Seedhi Baat TV

An Introduction
"Seedhi Baat" is not just a name of an institution, but it is a thought process, a movement, it's in fact, a voice….a voice of righteousness, which aims at striking upon apathetic conscious and which is desirous of awaking people from their deep sleep and intends to bring revolution through the powerful contemporary Social Media. In other words, it intends to blow the spirit of fearlessness, especially, the spirit of Islamic ideology into the lifeless body of journalism in our beloved country. A five year long journey of “Seedhi Baat” has now been encamped in the City of Bangalore and adopted a new and a unique form. That means, a little poppy of journalism has been transformed into a strong tree. The successful relay of various programmes, simultaneously, in English and Urdu on its web sites is boosting its courage and confidence. Hence, the work has, not only, been progressed in various other Indian Languages but also, its branches has been opened in places like, Bhatkal, Shikaripur and Shimoga. Hopefully, “Seedhi Baat” will register its presence in the entire country through its branches and determined to renew the traditions of Islamic journalism in the length and breadth of our country. “Seedhi Baat” no longer belong to us, rather, this institution, now, belongs to you. Raise your hand and hold the hand of its ideas, its ideology and its thoughts. By connecting with us, extend your valuable cooperation in the fulfillment of its revolutionary ambitions. Connect to its each and every department. Ensure to make its mission successful on the Face book page, on Twitter, on You tube channels and on its Web sites, so that, the Truth triumphs. Join us in our efforts to take boldly, the Word of Truth and righteousness with all its glory and greatness, in the houses of falsehood. We announce with pleasure that our viewership exceeds 10000 each day. In whatsapp, more or less, our videos and daily News Links are being shared by more than 3500