Berita: Ironi Penolakan BANSER oleh Raja-Raja Bali saat Apel Kesetiaan di Tengah Muktamar PKB

  • 2 months ago Baru-baru ini, BANSER yang dikenal dengan semangat perjuangan kemanusiaan tanpa memandang ras atau politik, mengalami penolakan dari raja-raja Bali saat menggelar Apel Kesetiaan. Ironisnya, acara ini bertepatan dengan Muktamar PKB yang hanya berjarak tidak terlalu jauh. Tanpa koordinasi yang baik, kegiatan BANSER ini justru menimbulkan gesekan, bahkan perintah untuk memulangkan pasukan BANSER dilakukan secara tiba-tiba. Di tengah memanasnya hubungan PBNU dan PKB, kejadian ini menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang netralitas dan komitmen BANSER. Bagaimana tanggapan mereka?
00:00Recently, Banser, who is known for his spirit of humanitarian struggle without any political or racial bias,
00:05was rejected by the King of Bali when he held the Apple of Loyalty.
00:09Ironically, this event coincided with a PKK meeting that was only a short distance away.
00:15Without proper coordination, Banser's actions caused a stir.
00:20Even the order to regroup Banser's troops was made suddenly.
00:25In the midst of heating up the relationship between the PBNU and the PKB,
00:28this incident raised questions about the neutrality and commitment of Banser.
00:32What is their attitude, especially the attitude of the PBNU itself? reported.
00:38Santri's voice, the voice of the heart.
