WWE The Best Of Logan Paul Part 2

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WWE The Best Of Logan Paul Part 2
00:00:00WWE, this is Seth Rollins' world.
00:00:04Corey, how are either one of these men continuing in this match?
00:00:09Pride, passion, will.
00:00:13Logan now stomping away at Seth Rollins.
00:00:16Rollins is hurt badly.
00:00:22He may have survived the frog splash from Logan Paul, but
00:00:26Seth clutching at his ribs.
00:00:27And Logan all too happy to pull.
00:00:29No, no, no, no, he, more punishment.
00:00:32He went coast to coast at the Rumble.
00:00:34Is he gonna try to do it again here tonight at WrestleMania?
00:00:38From the east coast to the west.
00:00:40Superkick by Rollins right on the nose.
00:00:58One, two, three.
00:01:02Cue it up, maestro.
00:01:04Here is your winner, Seth Regan Rollins.
00:01:13Absolutely incredible.
00:01:17Let's take another look at this viral moment.
00:01:27As Logan Paul splashes his own pal KSI through the table.
00:01:37Boom, superkick on the chin by Rollins.
00:01:46And you know, Corey, WrestleMania is a global phenomenon.
00:01:51They are watching live tonight on BT in London, England,
00:01:56where it is 2.20 AM and the WWE Universe is celebrating
00:02:00the Rollins victory in the city that's gonna host Money in the Bank on July 1st.
00:02:07They are singing and having fun in the UK.
00:02:12Can you imagine the atmosphere when we show up in London for
00:02:19Money in the Bank?
00:02:21Cannot wait, but what a moment.
00:02:24Yet another amazing WrestleMania moment for
00:02:29Seth Rollins and the WWE Universe.
00:02:34An amazing WrestleMania moment for Seth freaking Rollins.
00:02:40You can't take anything away from Logan Paul, Corey.
00:02:47Respect where it's due, a hell of an effort by the Maverick.
00:02:52But tonight belongs to Seth freaking Rollins.
00:02:58Disguised as a delicious hydration beverage,
00:03:03Logan Paul's friend and prime co-owner,
00:03:08KSI, attempted an interference in the match.
00:03:13But the ever resilient Seth Rollins did not back down.
00:03:18Seth Rollins, the man of the match,
00:03:22attempted an interference in the match, but the ever resilient Seth Rollins
00:03:27proved to be too much for Paul, giving him his first WrestleMania loss.
00:03:32The following July, Paul would compete in his first ever Money in the Bank ladder
00:03:37match. A familiar face in Ricochet would shatter his dream of victory
00:03:42with a Spanish fly through a table. But the Maverick sought retribution and
00:03:47would later attack the human highlight reel. This needed to be settled once and
00:03:52for all. The duo that went viral just a few months earlier would attempt to
00:03:57go even more mainstream as they set to lock up at SummerSlam.
00:04:03The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:04:08Introducing first, from Dorado Beach,
00:04:13Puerto Rico, by way of Cleveland,
00:04:18Ohio, Paul!
00:04:22The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:04:25Introducing first, from Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico, by way of Cleveland,
00:04:30Ohio, Logan Paul!
00:04:36He is the arrogant social media megastar,
00:04:41who has taken WWE by storm over the past couple of years,
00:04:46none other than Logan Paul. Hello again, everybody, and welcome to the biggest party of the summer.
00:04:51This is SummerSlam, live from Ford Field in Detroit, and in ringside,
00:04:56I'm Michael Cole. He's Corey Graves. Welcome again, Corey. What a night it's gonna be.
00:05:01It is red hot outside. It's even hotter here inside Ford Field, the biggest party
00:05:06of the summer. It is time to set it off.
00:05:11The man with 23
00:05:16million YouTube subscribers,
00:05:215.8 billion YouTube views on his channel.
00:05:26And tonight looks to once again wow the WWE Universe.
00:05:32But it is time for the highlight
00:05:37of the night.
00:05:42And his opponent, from Las Vegas,
00:05:47Nevada, weighing in at 207 pounds,
00:05:58Ricochet and Logan Paul got real personal this past Monday night on Raw.
00:06:03Ricochet's fiance is our ring announcer, Samantha Ervin.
00:06:08Logan Paul said Samantha's gonna be announcing him as the winner here tonight.
00:06:13Far be it from me to sow any seeds of dissension, Cole, but I happen to notice that Miss Samantha
00:06:18is wearing the same colors as Logan Paul tonight, not her man Ricochet.
00:06:23I guess you would go there.
00:06:43What do you expect out of this match tonight? Ricochet has been begging for this
00:06:48opportunity to kick off a major premium live event against a man
00:06:53who has really taken this company by storm in Logan Paul. There's no doubt about it. Ricochet has got to feel the
00:06:58weight of the world on his shoulders. Ricochet feels that this is his house. This is
00:07:03WWE. Ricochet believes the onus is on Logan Paul to prove him wrong.
00:07:08Ricochet claims that I am in your head.
00:07:14That you can fool people online, but you can't fool the WWE Universe.
00:07:19And now Logan Paul having some fun at Ricochet's expense. Disrespect out of the gate
00:07:24and Ricochet answers. Caught up with Logan Paul earlier today. He promised us an
00:07:29athletic spectacle that this city hasn't seen since the days of Barry Sanders.
00:07:34Nice take down by Ricochet, followed up with a drop kick to Logan Paul.
00:07:39Ricochet looking to push the pace.
00:07:44Logan Paul covers up and Ricochet said uh-uh.
00:07:49Ricochet a former
00:07:54Intercontinental and United States champion. Their first real interaction
00:07:59came back at the Royal Rumble match, Corey, a mid-air collision that garnered nearly
00:08:04a million views socially. A truly viral moment in every sense of the word.
00:08:09Ricochet and Logan Paul have both promised much more of that tonight.
00:08:14Ricochet in his second career match at SummerSlam. Same for Logan Paul.
00:08:19Nice leapfrog from the WWE fans all over
00:08:24Logan Paul in the early going of this matchup. Ricochet, wow, as they're putting on the brakes.
00:08:29Roll through by Ricochet, went for the kick, Logan Paul.
00:08:34Oh, and an elbow by Paul catches Ricochet.
00:08:39Nothing fancy there from Logan Paul, just a straight up elbow to the chin.
00:08:44Take another look at the impact.
00:08:49Pow! Right under the chin of Ricochet.
00:08:54Another start to his career here in WWE for Logan Paul.
00:08:59And I think that's one of the many reasons why Logan Paul is such a polarizing figure to the WWE Universe.
00:09:04They may not like Logan's personality, but you cannot deny the in-ring abilities
00:09:09of the social media megastar. He was in this year's Money in the Bank ladder match. He's faced Seth Rollins
00:09:14at WrestleMania. Roman Reigns in a championship match.
00:09:19I actually appreciate this strategy by Logan Paul out of the gate. Rear chin lock applied.
00:09:24Not allowing Ricochet to generate any momentum.
00:09:29Electric crowd here tonight for SummerSlam. Ford Field in Detroit, our opening matchup.
00:09:34Logan Paul and Ricochet.
00:09:39Feeling out-processed between the two here to start. Things got extremely personal over the past couple of weeks.
00:09:44And here's the elbow to the apron and he catches Paul with a forearm.
00:09:49Logan Paul clearly did his homework on Ricochet prior to this match.
00:09:54Bending the rules to his own advantage. Smart strategy by Paul.
00:09:59And you know Corey, you and I had the opportunity to call a number of Paul's matches and one of the things we've learned about the man is he is a student of the game.
00:10:04No doubt about it. Logan Paul does his homework before each and every contest.
00:10:09Logan's got an ego as big as the day is long. Logan does not want to humiliate himself.
00:10:14Or let himself be humiliated by someone else like Ricochet.
00:10:19And out of the apron, a rude awakening neck breaker. And again, back to your point.
00:10:24Logan Paul could leave here with two fiancés tonight.
00:10:29His own and Ricochet's.
00:10:34Hey, I'm hurtin' real bad.
00:10:39Again, turning his attention to our ring announcer, Samantha Ervin, the fiancé of Ricochet.
00:10:44I don't know about all that, but I think I saw a little twinkle in the eyes of Samantha.
00:10:49You just make stuff up, don't you? Sometimes.
00:10:54Paul now teeing off in the corner. Heavy body shots to Ricochet.
00:10:59This is what Logan Paul wants to do. Keep Ricochet down. Not allow the high flyer to get going in this matchup.
00:11:04And look at the body shots. And again, that's the boxing ability, the boxing background of Logan Paul.
00:11:09And not to mention the titanium that is in the right hand of Mr. Paul as well.
00:11:14And this is a smart strategy by Logan Paul, attacking Ricochet's core.
00:11:19Because if you attack and soften up Ricochet's core, it's going to limit a great deal of Ricochet's offense.
00:11:24Makes it harder to breathe.
00:11:29The Maverick just relentless right now.
00:11:34Logan eating this up.
00:11:39Ricochet perched on the top rope.
00:11:44And now look at Logan Paul. And Logan Paul now with a running powerslam.
00:11:49Here's the cover on Ricochet. And that was a direct point at Braun Strowman.
00:11:54The injured monster among monsters who was Ricochet's tag team partner before he got hurt.
00:11:59That was a Strowman running powerslam.
00:12:04That was simultaneous insult and injury.
00:12:09Making a mockery of Braun Strowman while inflicting punishment on Ricochet.
00:12:14That was savage, man.
00:12:23Well, we mentioned that Logan Paul follows sports entertainment history.
00:12:28That he is a studied film of the greats.
00:12:33And right now, Logan Paul is thriving off of the disdain from the WWE Universe.
00:12:38And there is a big boot by Logan Paul.
00:12:43The cover on Ricochet. And he calls that the Hogan Paul.
00:12:48Paying tribute to Hulk Hogan.
00:12:53He's a marketing wizard. He's a sports entertainer. What can't Logan Paul do well?
00:13:03Logan still looking fresh as a daisy.
00:13:08And now Logan Paul looking to rally.
00:13:13I should say Ricochet looking to rally.
00:13:18Ricochet clearly feeling the effects of the onslaught from Paul.
00:13:23Could this be?
00:13:28And a standing moonsault cover now by Ricochet and a kick out.
00:13:33That wasn't just a standing moonsault, Cole. That was the people's moonsault.
00:13:40Ricochet showing Logan Paul's not the only one that understands sports entertainment history.
00:13:48Ricochet. Oh my goodness! What a back body drop!
00:13:58Take a look at this nasty landing for Ricochet. Soaring through the skies of Detroit.
00:14:06And crashing down on his hip. That could actually be worse than your back.
00:14:11And Logan Paul continues to punish Ricochet.
00:14:16And a clothesline.
00:14:21A springboard clothesline by Logan Paul.
00:14:27This confidence grows. Thus making Logan Paul more dangerous each and every passing moment.
00:14:32Have you ever seen anybody that's taken to this business like Logan Paul has?
00:14:37Honestly, no. The aptitude Paul has shown has been second to none.
00:14:42And this is going to end it for Ricochet. No doubt about it.
00:14:47Spanish fly off the apron. Both men though pop back to their feet. And now the fight is on.
00:14:52Show a little respect there. Goodness!
00:14:57I don't know who got the worst of that exchange.
00:15:02From both men sticking a double Spanish fly to Bob Probert flashbacks.
00:15:07And Ricochet, the first one back in the ring.
00:15:12And now it's Ricochet back to his feet.
