How to Get Your Kids to Obey Right Away/Abu Kainat Video/dailymotion

  • 2 months ago
Getting kids to obey right away can be challenging, but with consistent strategies and a positive approach, it can be achieved. Here are some steps that can help:

### 1. **Clear Expectations**
- **Communicate Clearly**: Make sure your instructions are simple, clear, and age-appropriate. Avoid ambiguous language.
- **Explain the Why**: Help children understand the reason behind the request. This can increase their willingness to comply.

### 2. **Consistent Consequences**
- **Set Consistent Rules**: Children need to know what to expect. Consistency helps them understand boundaries.
- **Follow Through**: Ensure that consequences (positive or negative) are consistently applied. Empty threats undermine authority.

### 3. **Positive Reinforcement**
- **Praise and Rewards**: Acknowledge and reward good behavior to reinforce it. This can be verbal praise, stickers, or a small treat.
- **Attention and Affection**: Often, children seek attention. Provide positive attention when they obey.

### 4. **Role Modeling**
- **Be a Role Model**: Children imitate adults. Show respect, listen, and follow rules yourself.
- **Demonstrate Obedience**: Show them what following instructions looks like through your actions.

### 5. **Use of Timeouts and Calm Down Strategies**
- **Timeouts**: Use timeouts as a consequence for disobedience. Ensure they are brief and followed by a discussion about the behavior.
- **Calm Down Techniques**: Teach children techniques to manage their emotions, such as deep breathing or counting to ten.

### 6. **Routine and Structure**
- **Establish Routines**: Routines provide a sense of security and predictability, making it easier for children to follow instructions.
- **Visual Schedules**: Use charts or pictures to outline daily routines and expectations.

### 7. **Give Choices**
- **Limited Choices**: Offer limited choices to give children a sense of control while still guiding their behavior. For example, “Would you like to brush your teeth before or after putting on your pajamas?”

### 8. **Active Listening and Empathy**
- **Listen to Your Child**: Show that you value their feelings and opinions. This builds trust and respect.
- **Empathy**: Acknowledge their emotions and validate their feelings. Understanding their perspective can reduce resistance.

### 9. **Patience and Persistence**
- **Stay Calm**: Maintain your composure, even when your child is not obeying. Losing your temper can escalate the situation.
- **Be Persistent**: Keep reinforcing the rules and expectations. It may take time, but consistency is key.

### 10. **Setting a Good Example**
- **Demonstrate Expected Behavior**: Act in the way you want your children to act. If you want them to be polite, be polite yourself.

### Conclusion
Getting kids to obey right away requires a blend of clear communication, consistency, positive reinforcement, and patience. By creating a supportive environment with structured routines and empathetic understanding, children are more likely to


00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:03Hello friends, I am Khayyam Inayat and you are watching Abu Kainat.
00:07Welcome to today's video.
00:10Before starting today's video, let me tell you a small joke.
00:14A child gets ready to go to school in the morning and meets his father at the breakfast table.
00:21The father looks at the child and asks,
00:23When is your result coming?
00:27The child answers with a lot of innocence.
00:31The father tells him,
00:33Listen, if you fail this time, forget that I am your father.
00:38What does he say?
00:40If you fail this time, forget that I am your father.
00:43The child leaves silently without saying anything.
00:47And when he returns home in the afternoon,
00:49he sees that his father is sitting in front of him and reading the newspaper.
00:52The father looks at the child and asks,
00:55Hey, what is your result?
00:59The child answers with full confidence.
01:03The thing is that I can't tell you.
01:09Let's start today's topic.
01:12When a child is born in a person's house,
01:16when parents take their child in their lap for the first time,
01:20they wish that their child will grow up and make a name for himself.
01:24And become a successful person.
01:27But as the child grows up,
01:30some of his childhood habits spoil the child's life.
01:34What can those habits be?
01:37I will try to put some of them in front of you.
01:401. If your 4-year-old child is adamant to listen to you.
01:48And he somehow or the other listens to you.
01:522. Your child ignores you when you ask him to do something.
02:01He doesn't feel like doing anything.
02:043. When you stop your child from doing something, he starts crying.
02:11If any of these three habits are found in your child,
02:17then he needs to be reformed.
02:19Some people think that children do this at this age.
02:24They hope that they will not do this when they grow up.
02:26They are wrong.
02:29They think that only small children can be taught to listen.
02:33Not big children.
02:36What is the solution to these problems?
02:42There are some measures that I will put in front of you to solve this problem.
02:47I hope you will like it.
02:491. Use your powers.
02:56It should be clear to the child that all the power is in your hands.
03:02If the child listens to you only when you use your powers.
03:07If you don't use your powers properly and neglect your child,
03:11then there can be a problem in the child's life.
03:15The balance of his life can deteriorate.
03:19And he can do whatever he wants.
03:21I am leaving this question for all of you.
03:24Think about it.
03:26Can such a child become a responsible person when he grows up?
03:312. Reform the child.
03:37Reformation is a kind of training that gives the child self-control.
03:44Reformation is in the form of laws.
03:49The one who gets punished by breaking the law,
03:52it should be clear to the child that if he makes a mistake,
03:56he will be punished.
04:013. Remain firm on your words.
04:05When you refuse to do something for your child,
04:09then remain firm on your words.
04:13Discuss with the child's mother
04:17what you will discuss with the child on this topic.
04:20And then support each other.
04:24It should be clear to the child that if he has to be punished for his mistake,
04:30then he should be punished.
04:33He should be punished.
04:35So that he knows that I have been forbidden to do such a thing.
04:39And I have been punished for doing such a thing.
04:434. Give clear instructions to the child.
04:48Sometimes, some parents request their children to do such and such work.
04:58And they think that they are demonstrating good morals.
05:02In reality, you are empowering the child to realize that he has less rights.
05:09Now it depends on the child whether he agrees with you or not.
05:14A family is a system for which it is not necessary to take the children's opinion in everything.
05:23And it is also not necessary to ignore all the opinions of the child.
05:30It is important to take the child's opinion at the right time and at the right place.
05:38Parents play a very important role in the upbringing of the child.
05:46The same child is successful in life,
05:52if he obeys his parents.
05:56As it is said,
06:03Whatever you sow today, you will reap tomorrow.
06:06Today, we will bring up the children well.
06:08Tomorrow, the children will develop and become our support.
06:13I hope you liked this video.
06:18And if you have not subscribed to my channel yet,
06:21then please subscribe to my channel.
06:23So that my next video reaches you first.
06:25Like and dislike my video so that I know where I am wrong.
06:31And do message me in the comments box below.
06:35Express your thoughts so that we can go to a better place.
06:40I want to say goodbye to you until my next video.
06:43Allah Hafiz
