• last year
Oscar helps fix a leaking, broken pipe.


00:06Hi welcome to Sesame Street, what a beautiful night with all the stars
00:12But it's been a long busy day and I'm ready to get some sleep
00:16Hey, did you hear that?
00:18sounds like water a
00:21lot of water
00:24Keeper your bed is floating. So's yours honey. Hey, you're right
00:30Something's going on in Burton Ernie's apartment, and I don't like the sound of it. I'd better go make sure that they're okay
00:37Well Bert, I never knew our bets could double as sailboats
00:41Sailing, sailing. Ernie, this isn't funny
00:44And I'm getting seasick
00:46Hold on guys, I'm coming to get you
00:50Looks like there's a flood down in Burton Ernie's apartment quick tell Maria and Louise to turn off the water main. Oh, oh my okay
01:01Hey, hey Gordon, where'd all this sloshy water come from?
01:05The pipe in the building must have burst Oscar
01:07Sailing, sailing. Ernie, I said stop it
01:09Don't don't worry guys
01:11I've got you now just throw your arms around my shoulders and I'll carry you upstairs, okay?
01:16But our beds! You mean our boots
01:18It's all right. I'll get those later
01:20All right
01:22Talk about your soggy day
01:24This should be real interesting
01:31I can't believe this our apartment flooded all our stuff
01:37I'm sorry Bert, but at least now you have nice dry sheets on your beds
01:42And more importantly the two of you are safe and you're dry and you're wearing your warm comfy t-shirts
01:49These are warm comfy t-shirts
01:51Yeah, that's right
01:52But what about the leak? What about our home?
01:54I know you're worried about your home, but it's all gonna be okay
01:57As a matter of fact, Maria and Luis are already fixing the leak
02:01And until your apartment is nice and dry again, we're here for you and you can feel right at home with us
02:07Aw, thanks
02:08Now, what do you say we all go to bed and get a good night's sleep?
02:12That's a great idea
02:14Oh, boy
02:17Oh, don't you cry now
02:20Me too
02:22Okay, sleep tight everyone
02:25All right, but I don't see how I can possibly
02:31How about that? Bert's asleep already
02:34Yeah, well I will be too in a second
02:37Don't snore
02:47Ernie, what's the matter?
02:50Well, I can't sleep without Rubber Ducky, so I'm just gonna go down and get him
02:53Wait, wait, Ernie, you can't go down there. There's water everywhere
02:57But Rubber Ducky
02:59Ernie, he's a duck. Ducks love water. He'll be just fine
03:04Well, maybe he will, but I still miss Rubber Ducky
03:07I sleep with him next to me every night and I won't be able to if he isn't
03:11I know how you feel, Ernie, but look at it this way
03:15You may not have Rubber Ducky with you tonight, but you have us
03:20Hmm, gee, Gordon, I didn't think about it like that
03:24Okay, all right then, start squeaking
03:32Well, you know, like Rubber Ducky
03:35I mean, since he's not here, I'm gonna pretend you're him
03:42Oh, please, Gordon, I'll never get to sleep without some ducky squeaks
03:48Please, please, honey, squeak so we can get some sleep
03:51All right, all right, okay
03:55Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak
03:58A little higher
03:59Come again?
04:00Well, that didn't quite sound like Rubber Ducky
04:03You see, Rubber Ducky goes, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak
04:06And you sort of went, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak
04:09So you need to go, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak
04:12All right
04:13Squeak, squeak, squeak
04:14Squeak, squeak, squeak
04:16Squeak, squeak, squeak
04:17That's too high now
04:18You see, you're going, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak
04:22But you need to go, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, like that
04:25You know what?
04:26I think I'm gonna go see how Maria and Luis are doing
04:30But, honey, what about the squeak?