00:15:17Trying to prevent Ricochet from flying. Dragging him again. And he lands hard.
00:15:22It seems that to this point, that's been Logan Paul's strategy.
00:15:27Not allow Ricochet to get out of the gates. Thwart Ricochet's attempt before they even become reality.
00:15:32And Ricochet!
00:15:37Logan Paul taking out the highlight of the night.
00:15:47Look at this. All the way to the outside.
00:15:52Driving Ricochet down. Almost an STO like maneuver.
00:15:57Paul now eyeing up a fallen Ricochet.
00:16:02From the top rope, Logan Paul with a high cross body.
00:16:07Going to turn it into a standing moonsault. Cover now for the win on Ricochet.
00:16:12And now at two.
00:16:17Ricochet able to survive, but Logan Paul has been on point since the opening bell.
00:16:22Look at this spectacular flying cross body.
00:16:27Directly into the standing moonsault. Logan Paul at the cross moon combo.
00:16:32And it nearly ended Ricochet.
00:16:37We'll see what he needs to put Ricochet away. Our opening match here tonight of SummerSlam.
00:16:42We've seen moments ago a mouse beginning to form under the left eye of Logan Paul.
00:16:47That begins to factor into his vision.
00:16:52Went for the right hand. Blocked by Ricochet. And now Ricochet trying to fight back.
00:16:57Ricochet with several heavy rights. Oh! Shoulder first goes Paul!
00:17:03Ricochet now with a small window to recover.
00:17:08Surveying the situation and Ricochet going to make the climb to the high rent district once again.
00:17:13Listen to the impact of the shoulder to the ring post.
00:17:17And now Ricochet climbing up to the top rope and trying to drag Logan Paul with him.
00:17:22High risk situation here for both of these superstars.
00:17:27Top rope. Ricochet with a hurricane neck breaker.
00:17:37Both men hurt as they come down hard.
00:17:42Take a look at the athleticism, the high risk maneuver delivered by Ricochet.
00:17:47Can you imagine how humiliating it would be for Logan Paul to go viral being victimized by Ricochet?
00:17:57The official Eddie Errengo checking on both of these men.
00:18:02Logan Paul and Ricochet in what has been a high flying physical battle to kick off SummerSlam tonight.
00:18:12Ricochet. Couple of kicks and then a knife head chop.
00:18:17Reversal. Ricochet into the corner. Catches him with a back elbow.
00:18:22Down goes Logan Paul.
00:18:27Ricochet out to the apron.
00:18:32Fired up.
00:18:42Clothesline takes down Logan Paul and the Maverick now in jeopardy.
00:18:47Ricochet beginning to roll.
00:18:52Ricochet with a 450. Here's the cover now.
00:18:57And a kick out by Paul at two.
00:19:02Watch this again. The athleticism of Ricochet. Springboard up the top rope with a wicked clothesline.
00:19:07More than halfway across the ring. Unparalleled athleticism from Ricochet with that maneuver.
00:19:12I wanted you to kick out.
00:19:17Both these men spent exhausted.
00:19:22I'm pretty sure Ricochet just told Logan Paul I wanted you to kick out.
00:19:27Why would he want that? I have no earthly idea.
00:19:32I guess to inflict more punishment. More pain.
00:19:37Ricochet delivering these kicks to the arms and shoulders of Logan Paul.
00:19:42That's going to neutralize a lot of Paul's striking ability.
00:19:47Ricochet lands on his feet. Paul missed wildly.
00:19:52Caught him that time with the elbow.
00:19:57Second rope caught by Ricochet.
00:20:02Cover. Hook of the leg and a kick out by Ricochet.
00:20:07Mind blowing athleticism from both superstars.
00:20:12Paul is beside himself. Let's take another look.
00:20:17What a great display of power by Ricochet.
00:20:22Then countered into a tornado DDT by Logan Paul that nearly ended this contest.
00:20:27Ricochet had second thoughts.
00:20:37What does Paul have in mind now as he looks to put Ricochet away? Lights out.
00:20:42Ricochet though able to land on his feet.
00:20:47That kick caught Paul in the jaw. Knees to the face.
00:20:52Recoil by Ricochet.
00:20:57Ricochet positioning Logan Paul.
00:21:02This is in Ricochet's wheelhouse here.
00:21:07Going to go up top.
00:21:12Again the injured ribs perhaps
00:21:17costing Ricochet some valuable time.
00:21:22Knees up to the bad ribs. Logan Paul blows him over.
00:21:27Two count kick out by Ricochet.
00:21:32The momentary hesitation from Ricochet may be what allowed this to happen.
00:21:37Logan had the wherewithal to get both knees up.
00:21:42Into an inside cradle and we're going to take a look back at the step up knee by Ricochet.
00:21:47This match has been physical as advertised.
00:21:52The recoil almost allowed Ricochet to position himself for the win off the shooting star.
00:21:57It cost Ricochet too much time on the top rope before he allowed Logan Paul to counter.
00:22:02Again Ricochet back to his feet. Logan muscling up. Face first goes Ricochet.
00:22:07The opportunity and a kick up by Logan Paul.
00:22:12Logan Paul grinning from ear to ear
00:22:17knowing we could be seconds away from a viral moment.
00:22:22Springboard frog splash.
00:22:27Cover for the win. Kick out by Ricochet at two.
00:22:32You have to wonder at what point frustration will set in for Logan Paul.
00:22:37He has targeted the core. The midsection of Ricochet since the opening bell.
00:22:42Expertly executed frog splash. Halfway across the ring.
00:22:47All of Logan's body weight crashing down but still not enough to topple Ricochet for three.
00:22:52Corey the issue is this. Logan Paul is throwing everything in his arsenal at Ricochet
00:22:57and has not been able to put him away.
00:23:02Here comes the right hand. And he got caught by a kick to the face by Ricochet.
00:23:07And now Ricochet with Logan Paul up on his shoulders.
00:23:12Can he put Paul away?
00:23:17Detonation kick by Ricochet.
00:23:23Incredible athleticism off the top rope.
00:23:28Cover for the win for Ricochet. Kick out by Paul.
00:23:33I don't believe it. I saw it with my own two eyes but I still do not believe it.
00:23:38Now Ricochet saying it's over.
00:23:43Ricochet trying to fight through the pain.
00:23:48And the adrenaline flow through his body. And it looks like he may be calling for the 450, Corey.
00:23:53As he drags Paul toward the corner to put him in position.
00:23:58Ricochet is going to need to punch it up to the 630.
00:24:03That's Ricochet's specialty that has brought him so much success but Logan desperately clutching at the ankle.
00:24:08Trying to hang on and prevent Ricochet from climbing up to the top rope.
00:24:18And again Ricochet fighting through the pain driven by the WWE Universe.
00:24:23Ricochet up top. Will it be time for the highlight of the night?
00:24:28Logan Paul moves out of harm's way.
00:24:33Off Ricochet's attempt at the 630.
00:24:38And who the hell is this? Where's security?
00:24:43Guys I saw Megan out there. He gave him brass knuckles.
00:24:48Turn around ref.
00:24:53That goof in the baseball cap just gave Logan Paul some brass knuckles.
00:24:58Ricochet has no idea of a right hand with a knuckles by Paul.
00:25:03Here's the cover. And Logan Paul steals one.
00:25:08Here is your winner, Logan Paul.
00:25:13That was a great match up but the ending sucked.
00:25:18I had to feel good for Logan Paul.
00:25:23Here is Samantha Irving say his name.
00:25:28And the winner is.
00:25:33What a way to kick off the biggest party of the summer.
00:25:38You condone that. It's one thing the guy already has titanium in his fist
00:25:43and now he's got to use brass knuckles.
00:25:48I'm not necessarily condoning the tactics but at the end of the day it's about who gets the pull up to the pay window.
00:25:53And tonight that man yet again is Logan Paul.
00:25:58This is the beginning of the end for Ricochet.
00:26:03Ricochet went for broke. The 630 splash.
00:26:08Crash and burn. Nobody home. Logan Paul's buddy delivering the brass knuckles
00:26:13unbeknownst to our official Eddie Arango.
00:26:18Logan with five upside the skull of Ricochet.
00:26:24And yet another in a series of viral moments
00:26:29for the Maverick.
00:26:34I think Samantha just realized she picked the wrong guy.
00:26:39I really don't think that's what she's thinking right now, Corey.
00:26:44But nonetheless, Logan Paul with the win to kick off SummerSlam.
00:26:50I've seen that look on plenty of women's faces. Disappointment. I know it well.
00:27:01The match was filled with jaw dropping acrobatics and when it seemed like
00:27:06either competitor could secure the victory, Logan revealed his ace in the hole.
00:27:11Two months later, the Maverick once again was on the hunt for gold.
00:27:16This time he set his sights on the United States championship held by none other
00:27:21than the legend Rey Mysterio. The two would square up in Saudi Arabia
00:27:26as Logan would look for a second victory against one of the first men he faced
00:27:31in his WWE career.
00:27:46I ain't taking this lightly. Rey Mysterio in trouble.
00:27:51Rey Mysterio in trouble.
00:27:56Let's go.
00:28:01Now that's an entrance driving right here into the building in Riyadh.
00:28:06Are you telling me I had to sit in meetings with you all day when I could have been out
00:28:12in the dunes on that main machine? You weren't invited.
00:28:17But I think Logan Paul is here.
00:28:34What an arrival for the Maverick.
00:28:41The Maverick.
00:28:52The Maverick.
00:28:57The Maverick.
00:29:02The Maverick.
00:29:07Logan Paul.
00:29:10Fresh off beating Dylan Dennis in a boxing match a couple of weeks ago.
00:29:14Logan Paul, who now boasts weighing nearly 96 million social media followers.
00:29:23Well, love him or loathe him, Logan Paul is box office viewing.
00:29:28Clear the diary, make sure you've got eyes on the Maverick.
00:29:32Because no matter what he's doing, everybody at work will be talking about this guy next week, guaranteed.
00:29:40What about what Logan Paul did last year at this time here in Saudi Arabia?
00:29:45Taking Roman Reigns to the limit for the Undisputed Championship.
00:29:51Ludicrous natural athlete, and he's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:29:56He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:29:58He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:30:00He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:30:02He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:30:04He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:30:06He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:30:08He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:30:10He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:30:12He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:30:14He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:30:16He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:30:18He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:30:20He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:30:22He's gonna have to be at his best tonight.
00:30:24His opponent, representing the LWO, he is the United States Champion,
00:30:34WWE Hall of Famer, Rey Mysterio!
00:30:42When this rivalry started and Logan Paul made it clear he wanted a challenge
00:30:46for the United States Championship, he believed it was done out of respect,
00:30:50but nothing respectful about the way Logan Paul is treated.
00:30:54Rey Mysterio, as of late, a sucker punch a couple of weeks ago,
00:30:58last night on Friday Night SmackDown during the weigh-in,
00:31:02some trash talk by Logan Paul, calling Rey Mysterio small
00:31:06before Rey slapped him in the face and hit him in the head with a microphone.
00:31:09Yeah, Paul has said himself, he's not here for respect,
00:31:13he's not here for legacy, he has that already.
00:31:16He's a mercenary who has a taste for the gold that is currently
00:31:20around the waist of the legendary Luchador Rey Mysterio.
00:31:24At the weigh-in last night, Logan Paul was 213 pounds.
00:31:29Rey Mysterio, the biggest underdog in WWE history,
00:31:33weighing in at 175 pounds.
