Funny, weird scenes from two Jane Eyre adaptations: Jane Eyre 1934, with Virginia Bruce and Colin Clive and Jane Eyre 1949, with Mary Sinclair and Charlton Heston.
Short filmTranscript
00:00What do you mean by frightening my horse?
00:12Your horse frightened me.
00:17My ankle.
00:20Thank you.
00:26May I ask where you're going?
00:30Thornfield Wharf.
00:34And what are you going to do there?
00:36It's any of your business. I'm the new governess.
00:56Your tea, sir.
00:59Thank you.
01:14What was that?
01:16Nothing, my dear. Just one of the servants.
01:22Great. Stop the disturbance, please.
01:26Yes, Mrs Fairfax.
01:34Quiet enough.
01:37Good night, my dear.
01:39Good night.
01:41Street climbing, part of the bodily lesson.
01:44Uncle Edward, help! My foot's caught!
01:48Her foot's caught.
01:50Her foot's caught. So I gather.
01:56Allow me.
01:58Oh, thank you.
02:04And now, you little monkey.
02:12Come along.
02:14That's right.
02:17And where would you like this baggage delivered, Miss Fairfax?
02:21The schoolroom, please. She must be punished.
02:23Can't I be punished tomorrow when Uncle Edward's gone to London?
02:27No. Quite right.
02:29This spoiling must stop.
02:31I quite agree.
02:32Oh, please, Uncle Edward.
02:35Uncle Edward, when are you going to get married?
02:40Next month, probably.
02:43And are you going to marry Lady Blanche?
02:48Because I'd like to... I'd rather wish...
02:53Oh, well, anyway, I'll be the flower girl.
03:02Adele, be careful!
03:08My knee!
03:10Oh, there, there, darling.
03:13Oh, Jamie, look after the poor knee.
03:16Oh, my knee!
03:18My bonnie lies over the ocean.
03:21Oh, bring back my bonnie to me.
03:24Oh, bring back, oh, bring back.
03:29Oh, bring back my bonnie to me, to me.
03:38Help me!
03:42Oh, don't be frightened, darling, it's all right.
03:45Do something, do something.
03:48Are you all right, darling?
03:51Oh, dear.
03:53You made short work of my porcelain, Miss Eyre.
03:56Well, I couldn't let the child suffocate to save your precious porcelain.
04:00And I don't see anything to laugh at.
04:08Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
04:10Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
04:32Uncle Edward, are you really going to get married?
04:35Certainly. Wouldn't you like to have a pretty aunt living here with us?
04:38If I could choose my own aunt.
04:41And who would you choose?
04:42I think, uh, Miss Eyre would make a lovely aunt.
04:46Really? But I don't think she'd have us.
04:51Perhaps she would. Why don't you ask her?
04:54Hmm. You ought to have been asleep an hour ago.
04:58I know. You ask her, and I'll make her say yes.
05:03You think you could?
05:05That'd be very nice.
05:07I'm always glad to be of assistance, sir.
05:13Good night.
05:15And thank you again for Friday.
05:18Good night.
05:22Uncle Edward!
05:25Don't forget to ask her.
05:28It was mean of you to trick me like that.
05:32You mustn't anymore. You must never deceive me again.
05:35I'll make up for it.
05:37Oh, I'm going to spoil you, and pamper you, and cover you with jewels.
05:41Oh, no, you're not.
05:43If I wish.
05:44You learn to care for me as I am.
05:46And if I change, I'm afraid you'll stop.
05:49Deep within.
05:51What was that, Edward? I've heard it a number of times. It frightens me.
05:55Nothing to be alarmed about.
05:56But that mysterious side of the house.
05:58The fire in your room and that wild arson.
06:00Is there anything wrong here?
06:06Do you love me?
06:08I do.
06:10And do you trust me?
06:12That's part of loving someone, isn't it?
06:15Then believe me, you have nothing to worry about.
06:27Oh, Uncle Edward, you've asked her.
06:31I have.
06:32Oh, how wonderful.
06:38You are a fortunate girl indeed, Jane Eyre.
06:41You must work very hard to be worthy of such kindness.
