In search of the american drug lords - Part 1
Join an undercover team of investigative journalists, as they take on today's managed news in an explosive series of the biggest cover-ups and conspiracies of our time.
In Search of American Drug Lords looks at tough questions ,like 'could the assassinations and scandals that rocked America in the 60's and 70's have been perpertrated by the same people who caused the cocaine epidemic that swept the nation in the 80's?'
See the results of a three year investigation into the life and times of one of the most famous CIA agents and successful drug smuggler's in American history, Barry Seal.
Join an undercover team of investigative journalists, as they take on today's managed news in an explosive series of the biggest cover-ups and conspiracies of our time.
In Search of American Drug Lords looks at tough questions ,like 'could the assassinations and scandals that rocked America in the 60's and 70's have been perpertrated by the same people who caused the cocaine epidemic that swept the nation in the 80's?'
See the results of a three year investigation into the life and times of one of the most famous CIA agents and successful drug smuggler's in American history, Barry Seal.