00:31:36Very proud United States Champion, Mysterio in his career,
00:31:48a three-time world champ, he's held the Intercontinental title
00:31:52three times, the United States Championship, he's won a Royal Rumble,
00:31:56tag team title, he's a Hall of Famer, and for Logan Paul,
00:32:00seeking his first championship here in WWE.
00:32:04How do you beat the second greatest Luchador of all time in Rey Mysterio?
00:32:09You take advice from the greatest Luchador of all time, Dominik Mysterio,
00:32:14and that is exactly what Logan Paul did.
00:32:17What an incredibly smart, successful, talented man,
00:32:21and he's inching nearer and nearer to that United States Champion.
00:32:24I was wondering where you were going with that.
00:32:26I'm surprised they even allow you to have a microphone
00:32:28when you make statements like that.
00:32:30Come on, mate, we're just having a laugh.
00:32:32Rey Mysterio, in fact, the greatest Luchador of all time,
00:32:35defending the United States Championship against Logan Paul
00:32:38in this match tonight.
00:32:39If you're Logan Paul, Wade, what do you need to do
00:32:41to take the title from Mysterio?
00:32:43Well, you know what?
00:32:44Rey Mysterio has made his name in the Lucha game,
00:32:47so for my money, Logan Paul needs to rely on that big punch.
00:32:51Logan is clearly one of the greatest punchers
00:32:54we have ever seen in this industry.
00:32:57We've seen the damage he can do with those fists.
00:33:00Keep it grounded, and when you get your chance at that one,
00:33:03haymaker, you better take it.
00:33:07Elbow tie-up.
00:33:08Logan Paul using his strength to push Mysterio to the corner.
00:33:12Obviously, Mysterio the favorite here tonight.
00:33:16And that's not going to sit well with Rey
00:33:18if Logan keeps that up throughout this matchup.
00:33:20Well, Rey has had enough mind games,
00:33:23enough abuse in his career,
00:33:25enough mockery for the fact that he's perhaps vertically challenged
00:33:29in terms of most competitors.
00:33:30He's not going to allow that to get to him.
00:33:32Rey was once a part of one of the great events here in Saudi Arabia,
00:33:37the greatest Royal Rumble.
00:33:39Rey still talks about that experience
00:33:42as Logan Paul now goes to work on the left arm of Rey Mysterio.
00:33:47Immediately going for that power game against Mysterio.
00:33:50Keep a hold of him.
00:33:52Mysterio cannot take flight, and that's his best weapon removed.
00:33:56Logan Paul now with Mysterio.
00:34:00Up high, Rey now grounded momentarily.
00:34:03Tried an arm drag there, but Logan Paul just too big and strong for it.
00:34:10Rey now with a couple of kicks to the midsection.
00:34:13Well-placed knee by the challenger, Logan Paul.
00:34:16Rey up over the top.
00:34:18Paul, though, able to floor Rey momentarily.
00:34:22And Mysterio!
00:34:25Paul missed with a kick.
00:34:27Rey rolls through.
00:34:29And Logan Paul now getting a taste of what he's in the ring against.
00:34:32Yeah, but he's also got that long-ranging physique
00:34:35that's going to help him out when it comes to strikes.
00:34:37Like that kick we just saw to the midsection of Rey Mysterio.
00:34:40Elbow caught Paul in the nose, and then a boot.
00:34:42Now the United States champion from the second row.
00:34:45Down goes Logan Paul, center to the corner.
00:34:47Once again, that Luchador style of Rey Mysterio
00:34:50giving him the upper hand in the early goings here.
00:34:53It looked like Rey was going for some sort of submission move
00:34:56before Logan Paul scooted out of harm's way.
00:35:06You'll often see Rey use a submission.
00:35:08So perhaps looking to take Logan off guard in this match.
00:35:12Logan Paul is an expert in the fight game.
00:35:14He knows when to go on attack,
00:35:16and he knows more importantly when to go on defense.
00:35:19And that's exactly the strategy he had to take there.
00:35:23Dipped down by Logan Paul into a waist lock on Mysterio.
00:35:28Logan, a student of the game, there's no doubt about that.
00:35:31Works hard at his craft.
00:35:33Nice back elbow there to Rey Mysterio rocking the Luchador.
00:35:38The athleticism of Logan.
00:35:40Ducks underneath.
00:35:42Mysterio able to hang on.
00:35:46Hey, Rey Mysterio can play mind games with the best of them as well.
00:35:50We've seen that over the years.
00:35:52We know Logan Paul can be a hothead too,
00:35:54and that will cause him to make some errors.
00:35:57And Mysterio sends Paul to 619 position.
00:36:01Finish this one early.
00:36:02What a big statement that'll be.
00:36:04Logan Paul launching Rey out to the apron.
00:36:06Again, the tremendous balance of Rey with a shot to the kidney.
00:36:09Now, a right hand.
00:36:10Logan Paul.
00:36:12Shot to the kidney.
00:36:13Something started here.
00:36:14Shot to the kidney.
00:36:15Highly illegal in boxing, but perfectly fine in our ring.
00:36:18Cross body.
00:36:19Paul grabs him, though, and is able to roll through,
00:36:21showing the power now.
00:36:24Mysterio on his arms and dropping him into the corner.
00:36:30Rolling through on Mysterio.
00:36:32He's a fit Finlay.
00:36:33He has been studying.
00:36:35There's a nice springboard moonsault hook to the leg.
00:36:38Mysterio gets the shoulder up.
00:36:41Yeah, well, we've all seen what Logan Paul has done
00:36:44against the likes of Ricochet.
00:36:46And clearly, aside from being a big slugger,
00:36:48he can go toe-to-toe with some of the best flyers in the world.
00:36:52Well, he did say after tonight he'd be calling him Lucha Logan.
00:36:57Well, if he wins the title against this great Luchador,
00:37:00we might have to do that.
00:37:02Now going back, reverting to type with those strikes.
00:37:05Yeah, the boxing skills of Logan Paul,
00:37:07the body shots to Mysterio in the corner.
00:37:09And Mysterio just didn't have a block for that.
00:37:11He's not used to those kind of strikes in the corner.
00:37:15Again, Logan Paul now in combination.
00:37:18Direct to the ribs and midsection of Mysterio.
00:37:24Sends Rey into the corner.
00:37:25Now Rey just collapses.
00:37:27Yeah, and that was less about that buckle that Rey took.
00:37:30I'm sure that was painful.
00:37:31But those body shots was 10 or 12 of them
00:37:34peppering the midsection of Rey prior to that.
00:37:37And that has just knocked the stuffing out of Rey Mysterio.
00:37:40You're a former bare-knuckle champion.
00:37:42You know something about that.
00:37:43No, everyone used to punch me in the nose.
00:37:44That explains the shape of it.
00:37:50Paul dragging Rey back to his feet.
00:37:52This pace right now definitely favors Logan Paul.
00:37:55He's done the exact right thing
00:37:57in knocking the stuffing out of Rey early,
00:37:59slowing this one down.
00:38:01Waist lock takedown with authority
00:38:03and continues to control Rey.
00:38:05Don't allow Rey to pick up the pace,
00:38:07start flying around the ring.
00:38:08Paul knows that, and he's grounded Mysterio.
00:38:15Rey's point coming into this match.
00:38:17He wanted to humble Logan Paul,
00:38:19but that might be backfiring here.
00:38:29Only WWE fans looking to rally Mysterio.
00:38:34That was smart.
00:38:35Rey just stomping on the toe of Logan Paul.
00:38:39Again, with a boxing background,
00:38:40you don't have to worry about that kind of abuse.
00:38:44Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Paul.
00:38:47Cover to win the United States title,
00:38:49and Mysterio kicks it, too.
00:38:50Yeah, and hats off to Logan Paul.
00:38:52These are elements of his game
00:38:53that we didn't see in his early efforts here in WWE.
00:38:57Shows he has been studying.
00:38:59He's been working on his technique
00:39:01and pulling out moves like this tilt-a-whirl here.
00:39:03That is really impressive from the Maverick.
00:39:06Yeah, we talked about it earlier.
00:39:07Logan Paul's got a lot of experience
00:39:09in the ring, and he's got a lot of experience
00:39:11in the Maverick.
00:39:12Yeah, we talked about it earlier.
00:39:13Logan Paul, a student of the game.
00:39:15He really dedicates himself to the craft.
00:39:17He's learning each and every time.
00:39:18He's evolving every time he's in the ring.
00:39:22You're seeing that tonight with Rey Mysterio.
00:39:25And now Logan Paul pressing Mysterio above his head.
00:39:30Nice in-ring workout there for Logan Paul.
00:39:33Is he now the ultimate warrior?
00:39:36Again, student of the game and in history,
00:39:39the big warrior splash, and Mysterio gets the shoulder off.
00:39:43And we've seen Logan Paul do that in the past.
00:39:46Dig down deep in some of the Hall of Famers.
00:39:49Yeah, well, if you want to get to the top in this industry,
00:39:52the fastest route you can take to get there
00:39:55is to emulate some of the greats.
00:39:57Go through that playbook of some Hall of Famers
00:39:59like the ultimate warrior.
00:40:01Study and film is what it's all about.
00:40:04You might not like him,
00:40:06but you do have to respect the work he puts in.
00:40:09No doubt about it.
00:40:10It doesn't matter if it's boxing, social media,
00:40:13the world of energy drinks, or indeed here in WWE,
00:40:16this guy is out to outwork the best.
00:40:18And now a bear hug applied by Logan Paul.
00:40:23And now slinging Mysterio around.
00:40:27And wrestling him down to the mat.
00:40:29Yeah, Mysterio going for it.
00:40:32Yeah, Mysterio came in here hoping to end this one early,
00:40:36but it's not happening.
00:40:37It's getting worse as the minutes tick by for the champ.
00:40:51May even be a look of panic in the eyes
00:40:54of Rey Mysterio at this point.
00:40:56And Mysterio trying to fight back.
00:40:59And Logan Paul now burying a knee
00:41:02in the midsection of Mysterio.
00:41:05And now look at Logan Paul.
00:41:07Logan Paul now with that shoulder backbreaker.
00:41:10We saw the bear hug earlier.
00:41:12This is shades of the Hall of Famer
00:41:14Bruno Sammartino by Logan Paul
00:41:17as he slings Logan Paul to the corner.
00:41:20Rey just cannot back it up.
00:41:22He's been so exploited in that midsection,
00:41:25so softened off.
00:41:26And now Rey driven into the corner by Logan.
00:41:28And Logan Paul now burying the shoulder
00:41:31into the midsection of Mysterio.
00:41:34Well, Logan Paul goes from showman
00:41:37to vicious in the blink of an eye.
00:41:48Can you imagine Logan Paul
00:41:50creating headlines around the world
00:41:53with that glimmering United States Championship
00:41:56around his waist?
00:41:57He'd be talking about it in his podcast.
00:41:59He'd be going everywhere with it.
00:42:00Now hamming away on the back of Rey Mysterio's neck.
00:42:02Logan Paul has Mysterio in trouble in the corner.
00:42:05Press are like vultures around Logan Paul.
00:42:07Oh, no!
00:42:08Shoulder first to the post.
00:42:10And now Mysterio's got an opportunity.
00:42:12Well, you don't get abuse like that in a boxing ring.
00:42:15And I don't know how you can throw that big haymaker
00:42:17if you've just separated a shoulder.
00:42:19And now Mysterio gonna fly.
00:42:21Suicide dive.
00:42:22Down goes Logan Paul.
00:42:23And Paul's in trouble for the first time in this match.