04:33Susan, you can be pretend ducky for a while
04:37What a great idea
04:39I bet you're a much better squeaker
04:41Okay, come on, Susan, squeak
04:44Uh, squeak, squeak, squeak
04:46Squeak, squeak, squeak
04:49Squeak, squeak, squeak
04:50Keep going
04:51Squeak, squeak, squeak
04:53Very nice
04:54Squeak, squeak, squeak
05:04Oh, Luis, I can't stop the water
05:09Don't worry, honey
05:11I found the plumbing blueprints
05:13This will tell us exactly what we need to do
05:19Okay, to shut off the water, we need to turn off the red valve handle
05:25Red valve handle, red valve handle
05:27Oh, there it is
05:30Hey there, building super
05:33Oh, Oscar, I can't believe it
05:36You made me drop the red valve handle into the water
05:39Oh, so that's the thanks I get
05:42For swimming all the way here to offer my help as a grouch plumber
05:46You help, Oscar?
05:48Oscar, without that handle, we can't turn off the water
05:52Then aren't you lucky that I happen to have this snorkel with me
05:56I can dive down and hunt for it
05:59Here I go
06:00Wait, what am I looking for?
06:01You're looking for a round red valve handle
06:05With a circle in the center
06:07A circle that would fit over this circle
06:10Okay, a valve handle with a circle
06:13Coming up
06:15I'll believe it when I see it
06:18Hey guys, did you fix the leak yet?
06:21We're working on it
06:22Yeah, we've got a grouch plumber helping us
06:25A grouch plumber?
06:28Is this it?
06:29Oscar, that's not a valve handle, that's a tricycle tire
06:33Yeah, but it's shaped like a circle
06:35Oscar, we really do need to find that valve handle to stop the water
06:39Picky, picky, picky, alright, I'll dive for it
06:42Here I go
06:43Oh, brother
06:45Oh, don't worry, Gordon, we'll fix this without him
06:48Ah, is this it?
06:51Oscar, that's not a handle with a circle in it, it's an old flute
06:55Yeah, but it's got holes in it that are circles
06:58This isn't funny, Oscar
07:00Well, now wait a minute, wait a minute
07:03Maybe the circle on this flute will fit over the circle on that valve
07:09Let me try it
07:13Hey, it's tightening
07:17It worked!
07:19Great! So, Oscar, you helped out after all, huh?
07:25Great, now that the water's stopped, all we have to do is fix the pipes
07:29Hmm, this could be a very long night
07:32And a very annoying one
07:36Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak
07:40I think he's finally asleep
07:42Oh, that's great! I am so beat
07:45I know you are
07:46I sure hope Maria and Louise can fix that leak soon
07:50Oh, they will, honey
07:51Come on, let's just get some sleep
07:54Good night
07:55Good night
07:57Oh, no, Bert
08:00What's the matter now?
08:02I dreamt that my pigeon friend Bernice was looking for me
08:06She comes to my window every night
08:08She must be wondering where I am
08:10Bert, I'm sure that Bernice is asleep
08:13And you'll see her tomorrow
08:15Now, why don't you try to go back to sleep, too, okay?
08:17I can't
08:18I miss her sweet cooing
08:20I know, I know
08:22Now, why don't you try to go back to sleep, too, okay?
08:24I can't
08:25I miss her sweet cooing
08:27It's like a lullaby to me
08:29Oh, I'll never get back to sleep
08:36Unless I could hear some pigeon cooing
08:39Pigeon cooing?
08:42Honey, honey
08:44Duck squeaking put Ernie to sleep
08:46So maybe pigeon cooing will do that to him
08:48Go ahead, coo a little bit
08:49But why me? Why can't you coo, too?
08:51Fine, and maybe two pretend cooing pigeons
08:53Will put me to sleep even quicker
08:55Eh? Eh?
09:01Coo, coo, coo
09:03Well, it's not quite Bernice
09:06But at least it's cooing
09:08Oh, though you know
09:10It would be even better if you could add a little pigeon waddle
09:14Pigeon waddle?
09:16Watching Bernice waddle across my windowsill
09:18Lulls me straight to sleep
09:21Let's waddle
09:24Coo, coo, coo
09:27Coo, coo, coo
09:29Coo, coo, coo
09:31Not bad
09:33But Bernice always dips her neck as she waddles
09:35Dips her neck?
