Rainbow Colored Crows Audiobook

Rainbow Colored Crows is three stories in one; a fictional story told in the form of a testimony of a girl named Kitty who lives through the last days, biblical exegesis, and my own story as a nurse trying to navigate an “apocalyptic” world during the Covid pandemic.

My account is scattered throughout the book in the form of “Notes from the Author.” For the most part, these notes summarize what I learned by observing God’s Festivals from September 2020 to May 2022. Of course, the pandemic and unlawful mandates during these years is the central theme. God’s annual Festivals foreshadow significant events in human history, as they do in this story, but they can also reveal the hidden significance of events in our own lives.

The book begins with Kitty, a sixteen-year-old girl in the year 2240 AD. At the age of six, she is condemned to death for contracting a contagious disease due to her refusal to “condition,” that is, to significantly alter the body God gave her. She is rescued and sent to live among “savages” on a third-world island. After ten years on the island, she is told by a rainbow-colored city in the sky that she must save those who condemned her.

Kitty only has until the Festival of Tabernacles to save the highly evolved people known as the “Artopians.” If she can’t convince them to leave their high-tech city to sojourn in the wilderness, they will be destroyed.

The book "Rainbow Colored Crows" provides young adults with a free, Christian, fictional, and entertaining Audiobook which discourages drug use and LGBT behavior. It is also a survival guide for the End Days based on the Book of Revelation.

Please visit https://www.friendsfromzion.com/ for more information

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Ch 15 + Ch 16: Short Story "The Kids of NIMH”⃠ ...Rainbow Colored Crows -Audiobook ⃠
last year
My Testimony Against the Covid Mandates (Warning; contains supernatural and disturbing content)
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Ch 14 Rainbow Colored Crows -Audiobook
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Ch 12 and Ch 13 Rainbow Colored Crows -Audiobook
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Ch 11 Pt 3/3 Rainbow Colored Crows: Biblical Exegesis: The End Days is the Torah -Audiobook 1
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Ch 11 Pt 2/3 Rainbow Colored Crows: Biblical Exegesis: The End Days is the Torah -Audiobook
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Ch 11 Pt 1/3 Rainbow Colored Crows: Biblical Exegesis: The End Days is the Torah -Audiobook
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Ch 10 Rainbow Colored Crows Audiobook: Biblical Exegesis: The Evils of Pharmakia
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Ch 9 pt 3/3 Rainbow Colored Crows: Biblical Exegesis: Key #2 The Holy Temple and Key #3 The Sabbath -Audiobook
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Ch 9 Pt 2/3 Rainbow Colored Crows: Biblical Exegesis: Key #2 The Holy Temple and Key #3 The Sabbath -Audiobook
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Ch 9 Pt 1/3 Rainbow Colored Crows: Biblical Exegesis: Key #2 The Holy Temple and Key #3 The Sabbath -Audiobook
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Ch 7 Rainbow Colored Crows: Biblical Exegesis: 8000 Years of Human His-story -Audiobook
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Ch 8 Rainbow Colored Crows: Biblical Exegesis: Key # 1 The Festivals of God -Audiobook
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Ch 6 Rainbow Colored Crows -Audiobook
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Ch 5 Rainbow Colored Crows -Audiobook
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Ch 4 Rainbow Colored Crows: Short Story: Pt 3 of “Enfant Terrible” -Audiobook
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Ch 3 Rainbow Colored Crows: Short Story: Pt 2 of “Enfant Terrible” -Audiobook
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Ch 2 Rainbow Colored Crows: Short Story: Pt 1 of “Enfant Terrible” -Audiobook
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Ch 1 Rainbow Colored Crows: Short Story: Intro of “Enfant Terrible” -Audiobook
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Ch 0 Rainbow Colored Crows: Prologue -Audiobook
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Intro Rainbow Colored Crows -Audiobook
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Ch 10 Rainbow Colored Crows Audiobook: The Evils of Pharmakia
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