a Mr Alan Richards and asking him for money.
01:36:48In fact, demanding money.
01:36:50I'm assuming that that letter was a sort of practical joke.
01:36:55Am I right in thinking that?
01:37:01Then you'd better have it back.
01:37:03How did you know I sent it?
01:37:06One of those guesses where you've guessed everything else and been wrong.
01:37:10And you typed the envelope and I checked it with your typewriter and...
01:37:15Anyway, it had to be you because...
01:37:18..there wasn't anyone else, really.
01:37:20So, just genius.
01:37:32Richards hurt Anne so much, that's why she killed herself.
01:37:36She was tired of being hurt by men.
01:37:38Had no qualms about trying to get money off him.
01:37:41He had plenty.
01:37:43And he was so cruel to Anne.
01:37:45She said once that she waited every day for him to call her or arrive,
01:37:48and he didn't bother.
01:37:51I'll let that be an end to it. Burn it.
01:37:55I will. Thanks.
01:37:58I miss Anne.
01:38:06I'm still here.
01:38:09Yes, I miss her too.
01:38:11Yes, I miss her too.
01:38:16Did she ever say anything about me?
01:38:20I know she talked about me at the beginning,
01:38:23when I was a bit clumsy about asking her out,
01:38:26but did she say anything after that?
01:38:29I'm sorry. Not that I remember.
01:38:33No. I just wonder.
01:38:42Oh, sir!
01:38:44Some good news. I found the letter.
01:38:46What letter?
01:38:47Hans Davely's.
01:38:49It was inside one of Jackson's rods.
01:38:51The hollow, it seems. The rods.
01:38:53One letter.
01:38:54Just said a letter. I don't know.
01:38:56I don't see why they couldn't have found it the first time, Robert.
01:38:58What are they doing?
01:38:59We couldn't find it.
01:39:01Come on, hurry.
01:39:03No need to hold it up like a trophy.
01:39:05We all know what a fishing rod looks like.
01:39:07Who found it?
01:39:08One of the boys, sir.
01:39:09I guess that.
01:39:10Well, I think what happened is that one of the blokes is a bit of a keen fisherman,
01:39:13and he was admiring the rods when he came across the letter.
01:39:16What are you trying to say, Lewis?
01:39:18Where did this admiration of the rod take place?
01:39:21In the chap's garage, sir.
01:39:22In the chap's garage.
01:39:23Taking his work home with him, was he?
01:39:25I've spoken to the man, sir.
01:39:27I'm pretty confident it won't happen again.
01:39:29I don't think so.
01:39:32I've spoken to the man, sir.
01:39:33I'm pretty confident it won't happen again.
01:39:35And the fact of the matter is he could have just thrown the letter away, so...
01:39:38Is the rest of Jackson's tackle in the shed?
01:39:40Absolutely, yeah. Definitely.
01:39:42Right, well, we'll all stay here till we find out whether or not there are any more letters.
01:39:57Does it say what you thought it would, sir?
01:40:01It says that Richard's broke her heart.
01:40:06Take a copy of it, let Richard see it.
01:40:09Forget it, there won't be any of it.
01:40:15I think he thought she might have written a letter to somebody else,
01:40:19and he read this and changed his mind.
01:40:22Well, don't just stand there.
01:40:24Get this place tidied up.
01:40:26And this time, leave the rods alone.
01:40:29You're a lucky lad, Dixon.
01:40:31On another day, you'd have ended up with one of them fishhooks up your fuck's side.
01:40:48Four of us went into that house on the day she died.
01:40:51First Jackson, then Ed Murdoch,
01:40:54then Adele Richards,
01:40:56and then me.
01:41:00And I'm the only one that came away empty-handed.
01:41:03Fancy a pint?
01:41:05Oh, I'd like to, but... Yes, yes, I know.
01:41:08I'll see you tomorrow.