00:42:26Rey Mysterio building momentum now
00:42:29with the United States Championship on the line.
00:42:33There's levels to this game.
00:42:35And Rey Mysterio is about to dig deep
00:42:38into his 25-plus years at the top.
00:42:41And those put him at a level unsurpassed
00:42:44by almost anybody.
00:42:45And now Mysterio heading up to the top rope.
00:42:47Logan Paul back to his feet.
00:42:48Rey Mysterio now.
00:42:50Oh, down goes Paul.
00:42:51Massive sent down from the top rope.
00:42:55Cross body.
00:42:56Lateral press to retain.
00:42:58And a kick out by Paul.
00:43:02Lucha Logan is starting to struggle here.
00:43:06Roll up by Mysterio to retain.
00:43:08And Logan kicks it too.
00:43:12And now Mysterio.
00:43:16Another two count.
00:43:18Acid dread pumping through the veins of Logan Paul now.
00:43:22Shoulders down again.
00:43:23Can Rey retain?
00:43:24Logan kicks it too.
00:43:25Logan looked like he had this one in the bag.
00:43:28But that showboating just allowed a window
00:43:31for Rey Mysterio to turn the tide.
00:43:37This is what Rey Mysterio was looking for
00:43:40to try to pick up the pace as we look on
00:43:43from the Muhammad Abdul Arena, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
00:43:47WWE Crown Jewel.
00:43:49Mysterio's United States Championship is on the line
00:43:52against Logan Paul.
00:43:54This is the point in the match where perhaps
00:43:56nice reversal there from Logan Paul.
00:43:58As I was about to say, being the bigger man this late
00:44:01in the matchup can sometimes be a big hindrance.
00:44:06Logan Paul with a clothesline.
00:44:08Hook of the leg on Mysterio.
00:44:10And a kick out.
00:44:11Nice momentum move from Logan Paul.
00:44:13Watch this.
00:44:14But his knee buckles just a bit and that may have cost him.
00:44:17May not got all of the clothesline weighed
00:44:19and it allowed Rey to kick out.
00:44:21Panic in the eyes of Logan Paul here.
00:44:23If you remember 12 months ago at Crown Jewel
00:44:25he injured a knee in that matchup you mentioned earlier
00:44:28with Roman Reigns.
00:44:29Has he tweaked it again?
00:44:31Or is he gonna be able to shrug this off?
00:44:33Yeah, the slingshot clothesline from Logan Paul
00:44:37almost put Mysterio away.
00:44:41And now
00:44:43Here we go, Karl.
00:44:44We talked about this.
00:44:45It's the haymaker.
00:44:46And the titanium-loaded right hand of Logan Paul
00:44:50misses wildly.
00:44:52And now Rey Mysterio wrestles Logan to the center of the ring.
00:44:55Look at the crossface now.
00:44:57On Logan Paul.
00:44:58Rey's got him locked in.
00:44:59Yeah, and it's attacking that shoulder
00:45:01that Logan Paul smashed against the ring post
00:45:03a couple of minutes ago.
00:45:04This is deep water for Logan Paul.
00:45:06He's never been in a position before, I don't believe,
00:45:09to have to try to submit or tap out.
00:45:11And Mysterio's got Logan Paul trying to stretch
00:45:14and use his long body to make it to the bottom rope
00:45:17to force a break, which he does.
00:45:19Yeah, but is the damage done?
00:45:21There's no training.
00:45:22There's no background in the world that will prepare you
00:45:24for the first time you're in a hold like that.
00:45:33Make no mistake.
00:45:34Rey Mysterio has been under the cosh tonight.
00:45:38His body is hurting in a way
00:45:40that he wasn't expecting.
00:45:43Yeah, the offense by Logan Paul.
00:45:45Oh, my goodness.
00:45:46Logan Paul grabbing Mysterio out of midair,
00:45:50delivering a power slam and a kick out by Rey.
00:45:53That was almost a disaster.
00:45:55Yeah, Mysterio almost got Tombstone Paul
00:45:58driven into the mat there.
00:46:00Almost head first, spike down.
00:46:04Logan Paul grabbing Mysterio out of midair
00:46:09and then delivering the power slam.
00:46:11And Rey looks like he's been knocked silly.
00:46:20We're going up.
00:46:22And now Logan Paul dragging Rey Mysterio
00:46:25off toward the top rope.
00:46:27Trash talking as always.
00:46:29We're going high risk and that is the realm of Rey Mysterio.
00:46:33It's a brave strategy and it doesn't look like
00:46:36it's going to pay off.
00:46:37Logan Paul knocked out back into the ring.
00:46:39Now Rey Mysterio, he's at home.
00:46:43Up there.
00:46:44Logan Paul, though, going to meet him there.
00:46:48Rey Mysterio signaling for those big moves.
00:46:50He just doesn't have it in his body to pull him up.
00:46:53Oh, my goodness.
00:46:54A fall away slam into a cover by Paul
00:46:57and Mysterio kicked out.
00:46:59A moonsault fall away slam.
00:47:01That is absolutely ridiculous.
00:47:03The risk to pull a maneuver like that off this deep
00:47:08into a matchup.
00:47:10But Logan Paul tried it.
00:47:12It paid off and it almost got the victory.
00:47:14Look at that.
00:47:15It was a fall away slam, but as Wade mentioned,
00:47:18into a moonsault by Logan Paul
00:47:21who went into a pinning combination on Mysterio
00:47:25who was still able to kick out.
00:47:27And I'll tell you this.
00:47:28I have been around the absolute best in this industry
00:47:30for many years.
00:47:31I've maybe met three guys capable of pulling that move off.
00:47:35Now make it four.
00:47:36Well, Logan Paul, he made no bones about it.
00:47:39The importance of him to win
00:47:40the prestigious United States Championship.
00:47:43Now mocking Eddie Guerrero,
00:47:44Rey Mysterio's longtime friend.
00:47:48Had to roll through.
00:47:49Logan Paul now.
00:47:50Mysterio sends Paul into the second rope.
00:47:53Exactly where you don't want to be.
00:47:56And Logan Paul blocked.
00:47:59Instinctive grab from Logan Paul.
00:48:05That was Mysterio's opportunity.
00:48:08Logan Paul now.
00:48:09Mysterio ducked underneath.
00:48:13Rey with a kick to the ear.
00:48:14Your reactions will never be faster than those of Rey Mysterio.
00:48:21Logan Paul, though.
00:48:23Holding on as Mysterio's on the top rope.
00:48:30Oh, no.
00:48:31This is not going to be good.
00:48:32Electric chair perhaps being attempted here.
00:48:35This is not going to be good from way up above the ring
00:48:38as Rey Mysterio turns him around into a sunset bomb.
00:48:42Launching the carcass of Logan Paul across the ring.
00:48:46And now Mysterio.
00:48:48Look at Mysterio.
00:48:49Code red.
00:48:50Almost had him in a kick out.
00:48:52That code red power bomb
00:48:54shows the ever-evolving offense of Rey Mysterio.
00:48:58Well, that's a move he's taken from his LWO running buddy,
00:49:01Zelina Vega, who has perfected that.
00:49:04But again-
00:49:05And now look at this.
00:49:06That's one of those fools from Logan Paul's entourage.
00:49:09And they just handed Logan Paul brass knuckles.
00:49:12Well, that's how he beat Ricochet at SummerSlam.
00:49:15And again, one of Logan Paul's cronies
00:49:19walking out here to the ring
00:49:20and handed the brass knuckles to Logan Paul.
00:49:22And Mysterio has no idea.
00:49:24Good luck.
00:49:25It's quite wise.
00:49:26Well, there go the brass knuckles.
00:49:28And there go the hopes of Logan Paul's victory.
00:49:32Well, maybe not.
00:49:33Because this goof is still roaming around at ringside.
00:49:36Somebody get this guy out of here without security.
00:49:45Not so fast.
00:49:46Santos Escobar of Mysterio's LWO.
00:49:50The Emperor of Lucha Libre saves the day.
00:49:57And I think Escobar may make this man pay.
00:49:59This guy better start running.
00:50:02You do not want to fight with Santos Escobar.
00:50:05Escobar in pursuit.
00:50:08Chasing that jerk out of the arena.
00:50:10And now Logan Paul.
00:50:13Oh, wait a minute.
00:50:14Paul got the brass knuckles.
00:50:16The brass knuckles are left on the apron.
00:50:18Mysterio has no idea.
00:50:20619 connecting, though.
00:50:22Mysterio with an opportunity to put-
00:50:24Oh, my goodness.
00:50:25Knockout punch with the brass knuckles.
00:50:28Logan Paul is the United States champion.
00:50:32Here's your winner, and new United States champion,
00:50:40Logan Paul.
00:50:43With one right hand full of brass knuckles,
00:50:47the Maverick Logan Paul has radically
00:50:50changed the complexion of WWE.
00:50:56This moment will shake WWE and social media
00:51:00around the world to its core.
00:51:04As filthy a victory as you could ever imagine.
00:51:10But by any means necessary.
00:51:13Logan Paul wins his first championship in WWE.
00:51:27The end justifies the means.
00:51:30And the end is that United States championship
00:51:35on the shoulder of the Maverick Logan Paul.
00:51:39Well, look what Logan found right at the last minute.
00:51:42The brass knuckles.
00:51:44As fortuitous as you would like.
00:51:46And just when Rey Mysterio connected
00:51:49with the signature 619,
00:51:52that is where the Maverick pounce.
00:51:56Brass meets gold.
00:51:58And we've got ourselves a new champion.
00:52:08Logan Paul celebrating holding the championship
00:52:12that has been held by dozens of WWE Hall of Famers
00:52:17over the years.
00:52:20The tabloids are about to descend like vultures
00:52:23over this image right here.
00:52:29Much to the chagrin of a very proud Rey Mysterio,
00:52:35Logan Paul is the new...
00:52:38You're a legend, Rey.
00:52:40Let's do what I have to do, my man.
00:52:43You know what you did.
00:52:44I didn't know what to do.
00:52:45You know what you did.
00:52:46I know what you're talking about.
00:52:47I swear and swear I know what you did.
00:52:48You're a legend, Rey, and I love you.
00:52:50Yeah, those words ring a little hollow for me.
00:52:52You're a legend, I love you.
00:52:55Punched him in the face with brass knuckles, Logan Paul.
00:52:59Logan Paul celebrates as the new United States champion.
00:53:18Once again, the Maverick resorted to some underhanded tactics
00:53:23to begin his reign as the WWE United States champion.
00:53:26On an episode of SmackDown, an eight-man tournament
00:53:29was announced to determine the number one contender
00:53:32to Logan Paul's title.
00:53:34The winner of that tournament?
00:53:35Former United States champion Kevin Owens.
00:53:39The Maverick would then go one-on-one
00:53:41with the prize fighter at the Royal Rumble.
00:53:56Ladies and gentlemen, Kevin Owens is looking to win
00:53:58the fourth United States championship in his career
00:54:03in a match, Corey, that has become extremely personal,
00:54:07extremely emotional.
00:54:09Deeply personal, even more emotional from a man
00:54:13who runs off of pure, unbridled emotion.
00:54:17Kevin Owens lives by the ethos, just keep fighting.
00:54:21And Owens knows he is a guy that never necessarily
00:54:24fit the mold in this game.
00:54:26Kevin Owens has had to fight and scratch and claw
00:54:29for every opportunity that he's had.
