• 1 minute ago
Why 99% of Us Will Never be Rich | (5 Rules of Wealth)

In the 2022 report by a famous investment banking company, it was found that the richest 15% of the world owns 85% of the world's money and wealth, whereas the middle class and the poor (lowest) 85% of the world only owned 15% of the world's wealth. This gap between the rich vs poor is becoming more and more day by day. Getting financial freedom and getting rich is more then easy in the past, still most people are not able to get out of the middle class trap. What is the reason for that?

There are 5 reasons or 5 rules of wealth mentioned in this video.
The first reason is that rich people live longer,. Wealth is associated positively with logevity. Rich people live longer, hence they work longer. They compound their wealth for longer periods, they are more useful to their country for longer periods. Hence the rich country gets richer, the rich universities get richer, the rich people get richer. For ex, warren buffett works even after he is 93 years old. He is compounding his money better than most of the people in the world. You can watch the video for other reasons or the secret of wealth by the rich people. You will also understand why the rich get richer, and why most people will never be able to get rich.


