Le télescope spatial Hubble (en anglais, Hubble Space Telescope ou HST) est un télescope en orbite à environ 600 kilomètres d'altitude, il effectue un tour complet de la Terre toutes les 100 minutes. Il est nommé en l'honneur de l'astronome Edwin Hubble. Son lancement, effectué le 24 avril 1990 par une navette spatiale, est le fruit d'un long travail de recherche de la NASA.Le télescope Hubble pèse environ 11 tonnes, fait 13,2 mètres de long, a un diamètre maximum de 4,2 mètres et a coûté 2 milliards de dollars US. C'est un télescope réflecteur à deux miroirs ; le miroir primaire a un diamètre d'environ 2,4 mètres. Il est couplé à divers spectromètres et trois caméras : une à champ étroit pour les objets faiblement lumineux, une autre à large champ pour les images planétaires et une pour l'infrarouge.
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a telescope in orbit around the Earth, named after astronomer Edwin Hubble. Its position outside the Earth's atmosphere provides significant advantages over ground-based telescopes — images are not blurred by the atmosphere, there is no background from light scattered by the air, and the Hubble can observe ultra-violet light that is normally absorbed by the ozone layer in observations made from Earth. Since its launch in 1990, it has become one of the most important instruments in the history of astronomy. With it, astronomers have made many observations leading to breakthroughs in astrophysics. Hubble's Ultra Deep Field is the most sensitive astronomical optical image ever taken.
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a telescope in orbit around the Earth, named after astronomer Edwin Hubble. Its position outside the Earth's atmosphere provides significant advantages over ground-based telescopes — images are not blurred by the atmosphere, there is no background from light scattered by the air, and the Hubble can observe ultra-violet light that is normally absorbed by the ozone layer in observations made from Earth. Since its launch in 1990, it has become one of the most important instruments in the history of astronomy. With it, astronomers have made many observations leading to breakthroughs in astrophysics. Hubble's Ultra Deep Field is the most sensitive astronomical optical image ever taken.