00:54:33And Kevin Owens looks at a guy like Logan Paul
00:54:35and while he acknowledges Logan's skill set,
00:54:38Logan Paul is so deep under KO's skin,
00:54:41he's gonna need tweezers to get him out.
00:54:44Well, Kevin Owens, of course, fight Owens fight.
00:54:47But he's got a broken arm he has to deal with here tonight.
00:55:16Now it's interesting that Logan Paul,
00:55:18the United States champion who won the title,
00:55:20beating Rey Mysterio back at Crown Jewel
00:55:22in Saudi Arabia in November.
00:55:24Pat McAfee, you should have a lot to say
00:55:27about Logan Paul.
00:55:29A maverick much like you, arriving on the scene
00:55:32at WWE, many people didn't believe in you or him
00:55:35when you first started to compete here.
00:55:37Tell me what Logan Paul is going through
00:55:39and what you think about this young man.
00:55:40Well, he's much more handsome than I am
00:55:42and he did everything that I'm doing long before I did.
00:55:44A true trailblazer on the internet.
00:55:46His mental toughness is obviously something
00:55:48that's gonna have to be high because he has loved people
00:55:50the wrong way his entire life.
00:55:53But when you're an outsider and you're trying
00:55:56to earn the respect of the WWE universe
00:55:59and the WWE talent, you just wanna earn your keep.
00:56:05And Logan Paul, the fastest rising superstar in history,
00:56:10certainly feels as if he has done as such.
00:56:13Logan Paul has been very public and very proud
00:56:16about the fact he's only been in this game
00:56:18a little over a year and a half.
00:56:19Kevin Owens has quite literally dedicated his life
00:56:22to this business.
00:56:23It eats at KO and Owens would love nothing more
00:56:27than to leave Tropicana Field
00:56:29as the United States Champion for the fourth time
00:56:32but make it even sweeter at the expense of Logan Paul.
00:56:37The following contest is scheduled for one fall
00:56:41and it is for the United States Championship!
00:56:49Introducing the challenger
00:56:51from Merrillville, Quebec, Canada,
00:56:54weighing in at 266 pounds,
00:56:58Kevin Owens!
00:57:05Didn't even blink.
00:57:08Didn't move.
00:57:09And his opponent from Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico,
00:57:14by way of Cleveland, Ohio,
00:57:16he is the United States Champion,
00:57:21Logan Paul!
00:57:26Okay, let's talk strategy.
00:57:28If you're Kevin Owens, Corey,
00:57:29how do you take the title away from the Maverick?
00:57:32Kevin Owens needs to rely on his experience.
00:57:35Kevin Owens has been in every situation
00:57:37one can fathom inside of a ring.
00:57:39Logan Paul still has a long way to go
00:57:41and Owens cannot let the mind games of Logan
00:57:44continue deep into this match.
00:57:46Chad, how does Logan keep the title tonight?
00:57:48I think for one thing,
00:57:49he's gonna have to watch for that right hand of Kevin Owens.
00:57:53No cast tonight, but it is taped up.
00:57:56I agree with you.
00:57:57You mean attack the injured hand of Kevin Owens.
00:58:01Yeah, bingo.
00:58:02I think that's part of the smart play.
00:58:03I agree with that.
00:58:04And I would also say Kevin Owens,
00:58:05look out for the right hand of Logan Paul.
00:58:08Kevin Owens goes right after Logan Paul now,
00:58:11stomping away.
00:58:12And remember, Kevin's gotta be careful
00:58:14Logan Paul is the champion's advantage.
00:58:16Owens must pin or submit Logan Paul to win the title.
00:58:19Uh-oh, Owens cutting Logan off at the pass,
00:58:21but Paul just a step too quick.
00:58:25And Logan Paul went into the barricade
00:58:27by Kevin Owens.
00:58:28And I don't know that you want to get into
00:58:30a brawling contest with the prize fighter Kevin Owens.
00:58:33As talented as Paul is,
00:58:34as much of a great boxer as Logan Paul is,
00:58:37outside the ring, this is KO's domain.
00:58:41This is where KO thrives.
00:58:43This is my show!
00:58:45That's what Kevin Owens said.
00:58:47This is my show.
00:58:48He said to Logan Paul,
00:58:49you're not one of us.
00:58:50You're protected.
00:58:51You're sheltered.
00:58:52You shouldn't be here.
00:58:55Logan Paul has heard that all before, obviously,
00:58:57but Kevin Owens knows.
00:58:59Kevin Owens has to hear it in his own house.
00:59:02I mean, Logan Paul has rubbed it in
00:59:04on multiple occasions
00:59:06that KO's children are giant Logan Paul fans
00:59:10that has to eat
00:59:11at Owens.
00:59:13Kevin Owens had to buy prime drinks
00:59:15for his house.
00:59:17Royal Rumble has been a trending number one
00:59:20in the United States all night long on X.
00:59:25Why not?
00:59:26An incredible show.
00:59:27And still to come tonight,
00:59:28our men's Royal Rumble match.
00:59:31And now Kevin Owens just chopped
00:59:32Logan Paul in the soul.
00:59:34And suplex and release by Owens.
00:59:37And now Logan Paul realized that he's in a fight.
00:59:40I know it's Gasparilla.
00:59:41This is kind of apropos.
00:59:43Clear the deck!
00:59:45And KO with a smile on his face.
00:59:47Paul rolled out of harm's way.
00:59:50Kevin Owens now went for the cannonball,
00:59:52driven into the apron spine first.
00:59:54And Logan Paul attacking the injured hand
00:59:57and expertly laid track.
00:59:59Come on, Kevin. Let's go.
01:00:01Again, a bit cocky there.
01:00:03That's the problem.
01:00:04Logan took a big step forward
01:00:05and then a giant one back.
01:00:07And the senton by KO
01:00:09right in front of the announce table.
01:00:11Kevin Owens in control of the Maverick.
01:00:14Kevin Owens in a mood tonight.
01:00:16He's focused, wants his fourth U.S. title.
01:00:23These chops echoing through the trunk.
01:00:30KO shaking off that injured hand.
01:00:32Oh, and Logan Paul right attacking the hand.
01:00:35And now Paul launching himself.
01:00:38He hit Owens' heart in the back of the neck.
01:00:41A slingshot.
01:00:42Logan Paul's a freak athlete.
01:00:44You can say that again.
01:00:45You know, Pat,
01:00:46Logan told me on commentary
01:00:47a few weeks ago on SmackDown
01:00:48that he just recently began lifting weights.
01:00:51Oh, God!
01:00:53He may have another broken hand.
01:00:54And again!
01:00:55Oh, no.
01:00:56Back to the ring post.
01:00:57And Owens is screaming in pain.
01:00:59Kevin, you don't have to do this.
01:01:01Once again, this is great strategy by Logan Paul.
01:01:04I mean, it is.
01:01:05Only a year into this thing.
01:01:07And again, you can't take anything away from him.
01:01:09He's not breaking the rule.
01:01:11Like a fish to water, Logan Paul, to this business.
01:01:13A savant.
01:01:15Cat-like agility to the top turnbuckle.
01:01:18What a cross body by Logan Paul.
01:01:20Oh, but not just that.
01:01:22And he turns it into the cross-moon combo cover
01:01:25and a kickout by Owens.
01:01:28Oh, looking for a Kimura.
01:01:30And again with the injured hand.
01:01:32This should be a great move.
01:01:34As you take another look at Logan Paul
01:01:36launching himself over the top rope.
01:01:39Big impact on the outside.
01:01:41Logan Paul soaring through the sky at Tropicana Field.
01:01:45Cross body.
01:01:46And he turns it into the standing moonsault,
01:01:48the cross-moon combo.
01:01:50That cross body was three-quarters of the way across the way.
01:01:53It was beautiful.
01:01:54And then Paul wasting no time, maintaining a hold,
01:01:56a modified Kimura.
01:01:58And look at this now.
01:01:59Go for the octopus.
01:02:00He's almost used this before in his matches.
01:02:02This was made famous by WWE Hall of Framer Antonio Inoki.
01:02:06But it was made more famous by Logan Paul.
01:02:09Logan Paul now trying to get Owens to submit here.
01:02:14Couple of elbows to the midsection.
01:02:16Say what you want.
01:02:17Logan's a student of the game.
01:02:19Only gotten better.
01:02:22And again, this has been tremendous strategy now,
01:02:25trying to rip the tape off the once broken
01:02:28and maybe broken again.
01:02:29Hand of Owens.
01:02:30No way KO's hand isn't broken.
01:02:33If it wasn't before the match, it is by now.
01:02:35No doubt about it.
01:02:36Look at this.
01:02:37Paul is mangling Kevin Owens.
01:02:40And at what point does our official need to step in
01:02:42and save Owens from himself?
01:02:44Because Kevin Owens won't quit.
01:02:46It's a good point because Logan Paul doing everything in his power
01:02:49to, wait a minute.
01:02:50I think Owens grabbed at the nose of Logan Paul.
01:02:53Well, Owens is, he's scrappy.
01:02:55He's a survivor.
01:02:56He'll do everything he can to stay in this matchup.
01:02:59He's not going to give up.
01:03:00We all know that.
01:03:03Series of uppercuts from the Maverick.
01:03:07With the welts on his chest, too.
01:03:09Yeah, from the chops of Kevin Owens,
01:03:11but Logan Paul doesn't seem to give a damn.
01:03:13Leg drop.
01:03:16A little cocky on the cover, and Owens was able to kick out.
01:03:18And look out.
01:03:19Oh, and now a slap.
01:03:20Owens will not stand for disrespect.
01:03:23If KO has breath in his lungs,
01:03:25he is swinging back when he feels disrespect.
01:03:27Yeah, you're not going to show.
01:03:29You're not going to show off in front of Kevin Owens.
01:03:31He's going to make you pay.
01:03:33Going to do everything in the fiber of his being
01:03:35to fight back and stay in the match.
01:03:37But to your point, how much can Kevin Owens take?
01:03:40And when should the official start to think about his well-being?
01:03:46Kevin Owens would rather his hand get cut off.
01:03:49Unfortunately, Pat, I think you're absolutely right.
01:03:53KO's not a long-term planner.
01:03:55KO lives in the heat of the moment.
01:03:57But right now, the moment belongs to Logan Paul.
01:04:02That, of course, used by Rey Mysterio.
01:04:05He beat for the title back to Crown Jewel.
01:04:07And again, showing that Logan Paul's a student of the game.
01:04:09You're absolutely right.
01:04:10Took the words right out of my mouth.
01:04:12Logan Paul picking up a little something along the way.
01:04:15Just a tidbit to add to his arsenal.
01:04:17Oh, and the knees up to the back of Owens.
01:04:20Owens went for another senton.
01:04:22And Logan Paul saw this one coming.
01:04:31Another European uppercut.
01:04:34Plethora of those.
01:04:37Owens has Logan Paul's arms hooked.
01:04:39Could be thinking about a backslide.
01:04:46Knee to the back of Logan Paul's head.
01:04:50Knee connecting from Owens.
01:04:54That might have been KO's best shot to this juncture in the matchup.
01:04:58Taking a lot out of Logan Paul.
01:05:00But Owens is still feeling the effects of the attack from the champion.
01:05:03Ladies and gentlemen, we are on the road to WrestleMania.
01:05:07This is the 37th annual Royal Rumble event.
01:05:10We are at the Propaganda Field in St. Petersburg, Florida.
01:05:14Over 40,000 in attendance tonight.
01:05:16Watching Logan Paul and Kevin Owens slug it out
01:05:20for the prestigious United States Championship.