09:38Coo, coo, coo
09:39Yeah, that's it
09:40Coo, coo, coo
09:42Maria and Louise better fix that leak real soon
09:47Coo, coo, coo
09:49Dip your neck, Susan
09:50Coo, coo, coo
09:52That's it
09:53Coo, coo, coo
09:54Honey, let me look at that blueprint again
09:57Let's see
09:58We have one, two, three straight pipes
10:05And one curvy pipe right here
10:08And over here
10:10We have one, two, three straight pipes
10:16And, oh, and here is where there should be a curvy pipe
10:24And it's missing
10:26Must have fallen in the water, too
10:28Aha, I guess you could use some more help from a deep-sea plumber
10:33Oscar, we don't need any grouch games
10:36Grouch games?
10:38I'm the only one with a snorkel who can dive and find your missing pipe
10:43All right, then, Oscar, then go to it
10:45And don't forget, it's the curvy pipe
10:47And it kind of curves like an elbow, like this, okay?
10:50Yeah, all right, okay
10:52Here I go, Madam Super
10:58Is this what you guys need?
11:00No, Oscar, that's an old paintbrush
11:03It's not even curved
11:05Well, then, how about this?
11:08It's curved
11:11Oscar, that is a curvy straw
11:14We need a curvy pipe, like this one
11:18Yeah, okay
11:20Oh, honey, don't waste your breath
11:22No, no, wait, there's lots more good junk down there
11:25I'll be back
11:31Is this the missing part?
11:33Oscar, that's a vacuum cleaner hose
11:36Oh, really, is it? I didn't know
11:38You're not helping any, Oscar
11:40Well, wait a second, maybe he is
11:44Well, this might not be the missing pipe
11:48But this vacuum cleaner hose can be curved
11:54Maybe we can use it to fix the leak at least temporarily
11:58I can't believe this
12:00That's a good idea, let's give it a try
12:09He's asleep
12:11Great, at last, we can get some sleep ourselves
12:22Oh, no
12:23Ernie, what's the matter?
12:26I still miss rubber ducky
12:28Oh, and you want us to do some more squeaking, right?
12:31No, I'll just do what I usually do
12:33And even ducky squeaks can't make me fall asleep
12:36What's that?
12:38I call the boogie-woogie sheep
12:40Hello, sheep, emergency
12:49What's going on?
12:52Ernie called you, didn't he?
12:54Shoot, go away, get away
12:58Wait, Ernie
12:59Guys, guys, guys, hey, everybody, stop!
13:04Now, look, I know you guys miss rubber ducky and Bernice and your apartment
13:09And I'm sorry, I really am
13:11But there's nothing much we can do about that tonight
13:13So we have to find some other ways, quieter than boogie-woogie sheep
13:18To help us all get some sleep
13:20Gordon's right
13:22Think for a minute, is there anything else we can do to help you fall asleep?
13:26Well, I did spend one night without rubber ducky
13:29Bert and I were on a camping trip
13:31Oh, yeah
13:32Bernice wasn't there, either
13:33She'd gone to visit her Aunt Bertrille
13:35Oh, but I found the grooviest bottle caps on the camping trail
13:40And it was so exciting sleeping in a tent under the stars
13:43That we both fell right to sleep
13:46I got a bunch of bottle caps in the kitchen
13:49And I know just how to make a tent
13:53All right, a little bit more, you got it down there?
13:55Yeah, I have it down here, why don't you tighten it up there?
14:00Give it up, it's not gonna work, Luis
14:02All right, there, let's give it a try, honey
14:07No, it won't work, it won't work
14:12It worked!
14:13Ha, ha, ha!
14:15Hey, Oscar, you were really helpful this evening
14:18Me? Helpful? Oh, no
14:21Good going, building super
14:29Well, how about that for a tent, Ernie?
14:33Now you can imagine you're sleeping right out under the stars
14:36I love it, Gordon
14:38And here are your bottle caps, you can count them till you fall asleep
14:41Oh, look at those, snazzy
14:45Oh, excuse us
14:50Well, the leak is all fixed, you have nothing to worry about
14:53Yes, and Bert and Ernie can go back home tomorrow
14:56Oh, thank you
14:57That's great, thank you guys, thank you so much
14:59Don't thank us
15:01Thank Oscar
15:03Not me, I didn't fix anything
15:08Good night
15:09Good night
15:10Good night
15:14Hey, guys, you hear the good news?
15:20I like the movement, they're finally asleep
15:26Wait a minute
15:28Now where are we supposed to sleep?
15:32Good night, honey
