RPG Elite

Thanks for coming to RPG Elite. I'm Servant of Shiloh, and this is my humble video abode.

RPG Elite is a tabletop RPG channel focusing on three primary areas:

• Classic Tabletop RPGs - I consider these RPGs that are 20 years old or older. Some of these are OSRs.
• Alternative Tabletop RPG Genres - Almost anything other than fantasy.
• RPG Elite Ideology - An attitude and belief system I've dubbed RPG Elite, the foundation of this channel.

In my Classic RPG Tabletop Spotlight Series, I go in-depth with a particular game, covering the various mechanics and explaining the rules. We cap that off with a full-length RPG session video, where you’ll see the mechanics in action.

I also include tools, tips, and tutorials that help make your RPG experience more immersive and enjoyable. So even if I don’t cover fantasy in my RPG Tabletop Series, there’s still plenty here to assist all RPG players and roleplayers so they can create memorable RPG sessions.