01:05:23Owens like a one-armed bandit.
01:05:28Owens understands how-
01:05:29Here we go!
01:05:30Important this title is.
01:05:32And now Kevin Owens with a cannonball!
01:05:38Dozen WWE Hall of Famers, more than that,
01:05:41have held this title.
01:05:42And now the cannonball by KO!
01:05:48Owens now making the climb to the top turnbuckle.
01:05:51The thing about Kevin Owens, you gotta love him.
01:05:53He works his ass off.
01:05:54Kevin Owens now.
01:05:55Top rope frog splash!
01:05:57That may do it.
01:05:59Hook of the leg!
01:06:00Oh, and Logan.
01:06:01Let me tell you this.
01:06:02If we get a replay, which we will right now,
01:06:04watch Kevin Owens right arm upon landing on the frog splash.
01:06:08Owens crushed the champion.
01:06:10But that momentary hesitation to fight through the pain
01:06:13may have cost Owens a victory.
01:06:15And you notice he had to use the left to hook the leg.
01:06:17Hesitated to your point.
01:06:19Logan able to kick out.
01:06:20Now Kevin Owens again.
01:06:21Looking to go up to the top rope.
01:06:23I'm not sure how Kevin Owens is still going here.
01:06:26Again, trying to shake the pain out of the hand.
01:06:29Knees up!
01:06:30Oh, man.
01:06:32Gnarly landing for Owens.
01:06:34That's twice Logan Paul has baited Kevin Owens into something.
01:06:38Logan trying to capitalize on the mishap for KO.
01:06:43Nobody home as Kevin Owens moved out of harm's way.
01:06:47Both these men trying to deliver bombs.
01:06:54Paul is bleeding.
01:06:56He's got bruises on his chest.
01:06:58He is a tough champion.
01:07:02Yeah, raking at the face.
01:07:05Paul hanging Owens up on the top rope.
01:07:08I'd be honored for Kevin Owens to be my United States champion.
01:07:12Oh, there it is!
01:07:16Off the clothesline, Logan Paul has KO'd down and out.
01:07:20He loves that slingshot.
01:07:22He hit Roman Reigns for that in a title match.
01:07:25Frog Splash!
01:07:27To retain!
01:07:28Hook of the leg!
01:07:29Kick out at two!
01:07:31I don't know if that was technically a frog splash,
01:07:33but this was more stylish.
01:07:35Here we see this flipping lariat by Logan.
01:07:38I believe it was just a full send, Corey.
01:07:41That works for me.
01:07:42Full send by Logan Paul.
01:07:44Like that.
01:07:45You just created something.
01:07:46No, I did not create that.
01:07:47That's a huge company, but that's certainly what it looked like.
01:07:51Full commitment from Logan Paul, our United States champion.
01:07:55The champion is feeling it now.
01:07:58This has been a physical battle here tonight.
01:08:02Hey, Corey Graves!
01:08:05I don't...
01:08:06You said that no man could suplex Kevin Owens.
01:08:10Watch me!
01:08:11You did say that.
01:08:12I did say it.
01:08:13Good luck, Logan.
01:08:14Oh, maybe not!
01:08:17I told you.
01:08:20Kevin Owens!
01:08:23Kevin Owens!
01:08:25Corey distracted.
01:08:26Modified Brain Buster, and now Owens crawling to the cover
01:08:30to win the title and a kick out at two.
01:08:33Look where you started.
01:08:34Listen, I was trying to give our champion a little advice.
01:08:37I watched and called a million Kevin Owens matches,
01:08:40and I've never seen the man successfully superplexed.
01:08:44Kevin Owens very comfortable on the ropes.
01:08:48Spectacular scene here tonight.
01:08:51Over 40,000-plus here.
01:08:54The sunshine city of St. Petersburg, Florida.
01:08:57Kevin Owens, Logan Paul for the United States championship.
01:09:04And Kevin Owens kicked to the midsection.
01:09:05Went for the stutter.
01:09:07Paul looking on the bad hand again.
01:09:09Ooh, what a kick!
01:09:10Logan just punted the broken right hand of Owens.
01:09:14Phenomenal form on that punt.
01:09:17And now the big right hand of Logan Paul is getting exposed.
01:09:21Remember, it's titanium reinforced.
01:09:24Owens superkick, right up under the chin.
01:09:30KO, went for the pop-up powerbomb.
01:09:34Looking for the stunner again.
01:09:36Right hand!
01:09:37KO has been KO'd by Logan Paul!
01:09:42Owens kicked out.
01:09:47Nobody's kicked out of the big right?
01:09:49Nobody at all.
01:09:50Logan Paul can't believe it.
01:09:51And Corey, his most effective weapon was just taken away.
01:09:55Actual titanium inside of his hand.
01:09:59Well, it wasn't taken away.
01:10:00It was rendered ineffective.
01:10:04It's Jeff!
01:10:05Not this idiot.
01:10:06This goofy moron from his entourage again.
01:10:08This son of a bitch, Jeff!
01:10:10That's Jeff!
01:10:11Cole, that's Jeff!
01:10:13Hunter! Hunter!
01:10:14Jeff in a white tee!
01:10:15Wait, wait, wait.
01:10:16Well, official Ryan Tran, who was the referee when Logan Paul
01:10:20and this goof beat Rey Mysterio,
01:10:23now is gonna do his job against security
01:10:25to throw this moron out of here.
01:10:29That's Jeff!
01:10:30That's Jeff!
01:10:32He's trying to say he knows you!
01:10:34To be clear, I've never met Jeff,
01:10:36but I've seen him on the internet.
01:10:41Can I deal with him?
01:10:43He's not that big.
01:10:44Yeah, but he's...
01:10:45Logan from the top!
01:10:46I don't know what's going on, Jeff,
01:10:47but I know Logan just missed.
01:10:49And Cole back down.
01:10:50Center of the ring is the security now,
01:10:52or ejecting Jeff.
01:10:54Beat him up!
01:10:55Take him out!
01:10:56Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:10:57Oh, this is great.
01:10:58These guys are gonna deal with Jeff.
01:11:00Grayson Waller, Austin Theory.
01:11:03They're here to legitimize Jeff.
01:11:05No, they're not.
01:11:06They're here because they can't stand Kevin Owens,
01:11:07and you know that.
01:11:09He says to Theory,
01:11:10Brass Knuckles!
01:11:11Theory says Logan Paul be Mysterio!
01:11:13Theory gave the Knucks to Paul!
01:11:15Austin Theory, the same old scumbag I see!
01:11:19This could be fair and square!
01:11:21My shoulders down.
01:11:22Owens rolling Paul up.
01:11:23Paul able to kick out.
01:11:25Logan Paul has Brass Knuckles.
01:11:27Kevin Owens trying to rip the Knuckles off the hand,
01:11:31and he does!
01:11:32And now Kevin Owens has loaded up
01:11:35with the Brass Knucks!
01:11:37Cover to win the championship!
01:11:41Oh, no.
01:11:42Oh, now the refs got 20-20?
01:11:47Oh, damn it.
01:11:49Oh, wow.
01:11:53Here is your winner,
01:11:55as a result of a disqualification,
01:11:59and still the United States champion,
01:12:05Kevin Logan Paul!
01:12:11That is a damn shame.
01:12:13You know, this may sound a little unusual coming from me,
01:12:15but I feel bad for Owens.
01:12:17Kevin Owens wrestled a hell of a match,
01:12:19fought a hell of a fight,
01:12:21and in the end,
01:12:22Owens got caught in the heat of the moment
01:12:24and paid for it.
01:12:28But hats off to the United States champion!
01:12:31Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:12:32Oh, and from behind, Kevin Owens
01:12:34Kevin Owens is ticked off,
01:12:36and I don't blame him.
01:12:38And now Owens returning the favor.
01:12:42I mean, for all intents and purposes,
01:12:43KO got screwed.
01:12:44Oh, good here tonight.
01:12:45Did you see the look in his eyes, Cole?
01:12:47I mean, I can understand why he is.
01:12:49Owens has lost it.
01:12:50I mean, that goof Jeff and then Theory and Waller
01:12:53and Kevin Owens now
01:12:55with Logan Paul up and down
01:12:57and through the table!
01:13:07Fight Owens fight
01:13:11for yet another day.
01:13:13The beaten and battered United States champion,
01:13:16Logan Paul, still holds the title.
01:13:22But Kevin Owens made him pay.
01:13:30Tough, tough ending for Kevin Owens.
01:13:35Logan Paul's still the champ,
01:13:38but he's gonna feel it tomorrow.
01:13:40Oh, no, no, no.
01:13:41Get him back, get him back.
01:13:43Come on, come on.
01:13:49Takes a hold.
01:13:50Well, he needed a crop drop.
01:14:00As you can tell,
01:14:01Logan's war with KO was far from over.
01:14:04The Maverick would enter the Elimination Chamber match
01:14:07the following month,
01:14:08but a Viper would keep him from victory.
01:14:11After his elimination at the hands of Randy Orton,
01:14:14Paul would once again pull out his trusty brass knuckles
01:14:18and feed them right to the Apex Predator,
01:14:21thus making another legendary superstar
01:14:25severely dislike him.
01:14:27Logan seems to be good at that.
01:14:29At WrestleMania 40,
01:14:30we would see Logan Paul take on Randy Orton
01:14:33and Kevin Owens in a triple threat match
01:14:36for the United States championship.
01:14:48WrestleMania 40.
01:14:58Is that the biggest truck you've ever seen?
01:15:05The Prime Truck.
01:15:16That's the biggest bottle I've ever seen.
01:15:19A Prime Truck.
01:15:23That's the biggest bottle I've ever seen.
01:15:26A Prime Cannon.
01:15:39The following is a triple threat match
01:15:42and it is for the United States championship.
01:15:47Introducing first,
01:15:49from Toronto Beach, Puerto Rico,
01:15:51by way of Cleveland, Ohio,
01:15:53weighing in at 220 pounds,
01:15:56he is the United States champion,
01:16:00Logan Paul!
01:16:06I mentioned it on your show the other day, Pat.
01:16:08I believe that Logan Paul,
01:16:10I've never seen anyone in my 27 years
01:16:12take to this business like the United States champion has.
01:16:16Yeah, like a fish to water.
01:16:18Truly must watch every time he's here.
01:16:21That's why he's our United States champion so quickly.
01:16:25The skill, the athleticism, above all else,
01:16:28the swagger and the confidence.
01:16:30Logan Paul may be polarizing,
01:16:32but you can afford to do that
01:16:34when this entire stadium
01:16:36is featuring your company's brand.
01:16:42And that's why WrestleMania 40
01:16:44is brought to you in part by Prime Hydration,
01:16:47the fastest growing beverage in history
01:16:49and the official hydration drink of WWE,
01:16:51with only 25 calories,
01:16:53zero added sugar, BCAAs and electrolytes.
01:16:56Drink Prime.
01:16:581.3 billion in sales last year.
01:17:01At this point, I think Logan should rename this city.
01:17:04We're in PrimaDelphia from here on out.
01:17:07Well, not only the Prime bottle and the mat
01:17:09in the center of the ring,
01:17:10but the Prime Hydration Station
01:17:12here at ringside.
01:17:15Doug, right? Remember Doug?
01:17:18Jeff. Jeff.
01:17:20And we've even seen KSI inside of the Prime bottle.
01:17:26That was a great catch.
01:17:27I have a very strong feeling that shenanigans are up for it.