06:45Oh, I love this house.
06:47As though it were my own.
06:56Who's there?
07:19Who's there?
07:21What are you doing here?
07:24My room is across the hall.
07:26I heard a strange laugh.
07:27How did you get in here?
07:29The door was ajar.
07:31I must have forgotten to bolt it.
07:33Well, you may not have been informed,
07:36but you must never open this door.
07:39Indeed, you must never enter this part of the house.
07:54Miss Eyre?
07:56Miss Eyre is here, sir.
07:58You may retire, Mrs. Fairfax.
08:00Yes, sir. Good night, sir.
08:02Good night, Mrs. Fairfax.
08:06Come around here where I can see you.
08:11Be seated, if you please.
08:15Well, a little nearer.
08:17Be seated, if you please.
08:21Well, a little nearer.
08:28I'm not a mad dog about to bite.
08:31I cannot observe you without disturbing my position in this comfortable chair,
08:35which I have no mind to do.
08:38Now then, you came from...
08:40Where was it?
08:42A charitable institution.
08:44How long were you there?
08:46Eighteen years, sir.
08:48You must be tenacious of life.
08:50I thought you had the look of another world about you.
08:53I wondered where you'd gotten that sort of a face.
08:56Who were your parents?
08:58I have none, sir.
08:59You must have some sort of kinfolk.
09:01No, sir. None that I have ever seen.
09:03Who recommended you to come here?
09:05I advertise.
09:06Mrs. Fairfax answered my adversity.
09:08Your age?
09:10Just twenty, sir.
09:11I see.
09:13Are you musical?
09:15Do you play on the spinet?
09:17A little.
09:18Then the established answer.
09:20Go over to the spinet, if you please, and play to me.
09:41That's enough.
09:42You play a little, as you say.
09:54You examine me, Miss Eyre.
09:56Do you find me handsome?
09:58No, sir.
10:00On my word.
10:02There's something singular about you.
10:04You sit quiet and grave with your eyes in the carpet,
10:07and your hands in your lap,
10:08and then all of a sudden you rap out an answer like that.
10:10Explain yourself.
10:11There is nothing to explain.
10:13I see.
10:14I wish to have you dine with me this evening.
10:16Will you do me that courtesy?
10:18Sir, it is not usual for a...
10:20Tonight, then, Jane.
10:23As you wish.
10:41Good night.
11:11Who's there?
12:11Mr. Rochester!
12:12Mr. Rochester, wake up!
12:14Wake up! Get up, sir!
12:15Wake up!
12:17Oh, sir!
12:24Oh, sir!
12:25Are you hurt?
12:26Are you all right?
12:27No, I'm all right, Jane.
12:28Your feet have just been touched.
12:30I smell the smoke.
12:31Oh, sir, you might have been burned to death in your sleep.
12:33How did it happen?
12:35I've got to call Mrs. Faircloth.
12:37Sir, awaken me.
12:38No, call no one.
12:39It was an accident.
12:43I found this lighted candle by my door.
12:46I heard a strange laugh.
12:48You heard what?
12:52Mr. Rochester,
12:54someone meant to murder you tonight.
12:56Who is it?
12:57Who is that person, Grace Poole?
12:59Sir, you know it's something to do with Grace Poole.
13:03Jane, it's well that no one but you knows anything of this occurrence.
13:06It must remain that way, do you understand?
13:09A coal from the fire set alight in my chair.
13:12The fire's dead?
13:14Repeat after me.
13:15A coal from the fire.
13:18A coal from the fire.
13:20I knew you'd do me some good, Jane.
13:23I saw it in your eyes the first time we met.
13:26It's hurting my hand.
13:29Good night, gentle benefactress.
13:33And lock your door!
13:37Dearly beloved,
13:38we are gathered here today in the sight of God and his holy tabernacle
13:42to join together this man and this woman in the bonds of holy matrimony,
13:47which is an honorable estate Christ adorned and beautified by his presence
13:52and is commended to be honorable among all men.
13:55It is therefore not to be entered into unadvisedly,
13:59but reverently and discreetly.