01:17:30Well, that's that Jeff, that goopy guy
01:17:32that keeps saying that Brass Knuckles
01:17:33to Logan all over the world.
01:17:34That's what Pat was saying.
01:17:35Yeah, but he didn't explain who the guy is.
01:17:37Oh, yeah. Well, Jeff's a big brain guy as well.
01:17:54Your turn now.
01:17:57Go get him. Go get him!
01:18:01Next, from Marysville, Quebec, Canada,
01:18:05weighing in at 266 pounds,
01:18:09Kevin Owens!
01:18:14You just saw the brand new Intercontinental Champion
01:18:16Sami Zayn, who took out Kevin Owens.
01:18:20He's the new Intercontinental Champion.
01:18:22He's the new Intercontinental Champion.
01:18:24He's the new Intercontinental Champion.
01:18:26He's the new Intercontinental Champion.
01:18:28He's the new Intercontinental Champion.
01:18:29Sami Zayn, who took out Gunther last night
01:18:32on WrestleMania Saturday.
01:18:34Kevin Owens hoping to win
01:18:35the United States Championship tonight.
01:18:37Already on WrestleMania Sunday,
01:18:39Drew McIntyre won the World Heavyweight Championship
01:18:42to kick off the show over Seth Rollins.
01:18:46Okay. Oh, there we go.
01:18:48A little throwback to Friday night on SmackDown.
01:18:52Drew McIntyre held the World Heavyweight Title
01:18:54for five minutes and 45 seconds
01:18:57before he was cast in on by Damian Priest,
01:19:00the new champion.
01:19:01Well, look at the link right now,
01:19:03adorned in the colors and the stylings of ECW.
01:19:07K-O's little love letter
01:19:09to the hardcore of the hardcores.
01:19:13I hear voices in my head
01:19:16They come to me
01:19:17They understand
01:19:19They talk to me
01:19:32We've got shoes and religion
01:19:35What the hell?
01:19:36Designed to keep you safe
01:19:38Designed to keep you safe
01:19:40But when rules start getting broken
01:19:43You stop questioning your fate
01:19:46I have a voice that is my savior
01:19:49It's alive and loves me
01:19:52I have a voice that is my savior
01:19:55From St. Louis, Missouri,
01:19:58weighing in at 275 pounds,
01:20:02The Viper,
01:20:06Randy Orton!
01:20:11Owens already putting the pedal to the metal,
01:20:14nearly took himself and the Viper out
01:20:16before the bell even rang.
01:20:18Yeah, but this doesn't seem fair.
01:20:21Two of the three members of the Triple Threat
01:20:23arriving in a golf cart together.
01:20:25Well, they've had this weird alliance
01:20:26over the past few weeks,
01:20:27but don't forget,
01:20:28Triple Threat, United States Title,
01:20:30every man for himself.
01:20:32First man to gain pinfall or submission
01:20:35becomes the champion,
01:20:36which means, as they look out for
01:20:38Cologne, Germany tonight,
01:20:40Corey, Logan Paul does not have to be involved
01:20:42in the decision to lose his title.
01:20:44Triple Threat environment actually puts the champion
01:20:46in a disadvantage for that very reason.
01:20:49If Kevin Owens pins Randy Orton,
01:20:51Kevin Owens is champion.
01:20:53If Randy Orton pins Kevin Owens,
01:20:55Logan Paul still loses his title.
01:20:57Very, very, very risky situation
01:21:01for the United States champion.
01:21:02For the 19th time in his career,
01:21:03Randy Orton enters a WrestleMania match.
01:21:06He is a 14-time world champion.
01:21:09Of course, his lineage dates all the way back
01:21:11to the very first WrestleMania,
01:21:13where his dad, Cowboy Bob Orton,
01:21:15was involved.
01:21:16And the Maverick wasting no time
01:21:18stepping aside and telling KO and Randy to fight.
01:21:23Great strategy by Logan Paul.
01:21:27Yeah, you don't get beat up
01:21:28like the other two beat him up,
01:21:29but they're gonna come find you, Logan!
01:21:31Yeah, again, no count-outs,
01:21:32no disqualifications under Triple Threat rules.
01:21:35Well, he wasn't quick enough in that instance.
01:21:38So much history between these three men already.
01:21:42Well, they're right now being pinballed back and forth
01:21:45between the Prizefighter and the Apex Predator.
01:21:47Randy Orton was beaten inside Elimination Chamber
01:21:50thanks to Logan Paul and the Brass Knuckles.
01:21:57Randy and KO just destroying the Maverick.
01:22:01And this is an interesting strategy
01:22:03by Orton and Owens
01:22:06to try to just take Paul out of the equation altogether.
01:22:09This will do it!
01:22:10Logan dropped the weight
01:22:11on the Spanish Unounced Faith table.
01:22:14I have a feeling, Cole,
01:22:16it might be a good idea for us to move,
01:22:18because I've seen a Randy Orton match or two.
01:22:22Looks like Owens gonna give it a shot.
01:22:24My turn!
01:22:30Now they're meeting.
01:22:33On who should do what.
01:22:34I think Randy was explaining to Kevin,
01:22:35you gotta get a little higher on him.
01:22:38As Kevin Owens destroys the Hydration Station,
01:22:41brought to you by Pride!
01:22:43Oh, we're talking.
01:22:46I totally see it!
01:22:48Kevin Owens understood the difference there
01:22:50as Randy Orton
01:22:52threw Logan behind in a scoff
01:22:55into the Spanish Unounced Table.
01:22:56I think Randy and KO may have just invented
01:22:58a new carnival game.
01:22:59They also might have invented a new tag team.
01:23:01You see them working with each other here?
01:23:03Let me try one.
01:23:05He's having fun beating the hell out of the champ,
01:23:07Logan Paul.
01:23:08There's a lot of people around the world
01:23:09living vicariously through Logan.
01:23:11I'm sorry, through Randy.
01:23:13Kevin, at this point,
01:23:14Logan able to escape.
01:23:17That was good strategy by Logan,
01:23:19and Kevin trying to explain to Randy,
01:23:20he pushed me.
01:23:22Logan knew he had to turn him on each other.
01:23:24That didn't quite work.
01:23:26Logan's trying everything he can,
01:23:27just not working out.
01:23:31The classic Orton stomps.
01:23:33I mean, this is all fun and games,
01:23:35but at some point,
01:23:36somebody's going to have to pin somebody.
01:23:38Who's going to...
01:23:42Who's going to turn their back on who first?
01:23:44Well, if they take Logan out of the equation,
01:23:46they're going to have no choice.
01:23:47Oh, stomping the ankles.
01:23:48That one always gets me.
01:23:51Yeah, they've had your ankle stomped on.
01:23:53That could be you playing in the league.
01:23:54You sure have.
01:23:55Yeah, the ankle pain is one
01:23:56that spends your whole day.
01:23:58Are you having a good time?
01:23:59Yeah, I love you!
01:24:07It's our United States champion here.
01:24:10Big elbow by Orton.
01:24:11Drops Logan Paul.
01:24:13And a senton by KO.
01:24:15Cover now by...
01:24:17Well, who?
01:24:19They just realized it's a triple threat match, huh?
01:24:24Orton's a one-time U.S. champ.
01:24:26I understand only one of us can win,
01:24:27but do you want to...
01:24:30We're not doing this now.
01:24:32We'll keep going, okay?
01:24:33Kevin Owens has won the United States title three times.
01:24:37But for the RKO!
01:24:38Never trust the Viper.
01:24:40Thought they were going to delay the inevitable RKO.
01:24:43Almost came out of nowhere.
01:24:47I mean, what did Kevin expect?
01:24:49He's called the Apex predator for a reason.
01:24:52You want to do it now?
01:24:57And the secondary story in all this
01:24:58is they beat the hell out of each other.
01:25:00Logan Paul is rolled out of the ring
01:25:02and out of Haro's way momentarily.
01:25:11Fantastic athleticism.
01:25:15Logan surprised himself.
01:25:17Now he's going to hammer away on KO.
01:25:24Take a look at this.
01:25:26Prime athleticism from our United States champion.
01:25:30That was good.
01:25:31With electronics.
01:25:32And BCAAs.
01:25:35Which we know what they are.
01:25:44Evenly matched.
01:25:45Which we know what they are.
01:25:49Logan Paul all of a sudden in control
01:25:51of his own championship match.
01:25:53You may not like Logan Paul,
01:25:54but you have to respect what the United States champion
01:25:57is capable of.
01:25:58Logan has literallyts fought his way back into this match
01:26:01using his brain.
01:26:03He's been at a two-on-one disadvantage
01:26:05for most of it too.
01:26:07Now hammering away on Owens.
01:26:10Jake Ruiz!
01:26:11Jake Ruiz!
01:26:13What did KO say there?
01:26:16It was actually Logan.
01:26:20And now Paul.
01:26:22Big splash in the corner.
01:26:24KO with a super kick.
01:26:28And here comes a double pin and ball.
01:26:43Kevin Owens senses an opportunity to become the United States champion.
01:26:47Randy's down.
01:26:48Logan's in a perfect.
01:26:49Knees up.
01:26:52Went for the swanton.
01:26:54Logan got the knees up.
01:27:01Fast paced matchup.
01:27:04Logan Paul now perched on the top rope.
01:27:06Delivers his own swanton and then falls in over the frog splash.
01:27:10Cover on Orton and a kick out.
01:27:12Tremendous athleticism.
01:27:14That was awesome.
01:27:15Another cover attempt.
01:27:16And a kick out by Kevin Owens.
01:27:19That was mind blowing athleticism.
01:27:22He's incredible.
01:27:22The swanton.
01:27:23Let's take a look at this first.
01:27:24Kevin Owens attempting a swanton.
01:27:27Paul getting the knees up just in time.
01:27:30But follows with this.
01:27:35Swanton doesn't miss a beat.
01:27:38Standing frog splash and nearly escaped Philly with his championship.
01:27:43And Randy Orton back on his feet.
01:27:44Couple of uppercuts.
01:27:45Here comes Logan Paul fighting back now.
01:27:53This is a risky decision by Logan Paul to get into an uppercut contest with
01:27:58the Viper.
01:28:02Yeah, I'm not sure if you want to go toe to toe with Randy Orton like this.
01:28:06My God.
01:28:07Logan just got the best of Randy Orton.
01:28:10Are you kidding me?
01:28:12This man fought Floyd Mayweather.
01:28:13To his knees.
01:28:15And he's soaking it all in and he loves it.
01:28:24The hate, the booze, all just fuel for the Maverick.
01:28:31Wait a minute, Orton went to the eyes, I believe.
01:28:35Again, no disqualification under triple threat rules.
01:28:38Logan sent outside the ring.
01:28:39High couch from the OG Orton.
01:28:41And now Kevin Owens sends Randy into the corner.
01:28:44And a big clothesline as Orton explodes out of the corner and again.
01:28:47And here comes the Viper.
01:28:50Power slam.
01:28:55Jess Monson.
01:28:57Do a little dance, Randy.
01:28:58This is that, voices in his head zone that he gets into.
01:29:08Everything's going right for Randy Orton.
01:29:10Yeah, I don't think Randy wants to.
01:29:12I should say Kevin wants to be out on the apron.
01:29:14But Logan Paul now, with a big right hand.
01:29:19I'm surprised that Orton's still standing after the right here.
01:29:22Oh, wow.
01:29:24Hesitation cost him.
01:29:26Logan Paul, the usually sure-footed champion, came down a little awkwardly
01:29:31just in a readjustment, gave Orton enough time to drive him down with a power slam.
01:29:36Yeah, Randy Orton's been doing this for too long.
01:29:38You give him half a second like that.
01:29:41It's all the Viper needs.
01:29:43Vintage Randy Orton.
01:29:54X-2, doubled up.
01:29:57275 in his prime.
01:30:03The legend killer is stalking.
01:30:09Now Orton's in his zone.
01:30:14Who does he choose?
01:30:15Who's more vulnerable?
01:30:18He goes to Paul first, went for the RKO.
01:30:20Runs into a super kick.
01:30:21Another one from KO to Paul.
01:30:24Desperation seemingly- Wow.
01:30:27Into the cover goes Owens.
01:30:28For the championship.
01:30:29And Logan Paul kicks out.
01:30:31Kevin Owens, won the United States title beating Chris Jericho back at WrestleMania 33.
01:30:37Would love to replicate that feat here tonight.
01:30:41Owens delivered the- Senton Codebreaker.
01:30:43Codebreaker, right.
01:30:44I got that right now.
01:30:51That's what I'm talking about.
01:30:52You looked incredibly proud of yourself.
01:30:53I wasn't sure.
01:30:54I am. It's a combo move you don't see often.
01:30:56Kevin Owens has a deep bag of tricks.
01:31:00Again, hard jab from Orton.
01:31:02Yeah, he's been getting the eyeballs good here in Philly.
01:31:05Now Logan Paul with a shot to the kidney.
01:31:07And now, Paul with Orton and Kevin Owens up.
01:31:11Logan trying to rip Randy down from the more favorable position, but
01:31:15Orton taking different levels.
01:31:19He's punching two dudes in the face.
01:31:24Just beat Logan Paul down.
01:31:27A headbutt to a wobbly Viper.
01:31:30Orton now down.
01:31:33Logan Paul again with a right.
01:31:36Just too quick as he heads up to the top rope.
01:31:38No, Logan, you know- My goodness!
01:31:41Into a power slam almost.
01:31:43Cover here, but no.
01:31:45Kevin Owens wants to inflict more damage to Logan Paul.
01:31:48Top rope, moonsault, cover for the United States Championship.
01:31:53And Paul kicks out at two.
01:31:56Wow, wow, wow.
01:31:59I don't even know how Logan Paul's still functioning right now.
01:32:02All right, let's take a look at this.
01:32:03A breathtaking moonsault from Kevin Owens.
01:32:07That's around 260, 275 pounds.
01:32:11Crashing down across the champion.
01:32:13Look out from behind.
01:32:14Randy with the RKO.
01:32:15Kevin Owens scoops him up.
01:32:17Kick out at two.
01:32:22KO, looking for a pop-up powerbomb.
01:32:24Randy leapfrog.
01:32:26Went for the stunner.
01:32:29Orton's gonna win the title.
01:32:30Cover, hook to the leg.
01:32:33Kevin Owens gets the shoulder up.
01:32:37I thought that was it.
01:32:38I think most of the stadium thought so as well.
01:32:41From Maine to Florida to California,
01:32:43all the way up to Oregon, Hawaii and Alaska.
01:32:47When it comes to reliability,
01:32:48the RKO is generally up there with death and taxes.
01:32:52Not too many people survive.
01:32:54And it looked like Orton slipped on that cover to me moments ago.
01:32:59But now Logan Paul, with the brass knuckles and hand again.
01:33:02Randy Orton knows what these feel like.
01:33:04This is how Logan Corbin feels.
01:33:05He knows what these feel like.
01:33:07This is how Logan Paul won the championship in Saudi Arabia from Rey Mysterio.
01:33:11Missed wildly with the right hand.
01:33:14Now Orton trying to rip the knucks off of Logan's hand.
01:33:18Logan went to the eyes.
01:33:19Slap, oh!
01:33:22Oh, God.
01:33:24Randy Orton is out cold.
01:33:27Cover by Paul, and a kick out by Randy.
01:33:30No way.
01:33:32Feels like that's just muscle memory.
01:33:34Randy was out.
01:33:35I think you're right, Pat.
01:33:36I don't know if that was voluntary.
01:33:38I think Orton just instinctively shifted his body to prevent from being pinned.
01:33:44Unbelievable instincts.
01:33:46The brass knuckles that have been such a huge part of the United States
01:33:51championship story for Logan Paul, legal tonight.
01:33:54I think Logan should try a cover again.
01:33:56I mean, Randy's still out.
01:33:56Yeah, but Kevin Owens now trying to intercept.
01:33:58Then he gets the brass knuckles again to Kevin Owens.
01:34:01First to the body, then to the jaw.
01:34:05But back to your point, well, Orton hasn't moved.
01:34:08I mean, the Viper's a sitting duck right now at WrestleMania.
01:34:13Logan Paul just needs to decide how he wants to finish him off.
01:34:16Still got those knucks on.
01:34:21Watch me.
01:34:21RKO by Orton, out of nowhere.
01:34:27Out of nowhere is right.
01:34:28That's muscle memory, Pat.
01:34:30Studying Logan Paul.
01:34:32But Randy can't capitalize.
01:34:35Orton doesn't have enough left in the tank.
01:34:37Orton may not even be aware of where he is right now.
01:34:39Everybody's down.
01:34:41Orton and Owens suffering the effects of the brass knuckles.
01:34:44Paul, the effects of the RKO.
01:34:51Randy now realizing the situation at hand.
01:34:56And I believe the Viper is the proud owner of a pair of brass knuckles.
01:35:03Logan Paul may get a bit of his own medicine here tonight.
01:35:09What is it, Andy, if Randy Orton isn't seeing triple right now?
01:35:11Well, he doesn't want to do business that way.
01:35:19Hands the nuts to our official Ryan Tran.
01:35:21Cole, Cole, Randy.
01:35:25No, no, no, we haven't seen this in years.
01:35:26Randy didn't want to use a weapon because Randy Orton is a weapon.
01:35:32Randy Orton, going back to his legend killer days in the prime model,
01:35:36just pulled Logan Paul out of the ring.
01:35:46Oh, what a shock.
01:35:47Is that, that's eye show speed.
01:35:52Logan Paul.
01:35:54One of the most popular streamers on the planet.
01:35:57Saved by his prime model body.
01:36:01He's barking at the Viper.
01:36:02You need to talk.
01:36:03You ain't going nowhere.
01:36:05You're not going nowhere.
01:36:09Sit the **** back.
01:36:11Sit the **** back.
01:36:13You ain't going.
01:36:16Orton just kicked eye show speed.
01:36:19OK, OK.
01:36:20All right, all right.
01:36:21Hey, you got to do what you got to do, Randy.
01:36:23Hey, let's blame all this on the guy in the prime model.
01:36:25Hey, it's the prime model's fault.
01:36:26Eye show speed was running his mouth in a bottle.
01:36:30I don't know if I've ever seen Randy fired up like this.
01:36:34Just kicked eye show speed into the metaphorical Spartan pit.
01:36:38Yeah, Randy's pissed.
01:36:39All right, can somebody get me out of here, please?
01:36:47Randy, he was barking at you, Randy.
01:36:49Couldn't have barked.
01:36:55Orton on the table.
01:36:57The dog is dead.
01:36:59Down goes eye show speed.
01:37:09But look out, Randy.
01:37:11Sent into the post by Logan Paul.
01:37:17Logan throwing Orton back inside the ring.
01:37:19The Maverick now making the climb to the top turnbuckle.
01:37:22Orton prone in the middle of the ring.
01:37:24Went for the splash.
01:37:25Orton rolled out of harm's way.
01:37:26Kevin Owens now.
01:37:28Pop up powerbomb.
01:37:34Owens into the cover.
01:37:35For the championship and a kick out.
01:37:40Randy Orton's been kicking out of stunners for a long time.
01:37:45KO thought he had the United States title, but uh-uh.
01:37:49Eye show speed's done.
01:37:51Eye show speed hasn't moved.
01:37:54I'm a little worried.
01:37:55We might need to get medical out here.
01:37:57Eye show speed might be dead.
01:38:01Right now, Kevin Owens in the best,
01:38:04most advantageous position of the matchup.
01:38:08Orton is down.
01:38:09Orton has just suffered a stunner courtesy of Owens.
01:38:14Logan Paul's down and out.
01:38:16Eye show speed is out cold.
01:38:18Not sure he's breathing.
01:38:20Hasn't moved an inch.
01:38:22Hasn't moved an inch in Kevin Owens.
01:38:26Could be closing in on the United States championship.
01:38:31Look at the pop up.
01:38:33Pop up, pop up, powerbomb.
01:38:36The monster champ Logan's here.
01:38:42Randy sent out of the ring.
01:38:44Logan Paul top rope.
01:38:46Frog splash.
01:38:49Paul retains.
01:38:52Here is your winner
01:38:55and still
01:38:58the United States champion
01:39:02Logan Paul.
01:39:07If eye show speed ever wakes up,
01:39:09we can let him know that it was worth it.
01:39:11Well, despite the speed guy,
01:39:13Logan Paul, incredible win here tonight.
01:39:15You don't have to like it,
01:39:16but you have no choice but to accept it.
01:39:19The maverick,
01:39:20the United States champion,
01:39:22Logan Paul,
01:39:23perhaps the fastest rising WWE superstar
01:39:28with a massive win
01:39:30on the grandest stage of them all.
01:39:33So Pat, tell us again about how this prime model guy
01:39:36really saved Logan.
01:39:37Yeah, it's eye show speed and
01:39:39he was in the prime model, we didn't know at the time,
01:39:41but he dragged Logan Paul out of the way
01:39:43from getting punted in the head
01:39:45by Randy Orton like Sam Roca used to do
01:39:47back in the day in here.
01:39:49He would bark at Randy.
01:39:50Randy would get incredibly
01:39:52This is Sparta right there.
01:39:54Yeah, with the front kick there
01:39:55and then eye show speed
01:39:57got hit with the three most dangerous letters
01:40:00in sports entertainment.
01:40:04Pop-up powerbomb becomes a pop-up RKO
01:40:07because Randy Orton is a phenomenal athlete.
01:40:10And then Logan Paul would take advantage.
01:40:12Randy Orton's in outside the ring
01:40:14and then this is a thing of beauty, Corey.
01:40:15Just a little misdirection
01:40:16for the Viper to take a fall
01:40:18and look at the height.
01:40:19My God.
01:40:21If there was a roof on this place
01:40:23Logan may have just floated with it.
01:40:25Frog splash on the money
01:40:27and still.
01:40:29You did it, eye show speed.
01:40:31You guys won.
01:40:32You did it.
01:40:36You're doing great.
01:40:48Hey, sorry, Randy.
01:40:50New era, I told you.
01:40:54Logan Paul escaped with another victory
01:40:57and conquered the team cleverly known
01:40:59as R-K-O.
01:41:01Maybe drinking all that Prime really does pay off.
01:41:04As we wait and see what other antics
01:41:06the Vipers have in store for us
01:41:08next week,
01:41:09we're going to take a look at
01:41:10a few of the most controversial
01:41:11sports in the world.
01:41:12We're going to take a look at
01:41:13a few of the most controversial
01:41:14sports in the world.
01:41:15We're going to take a look at
01:41:16a few of the most controversial
01:41:17Can you guess what other antics
01:41:18the Maverick has up his sleeve?
01:41:20I hope you enjoyed this Look Back
01:41:21at some of the best matches
01:41:24of Logan Paul's career.
01:41:26I'm Sam Roberts
01:41:27and I'll see you next time.
